Economical and Environmental Impact of Selected Wet Coffee Processing Industry in Gedeo Zone, South Ethiopia
The role of wet coffee process industry is important to sustainable development of socio-economic natural systems in area. thus socio-economic characteristics of households and access are interrelated to income from common property resources. This paper tries to address environmental, social and economic conditions in reference to wet coffee processing industry in Gedeo zone. Wet coffee processing industry is important to surrounding community in socio economic characteristics and produces higher quality and receives higher prices on national and international market relative to coffee prepared via dry method. This processing industry can use a lot of water and impact the chemistry of that water which produces large amounts of processing effluents and that have the potential to damage the environment. It is especially important to understand this coffee related pollution with climate change and natural resource degradation thus the market allocation in socio-economic variables of the resource-using common property resource and that rival and non excludable. Miss use management of common property, which limits on the extent to certain groups are able to again access and benefit from goods through environmental pollution. I argue that common property rights on common-pool resources are a necessary but implement in integration of environmental and economic policies are beneficial and which serve sustainable and equitable resource use.
Keywords: Environmental, Social and Economics
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