Climate Change, ICT and Global Labour Mobility
This paper critically examines the causal relationship between Climate Change, ICT and Global Labour Mobility in an exploratory manner. It was discovered that ICT is a major determinant of labour mobility across borders and it has contributed immensely to the phenomenon of brain drain. It has also created avenues for repatriations of gains accruable to the brain drain. It was however discovered that the role of climatic variation is a moderating factor in this free flow of labour skills and that it is also a major factor of the process of Globalization. The repercussive effects of climatic upheavals are global in context and content. Using descriptive explanatory methods, the study tries to identify the inter-relationship between these three concepts as they affect the Diasporas' labour movement. It was discovered that the perception of the local labour about climatic security in a foreign destination plays a major role in determining the level of mobility and that there is a greater appeal for on-shoring and in-sourcing of productive activities.
Keywords: Climate Change, Climatic security, on-shoring and in-sourcing
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