The Role of Information and Communication Technologies for Agricultural Development in Developing Countries

Abebaw Abebe


Major challenges to agricultural development in developing countries have been the low level of agricultural information exchange among the different stakeholders in the agricultural sector. Fortunately, the recently radical penetration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) tools in developing countries offers a great opportunity for overcoming information problems. Use  information  and  communication  technology  (ICT)  enables to  facilitate  rapid,  efficient  and  cost  effective knowledge  management.  The  experiences  of  most  countries  indicate  that  the use of  ICT based extension, marketing and banking which  facilitates  the  flow  of  data  and  information,  that has  tremendously  enhanced  the  knowledge management, financial inclusion and market efficiency. This paper has intended to review, the subscription and broadband level of ICTs in least developing countries and to review the role of ICTs for rural and agricultural development in least developing countries. To review this paper all recently(conducted before 2010) ICT for agriculture (ICT 4Ag) related journals, reports, conferences, working papers and other documents studied for developing countries had used.

Keywords: Agriculture; Developing countries; ICTs; Role

DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-15-04

Publication date:August 31st 2020

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