Critical linkages: Poverty, Livelihoods, Institutions, and Community Development in Poverty Reduction

Dinka Tesema Mariyam


Currently, the sustainable livelihood approach has been getting attention than a conventional approach for poverty minimization for the reason that the conventional approach considered narrow-focused. The sustainable livelihood approach is framed in a complex manner that subsumed different dimensions and elements where poverty, livelihoods, institutions, and community are critical. Thus, this paper aims to examine the critical linkages between poverty, livelihoods, institutions, and community development in the context of the sustainable livelihoods framework. To address the objective of the study, a descriptive research design, and a qualitative research approach applied. The study demonstrates that poverty, livelihoods, institutions, and community development are influencing one another, but institutions either formal or informal are vital because they influences directly or indirectly access to livelihood resources, community development, livelihood strategy, and, in due course, the scope for sustainable livelihood outcomes.

Keywords: Poverty; livelihood; institutions; community development; sustainable livelihood approach

DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-5-01

Publication date:March 31st 2021

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