Productivity in Food Crops Production: Evidence from Makueni County, Kenya

Mary M. Musa, Perez A. Onono


The objective of this study was to determine the level of productivity in food crops production and establish its determinants among smallholders in Makueni County, Kenya. The study used primary data collected through one on one interviews with 100 farming households in Kaiti Constituency. Average productivity for each household in food production was computed and regressed on demographic and farm characteristics. Findings show that on average households made Kshs.21, 940 from food production in the given cropping season. For the households that rely exclusively on farming, the productivity per person was below what is required to spend to be out of poverty. Regression results indicated that; age of the household head, cultivation of own land, farming experience, access to extension services, use of high mechanized farming tools and close proximity to a market place had a positive influence on the household food crop productivity. The findings imply that, establishing rural markets within villages at a close proximity to farming households and increased engagement of extension officers from the county government to equip farmers with knowledge and skills on farming technologies can be useful strategies for enhancing food productivity and security in Makueni County.

Keywords: Smallholders, Food crops, Productivity, Determinants

DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-18-07

Publication date:September 30th 2021

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