Impact of Turmoil on Tourism of Kashmir

Itoo Mushtaq Ahmad, Nengroo Aasif Hussain


In the present study an attempt has been made to analyze the impact of turmoil on tourism ofKashmir and the sectors associated with tourism industry. More emphasis has been laid oncombining and comparing the ups and downs of both the issues of turmoil and tourism in Kashmir.Besides secondary data information has been collected from house boat owners, shikhara ownersand hotel owners with the help of interview schedules. Our analysis reveals that there has been anegative impact of turmoil on the sectors associated with tourism industry. Turmoil in the State,particularly of last two decades, hindered the smooth growth of the tourism and had discouragedmost of the travelers from visiting India's most popular tourist destination. Add to this it alsoaffected not only tourism but also indirectly the economic activities related to tourism.

Key words: Turmoil, tourism, houseboat owners, Kashmir, poverty, unemployment.

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