Interpersonal Relation and its Effect on Teaching and Learning
There is so many factors which affect teaching learning process such as: Health of the child, Emotional psychological and intellectual, Miscellaneous environmental factors, Media influence, Methods of Learning, Methods of teaching and Maxims of teaching. Out of them the relationship with teacher, parents and peers is the most important factor which affects teaching learning process most. The problem under study i.e. measurement of interpersonal relationship and its effect uncovering the hidden reality in educational and scientific system operating in interpersonal relationship between students, teachers, principal and other.The study investigated effect of interpersonal relation on teaching and learning process.100 students were randomly selected from English Medium CBSE affiliated secondary Schools of Ranikhet town named as Bearshiva Senior Secondary School and Army Public School Ranikhet of Uttarakhand in India. Nine general questions were formulated and answered descriptively while nine hypotheses in the study were tested using mean, S.D, median, mode, kurtosis, skewness and Product moment method of Co-efficient of correlation statistic were computed from the total sample. It was found that there is a positive moderate interpersonal interaction with teaching learning process. So the relationship between Teacher-Teacher, Teacher-Student, Teacher-Principal, Student-Teacher, Student-Student, Student-principal, Principal-Teacher, Principal-Student, and Human-interaction affects the teaching - learning process.
Keywords: Interpersonal relationship, Measurement, Moderate and Positive Co-relation, Teaching learning Process

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ISSN 2408-770X (Print Version)
ISSN: 2408-6231 (Online Version)