Theory and practice in a unique programme for Ethiopian pre-service teachers seen from a multicultural view point: A case study

Eti Gilad, Shosh Millet


The unique programme for Ethiopian pre-service teachers at an Israeli academic college of education integrates two central approaches to values-based education, the pluralistic and particular approach. The fundamental assumption underpinning a unique programme for Ethiopian pre-service teachers is providing response and equal opportunity to a population from different culture, namely: learning, acquiring a profession, being incorporated into the labour market and constituting an example for Ethiopian school pupils. This paper will present the perception of multicultural education and Ethiopians'place in teacher education programmes as a basis for the unique programme. The case study uncovers components of multicultural education. Moreover, the paper underscores the programme practical aspects, presenting its main assessment findings.


Keywords: Multiculturalism, Multicultural Education, Ethiopian Immigrants, Teacher education programmes, Case study.

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