A Pragmalinguistic - Assessment of Three Translations of the Meaning of the Qur'anic Reprehensible Moral Traits into English
The current study reports the results of a research that aimed markedly at probing the loss in rendering the meaning of the Qur'anic reprehensible moral traits into English, and how these a pragmalinguistic losses can be decreased minimally The study also aimed at identifying the causes of the intended pragmalinguistic losses. Three ayahs were purposefully selected to address the questions of the study . The results revealed that the pragmalinguistic loss in rendering the meaning of Qur'anic reprehensible moral traits into English occurred attribute to spectra of factors such as lack of equivalence and the translation strategies adopted by the three translators who respectively are'' Abdullah Yusuf Ali (The Meanings of the Glorious Quran), Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali.( Towards Understanding the Ever Glorious Quran) ,Mohammed Asad( The Message of the Quran). Last not the least the study suggests solutions for the identified problems.
Keywords: reprehensible moral traits,, translation strategies translation loss, the Holy Quran,.
DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/65-02
Publication date: February 29th 2020
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