Teaching English Language in a Typical Nigerian Secondary School: A Review of Twenty Years Pedagogical Experience
The role of the English Language in the development of the Nigeria as a country is major and crucial to the fulfilment of SDG 2030 goal in the nation as a whole. The English language is used for education, trade, unity and link with the entire world. Lack of proficiency in English language therefore is equivalent to illiteracy or worst still poor educational achievement; consequently, the Nigerian child will find it difficult to compete in the world of work and employment. This paper highlights the challenges facing the teaching and learning of English language in secondary schools: facts are drawn from the researcher’s over twenty years of teaching English language in a typical Nigerian secondary school that feature students from the six geo-political zones of the country. Stakeholders of education in Nigeria must work tirelessly to ensure success in the acquisition and learning of the English language. The English language has incontrovertibly become the second language (L2) in Nigeria and at the secondary level, the language of classroom interaction: it is therefore essential that English language learners (ELL) at this level attain high level of competence.
Keywords: SDG (2030) Sustainable Development Goals; SL-Second language; ELL English language learners
DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/77-01
Publication date:March 31st 2021
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