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Issue Title
Vol 66 (2017) Banking Policies Which Have Criminal Act Implication Abstract   PDF
Surti Yustianti
Vol 62 (2017) Barriers in Local Climate Change Adaptation Planning in Nepal Abstract   PDF
Nabin Dhungana, Chiranjeewee Khadka, Balram Bhatta, Sunil Regmi
Babalola Abegunde
Vol 58 (2017) Behavior Inmates Drugs In Religious Life, Study In Penitentiary Lowokwaru Malang Abstract   PDF
Vol 81 (2019) Behind China Sport Industry Development: Football Abstract   PDF
Raul Syahrozi, Demeiati Nur Kusumaningrum, Hafid Adim Pradana
Vol 40 (2015) Behind Woman Trafficking for Prostitution in the Truck Base in Batang Indonesia (A Case Study on Local Legal System and Motivation of the Victims of Woman Trafficking) Abstract   PDF
Shinta Dewi Rismawati, Moh. Husein, Waluyadi .
Vol 125 (2022) Biafra: An Illusion, Day Dream or an Achievable Feat (The Legal Theories and Modern Framework on Self-Determination in International Law) Abstract   PDF
Kesiena Urhibo, Mark Nosa Imonitie
Vol 95 (2020) Big Data Regulatory Legislation: Security, Privacy and Smart City Governance Abstract   PDF
Yousif El-Ghalayini, Hammam Al-Kandari
Vol 60 (2017) Bill’s of Lading Implication in International Trade Abstract   PDF
Luh Putu Sudini, Ni Wayan Sitiari, Ni Putu Pertamawati
Vol 95 (2020) Birth of Violent Criminal Behavior and the Social Liability: A Qualitative Investigation in Bangladesh Abstract   PDF
Mahmuda Akter, Moonmoon Binta Aziz
Vol 79 (2018) Book Review Chieftaincy Institution Among the Kalabari Ijaw by Chief (JUSTICE) A. G. KARIBI-WHYTE Published with Ulamba Publishers 2018, ISBN: 978-978-530-65-3-8 Abstract   PDF
Vol 43 (2015) Breaking Down Religious Boundaries : The Construction of Peace in Susuru, West Java Abstract   PDF
Koko Komaruddin, Iwan Setiawan
Vol 91 (2019) Breakthrough the Legal Principle of the Civic Court Procedure Abstract   PDF
Fence M Wantu
Vol 35 (2015) Bretton Woods Institutions: Their Evolution and Impacts on the Field of International Economic Law Abstract   PDF
Garba Umaru Kwagyang, Hamman Buba Ghide, Abdulrashid Lawan Haruna
Vol 96 (2020) Bride Price and Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Women: A Case Study of South Africa and Nigeria Abstract   PDF
Bolanle Oluwakemi Eniola, Joseph. I. Aremo
Vol 89 (2019) Bridging the Soft-skills Deficit Gap Among Secondary Students in the UAE Abstract   PDF
Fadia Moosa Rasheed, Nabeel A. Jurdi
Vol 70 (2018) British Colonial Encounter with Sokoto Caliphate with Particular Reference to the Shari’ah Legal System (1903 – 1960) Abstract   PDF
Vol 74 (2018) Build Operate Transfer As A Cooperation Of Land Assets Utilization By The National Army Of Indonesia Abstract   PDF
I Made Kantikha, Herowati Poesoko, Suhariningsih ., Aries Harianto
Vol 63 (2017) Building Collapse: The Involvement of Building Professionals and Their Culpability Abstract   PDF
Vol 78 (2018) Building a New Regulation on Prevention from Marine Environmental Pollution Caused by Ship-Source Pollution Abstract   PDF
Nguyen Van Truong
Vol 49 (2016) Burden of Proof and Presumption of Innocence in the Prosecution of Illicit Enrichment with Reference to the Jordanian Legislation Abstract   PDF
Mohannad Ahmad Abu-Morad, Zainal Amin Ayub, Fauziah Mohammad Noor
Vol 46 (2016) Business Activity of Foundation Abstract   PDF
Ayih Sutarih, Mochammad Bakri, Muhammad Fauzan, Iwan Permadi
Vol 73 (2018) Business Law: A Relevant Component of Technical Education Abstract   PDF
Agbezuge Sylvester
Vol 99 (2020) Business Legal Liability for Consumer Rights Breaching the Apartment Abstract   PDF
Andi Muhammad Rusdi, Faisal Santiago
Vol 64 (2017) Cabotage Principle as the Realization of National Freight Protection in Free Trade Abstract   PDF
Aulia Rifai, Nurhayati Abbas, Muhammad Ashri, Oky Deviani Burhamzah
226 - 250 of 2215 Items << < 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 > >> 

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