The Determinants of Customers Attitude Toward Services of Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation: A Case of Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
This study emphasizes the determinants of customer attitude toward EEPCO service, Addis Ababa by considering 3 independent variables; cognitive, affective, conative. The study was performed in quantitative research approaches. To reveal the determinants of customer attitude, explanatory research design were used. For selecting sample respondents’ disproportionate stratified sampling was used. The data analysis was performed by inferential and descriptive statistics. The data analysis was processed by IBM SPSS statistical software version 24. The total sample size was 387 Out of which, 310 were returned as 248 residential, 60 commercial and 2 industrial Customers respondents with a response rate of 80.0%, 19.4% and 0.6%, respectively. The researcher supposed that EEPCO shall improve of quality of service in the term maintenance, Customer service and transformers and lines performance. All determinant factors of tri- components have a positive correlation with customer attitude. The ANOVA test result showed that, the value of R and R2 obtained under the model summary part was statistically significant. The multiple linear regression analysis revealed that all variables have a statistically significant relationship for customer attitude. The researcher concluded that the tri component models on EEPCO service is significantly determined by these 3 factors of customer attitude.
Keywords: Customer Attitude, Eepco, Cognative, Affective, Conative.
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