Research Methodological Choice: Explaining Research Designs; Qualitative and Quantitative Sample Size Determination, Sampling, Data Collection, and Analysis Techniques
The main aim of this article is to discuss the factors a researcher should take into account when selecting the appropriate research design or method (i.e. qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods). The article also discusses sample size determination and sampling procedures in qualitative and quantitative research. Further, the paper has provided an examination of qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods. The study used online desk research to collect data from online public access scholarly databases such as Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Academia, and many more freely accessible electronic books in research methods. Search terms that were used included, among many, the following: qualitative research, quantitative research, mixed-methods, qualitative and quantitative data collection, qualitative and quantitative data analysis; descriptive and inferential statistics. A wealth of relevant and timely scholarly literature was downloaded, read, and used to write this paper, and draw the conclusion provided.
Keywords: Qualitative Research; Quantitative Research; Mixed-Methods Research; Qualitative Data Collection Techniques; Quantitative Data Collection Techniques; Qualitative Data Analysis Techniques; Quantitative Analysis Techniques; Descriptive Statistics; Inferential Statistics.
DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/87-06
Publication date:November 30th 2022
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