Postpartum Haemorrhages: Targeting Mid-Genital Tract Anatomy
Mid-genital tract has some disadvantages in terms of both anatomy and physiology for controlling postpartum haemorrhage. The aetiology of postpartum haemorrhage is classified as 4Ts (tonus, tissue, trauma and thrombin). However, in 4T classification, different anatomic and physiologic characteristics of the genital tract are not taken into consideration. This critique suggests a modified nomenclature by adding specific anatomic location to etiologic information and aims to focus on postpartum mid-genital tract haemorrhages for the advanced learning. We have also discussed our approach to the mid-genital tract bleedings in an attempt to contribute to an improved management.
Keywords: Postpartum haemorrhage; uterine atony; placenta previa; placenta adhesion spectrum; genital trauma
Special Issue of Health Sciences
DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/6-03-26
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ISSN (online) 2422-8702