Vol 7, No 8 (2016) Innovative Systems Design and Engineering

Vol 7, No 8 (2016)

Table of Contents


A Resonant Photoacoustic CO2 Sensor Based on MID-IR LED and MEMS Microphone Technology Operating at 4.3μm PDF
Lucky A. Ishaku, David Hutson 1-11
Fabrication and Study of Mechanical Property Fly Ash and Jute Fiber Bio Composite PDF
Ajendra Nath Mishra 12-18
Performance Modelling of Consolidated Virtual Machines PDF
Egbunu I. Banya, Egbunu O. Charity, John T. Ogbiti 19-29
STATCOM Controller (Design and Assessment) for Transmission and Distribution System Problems PDF
Nasrullah Khan 30-45
BEM-FEM of Coupling for Prosthetic Socket PDF
Hasan Saad, Mohammad Qasim Abdullah, Hatem R. Wasmi 46-53
Generation and Stress Analysis in New Version of Novikov Helical Gear Combining Double Circular Arc and Crowned Involute Profiles PDF
Mansoor Ali, Hatem R. Wasmi, Mohammad Qasim Abdullah 54-67


Paper submission email: ISDE@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2871

Vol 6, No 8 (2016) Journal of Information and Knowledge Management

Vol 6, No 8 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
A Survey of Information Communication Technology Literacy among Lecturers PDF
Ekua Tekyiwa Amua-Sekyi, Prince Yeboah Asare 1-7
Cargo Risk Management in International Transport and Logistics PDF
Shehu Usman Gidado 8-17
Strategies for Improvement of Records Management in Enhancing Quality of Services in Institutions of Higher Learning: A Focus on Moi University, Kenya PDF
Carolyne Nyaboke Musembe 18-26
Effective Knowledge Management in Projects: Characteristics and Integration PDF
Omar Alqaryouti, Adi Alqudah, Khaled Shaalan 27-33
Challenges Faced by University Librarians in Creating Awareness of Library Services among Students: A Case of Moi University Margaret Thatcher Library PDF
Sang Lucy Jelagat 34-38
Effects of Standard Costing on the Profitability of Telecommunication Companies PDF
Sadiq Rabin Abdullahj, Iyanuoluwa Oni, Muhammed Dahiru Ahmeb, Faruk Imam Shakur 39-43
The Role of Business Cycles on the Relationship between the Company’s Working Capital and the Profitability of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange PDF
zeynab bahramzadeh 44-52
Role of In-Service Teacher Training in the Professional Development of Prospective Teachers PDF
Zafar Saleem 53-60
Communities of Practice in Selected Public Universities in Kenya PDF
Anne Koster Mugalavai, Viona Muleke 61-66
Implementation of Application Quality Management (ISO) 9001:2008 for the Business Development Process PDF
Sri Ariyani, Ketut Rahyuda 67-74


Paper submission email: IKM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5758 ISSN (Online)2224-896X

Vol 54 (2016) Journal of Food Science and Quality Management

Vol 54 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Chicken Meat Production, Consumption and Constraints in Ethiopia PDF
Matawork Milkias 1-12
Effect of Chlorella vulgaris Alcoholic Extract to Limit the Growth of (Staphylococcus aurous) That Couse Food Poison PDF
Ibtisam Fareed Ali 13-17
Evaluation of Food Safety among Fast Food Operators in Madina, Accra PDF
Mary McArthur-Floyd, Vida Commey, Nana Ama Boansi Boakye 18-25
Sensory and Physicochemical Properties of Pasteurized Coconut Water from Two Varieties of Coconut PDF
Joseph Adubofuor, Isaac Amoah, Irene Osei-Bonsu 26-32
Optimal Production Plan of Food Crop Production in Peri-Urban Areas of Adamawa State, Nigeria PDF
Ngari Ayuba Faiva, Adebayo. F. Elizabeth. F 33-38
Assessment of the Efficiency of Petrifim Method in Study of Bacteriological Quality of Some Homemade Dairy Products in Local Market of Basra PDF
Nawfal A. Alhelfi 39-46
Physicochemical Properties and Microbial Quality of Raw Cow Milk Produced by Smallholders in Bench Maji-Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia PDF
Teshome Gemechu 47-54
The Evaluation of Growth Performance of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.) Awassa Var. by Using Different Type of Vine Cuttings PDF
Birhanu Lencha 55-65
Prevalence of Strongyle Infection and Associated Risk Factors in Horse and Donkeys in and Around Batu Town, Eastshoa, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Bariisoo Mangassa 66-71
Review on Pre and Post-Harvest Management on Quality Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Production PDF
Habtamu Deribe 72-79


Paper submission email: FSQM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-6088 ISSN (Online)2225-0557

Vol 8, No.22, No.23, No.24 (2016) European Journal of Business and Management

Vol 8, No 22 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Gas Supply Management in Uzbekistan: Path for Advanced Gas Metering and Billing Technologies PDF
Omonilla Umarov 1-4
Employment Contract Practices in UAE: Key Issues and Implications PDF
Mustafa Rashid Issa 5-8
Technology Adoption among Cassava Producers in Ijebu North-East Local Government Area of Ogun State PDF
Akerele, E. O., Awotide D. O., Akanni K. A. 9-15
Effectiveness of Animated Spokes Character in Advertising Targeted to Kids PDF
Komal Shuja, Mazhar Ali 16-24
Entrepreneurial Intentions of University Students: Insights for Entrepreneurial Education in Ethiopia PDF
Mary Thuo 25-35
A Study on Customer Service Gap in the Retail Industry in UAE (An Assessment on the Effectiveness of Filling Service Gap by the Retailers in the United Arab Emirates) PDF
Gopala Pillai Salim 36-45
The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organisational Performance: A Case Study of Vodafone Ghana Limited PDF
Nana Danso Boafo, Doris A. Kokuma 46-57
Customer Relationship Management: A Platform for Customer Loyalty in Banking Sector in Ogun State. PDF
Adigun A.O., Onifade, T.A., Opele M.A. 58-63
Digital Game Based Learning in Business Management Education: A Step from Entertainment to Digital Literacy PDF
Abida Ellahi 64-74
Impact of Learning & Market Orientation on Business Performance & Innovation: The Mediating Role of Business Resilience & CRM effectiveness PDF
Mirza Waseem Abbas 75-84
The Impact of Due Process Policy on Construction Projects in South East Nigeria. PDF
Achilike .I. Nicholas, Akuwudike .C. Hilary 85-91
Analytical of Compensation Factor, Job Stress and Motivation Campaign Against Occupation and Work Discipline and Its Effect on Employee Performance (A Study on the Employees of PT PLN (Persero) Region Suluttenggo) PDF
Alicia Sumenge 92-99
The Significance of Mergers and Acquisitions of Banks to Performance: Evidence from Nigeria PDF
Adeyemi Babalola, Adeyemi Oluseyi Ewetade 100-106
Assessment of Challenges of Implementing Civil Service Reforms: BPR and BSC in Focus, in Arsi Zone, At Asella, Ethiopia PDF
Temam Gebu 107-113
Prospects and Challenges of Green Marketing in Bangladesh PDF
Abdul Matin, Md. Alauddin 114-118
Matrix Structure and Its Contributions to a Company’s Operational Flow Pattern PDF
Apugu, Samuel Gbene Bari Claudius 119-125
Effect of Product Diversification on Financial Performance of Selected Banks in Kericho Town PDF
Dennis Nkobe Kenyoru, Gideon Kipkosgei Chumba, Sammy Kimutai Chumba, Shadrack Cheruiyot Rotich 126-134
The Effect of BudgetIng and Budgetary Control in Local Government Administration of Nigeria PDF
Sani Audu Usman, Musa Yahaya Yusufari, Ahmed Hamza, Sadiq Rabiu Abdullahi 135-140
Assessing the Impact of Advertisement on Brand Preference of Beer Products: In Case of Adama City, Ethipioa PDF
Gosa Lema 141-152
Profitability Evaluation and Ranking of Indian Non-Life Insurance Firms using GRA and TOPSIS PDF
R. Venkateswarlu 153-170
Credit Repayment Problem on Business Activities: The Case of Sude Hamda Primary Cooperative, Diksis, Arsi, Oromia, Ethiopia PDF
Tura Kaso Hamo 171-181
Determinants of Capital Structure and the Role of Capital Structure on Firm Value PDF
Wiston Manihuruk, Djumahir ., Sumiati . 182-194
Factors Affecting Turnover Intention among Health Professionals in Specialized Hospitals – Specifically at Jimma University Specialized Hospital PDF
Tesfaye Hailu 195-201
The Role of Recruitment Management on Improving Organizational Performance in Organizations: Literature Review PDF
Rudolph. P. T. Muteswa 202-205
Budget Deficit Financing and the Nigeria Economy PDF
Marxist Doctrine of the State and Labour Relations in Nigeria: A Conceptual Look PDF
John Mark 215-222
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Hand Washing Towards the Prevention of Transmissible Diseases among Hair Dressers in Uyo Metropolis of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria PDF
Ukeme E. Eyo, E. A. Ukpe 223-232
Market – Oriented Research and Customer Retention in Nigerian Food Products Manufacturing SMEs PDF
Amadi, Lawrence, Ikechi, Prince Obinna 233-242

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 8, No 23 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Assessing Market Volatility on Daily Stock Returns Using GARCH: Evidence from Nigeria PDF
John Okey Onoh, Obianuju Edith Ndu-Okereke 1-10
The Aftermath of Celebrity Scandals on Endorsement PDF
Jacob Odei Addo 13-23
Data Envelopment Analysis on Performance Measurement of Municipals PDF
Vildan Kistik, Habip Kocak 24-34
The Impact of Adopting Electronic Banking in Nigeria Economy: Issues and Challenges PDF
Ehiriudu Jude Alaomama, Ugwuta Emmanual Emeka, Ani Michael Uchenna 35-39
Analysis of Effects of Short Term Debt Planning on Financial Efficiency. A Survey of Automobile Firms in Kitale Town PDF
Job Waliuba Wanjala, Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha, Gregory Namusonge 40-49
Role of ICT on Employees’ Knowledge Management and Academic Staff Retention in Tertiary Institutions in South-East Nigeria PDF
Ruby N. Ike, Rose .I. Ojinta 50-57
The Competitiveness of Saudi Pharmaceutical Industry Using Porter 5 Forces Analysis PDF
The Role of the Transformational Leadership in Enhancing the Social Responsibility at the Five Stars Hotels in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan PDF
Ibrahim Kahlil Bazazo, Omar Abedalla Alananzeh, Khaled Adas, Kefah Fare Alnahar Alshawagfih 67-74
Training Strategy and Its Impact on the Performance of Employees PDF
Mohammed A. Abu Rumman, Nadeen Emad Al-Rahahalh 75-80
Significance of Internal Audit for Enterprise Management: Aligning Traditional Practices with International Experience PDF
Nargiza Abdieva 81-84
A Review of the Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs and the Benefits of Owning a Small-Micro-Medium Enterprise (SMME) PDF
Rudolph. P. T. Muteswa 85-90
Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment towards Employees Turnover Intention in Pasar Tohaga Bogor Company PDF
Dedin Nazarudin, Syamsul Ma’arif, Sadikin Kuswanto 91-100
Media Coverage, Ownership Nature and Debt Financing Costs of Listed Companies PDF
Xiao-feng Shi, Qiu-yan Zhong 101-109
Capital Structure and Profitability of Deposit Money Banks: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria PDF
Yakubu Shaba, Baba N. Yaaba, Ibrahim Abubakar 110-121
Employee Commitment and Retention among Medical Doctors and Nurses in University Teaching Hospitals in North-Western Nigeria PDF
Abubakar Ibrahim, Baba N. Yaaba, Yakubu Shaba 122-132
Investigating Factors Contributing to Sales Force Motivation in the Insurance Companies in the Central Region of Ghana PDF
Francis O. Boachie-Mensah, Felix Adu-Poku 133-142
The Impact of Corporate Governance on the Profitability of the Listed Companies in Jordan over the period from 2010 to 2014 PDF
Elham Mohammad Haj Yousef 143-163
The impact of personality traits on intention to try new tastes: Food related behaviours of Generation X and Y due to personality traits PDF
Z.Dilistan Shipman, Beril Durmus 164-170
The Relationship between Societal attributes, Feminine Leadership & Management Style: Responses from Pakistan’s Urban Region Female-Owned Businesses PDF
Riffat Faizan, Adnan ul Haque 171-191

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839



Vol 8, No 24 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Assessment of the Variations of Ghost Employee Fraud in Nigeria: 2008-2015 PDF
Akeem Tunde Nafiu, Momoh I. Yalo, Danlami Joseph Aduku 1-10
Analysis Characteristic and Motivator Factor of Generation Y Employee in PT. BANK KIT PDF
Dian Agustina, Nurmala K. Panjaitan, Bunasor Sanim 11-18
Effect of Organization Structure on the Effectiveness of on Job Training Programs. A Survey of Public Service in Trans Nzoia County Government PDF
Eugene Juma Khaemba, Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha, Gregory S. Namusonge 19-26
Protection and Savings Insurance Consumer Behaviour in Saudi Arabia PDF
Hashem Abdullah AlNemer, Zaid Ahmad Ansari 27-38
An Empirical Investigation into the Effect of Financial Sector Development on Investment and Industrial Capacity Utilization in Nigeria, 1986-2012 PDF
OMOFA. M.N.G 39-48
Investigating Social Media Management, Adoption and Challenges – The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF
Sadi Matar, Nasim Matar, Wamadeva Balachandran, Ziad Hunaiti 49-56
The Applicability of Wagner’s Law to the Nigerian Expenditure Growth Profile between 1960-2014 PDF
Patrick Ohunmah Igudia 57-66
The Role of Organizational Culture and Women Career Success in Manufacturing Industry PDF
Nurul Sharniza Husin, Husna Johari 67-69
An Alternative to Cooperative Marketing System in the Southern Communal Area of Namibia: Are Farmers Willing To Pay? PDF
Uchezuba, D.I, Mbai, S., Laubscher, K 70-80
Managerial Analysis in Labor Productivity and Utilization: New Methods in Modern Labour Relations PDF
Zamira Irmatova 81-85
The Effect of Brand Trust and Affection on the Attitudinal and Purchase Loyalty of Celluler Telecomunication Customers in East Kalimantan – Indonesia PDF
Yohanes Kuleh, Djoko Setyadi 86-95
An Urban Management Performance Modeling Via Evaluation Using Improved Green Balanced Score Cards And Fuzzy DEMATEL Under Uncertainty Solving By A New Compromised Method Based On TOPSIS And VIKOR PDF
Taknaz Alsadat Banihashemi, Manouchehr Javaheri, Elham Roudbari 96-106
Value Relevance of Accounting Information and Firm Value: A Study of Consumer Goods Manufacturing Sector in Nigeria PDF
Appolos N Nwaobia, Grace O Ogundajo, Jerry D Kwarbai 107-124
Governance in Kenya’s Occupational Retirement Benefit Schemes: The Service Providers’ Perspective PDF
Amos Gitau Njuguna 125-134
Qualities of a Good Leader and the Benefits of Good Leadership to an Organization: A Conceptual Study PDF
Rudolph. P. T. Muteswa 135-140
Principles and Principals: Does Self-Concept Compete or Complement Brand Experience When Shaping Consumer Brand Relationship, Brand Preference and Customer Satisfaction? PDF
Rukhsana Gul Gilal, Sun Xixiang, Faheem Gul Gilal, Rehman Gul Gilal, Naeem Gul Gilal 141-157
The Effect of Tax Evasion and Avoidance on Nigeria’s Economic Growth PDF
Onyeka, Virginia Nnenna, Nwankwo, Carol 158-166


Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 6, No 8 (2016) Developing Country Studies

Vol 6, No 8 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Effects of Board & Ownership Structure on Firm Financial Performance: An Economic Value Added Perspective PDF
Irsa Tariq 1-9
Evaluation of Improved Sorghum Agronomic Options in the Moisture Stress Areas of Abergelle District, Northern Ethiopia PDF
Fantaye Belay 10-13
Household Food Access Insecurity along the Urban-Rural Continuum in Morogoro and Iringa, Tanzania PDF
Ubaldus Tumaini, John Msuya 14-21
Impediments to the Implementation of Property Rating in Bauchi Metropolis, Nigeria PDF
Habu Mallam Baba, Rozilah Kasim, Muktar Usman Alhaji, Baffa Sule, Haruna Suna Maje, Aliyu Ahmad Aliyu 22-32
An Analysis of the Structure and Growth Trend of Government Total Expenditure in Nigeria from 1960 to 2015 PDF
Patrick Ohunmah IGUDIA, Peter AKHATOR 33-45
Land Tenure Indicators According to Iraqi Tenure Types: A Case Study of Al-Nassiriya City, Iraq PDF
L. Al-Ossmi, V. Ahmed 46-54
Evaluation of the Factors Leading to Loan Default at Equity Bank, Kenya PDF
Ojala Daphen Otieno 55-63
A Comprehensive Perspective on Effects of Privatization on Economy PDF
Masoud lajevard 64-79
Women’s Livelihood in the Informal Sector: Analysis of Micro Sellers or “Gullit” in Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia PDF
Kasahun Desyalew Mekonen 80-88
The Effect of the Performance Related Pay System on the Performance of the Employees in Saudi National Firms: Three Case Studies PDF
District Wise Change in Per Capita Income at Constant (2004-2005) Prices from 2004-2005 to 2012-2013- Madhya Pradesh PDF
Zubairul Islam 99-102
Implementation of Primary Education Development Programme in Rural Tanzania: Voices from the Marginalized Communities PDF
John Chrisostom Pesha 103-110
Crisis of Industrialization in Nigeria PDF
A. Otoghile, Ikponmwosa Ebomoyi 111-116
Public Procurement Reform and Good Governance in Nigeria PDF
Relationship between Work-Life Balance and Organizational Commitment: (A Case Study of Student-Workers of the Evening School Programme at Secretaryship and Management Department, Accra Polytechnic) PDF
Dolores Mensah Hervie, Rita Sarkodie Baffoe 127-137
Somaliland Trade, Exports and Imports: An Overview PDF
Muhumed Mohamed Muhumed 138-143
Understanding the Drivers of Agricultural Policy Reforms in Malawi: An Econometric Test of Applicability of Political Economy Theories PDF
Horace Phiri 144-149
Women Representation in the Egyptian Parliament: Representation or Misrepresentation? PDF
Amany A. Khodair, Salwa A. Farrag 150-159
The Influence of Macro-Economic Factors on Foreign Direct Investment Flows in Kenya for The Period Of 2002-2013 PDF
George Otieno, Amos Njuguna 160-176
The Impact of Climate Change on Landforms in Nigeria PDF
Challenges of Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) in the Delivery of Adult Education for Participation in Community Development in Bayelsa and Rivers States, Nigeria PDF
Adekola G. A, Victor, Pere-ere F.T 183-189


Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565

Vol 8, No 8 (2016) Chemistry and Materials Research

Vol 8, No 8 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of New Complex Cobalt, Nickel and Chromium of (Z)-4-(3-Carboxyacrylamido)-2-Hydroxybenzoic Acid PDF
Khansa Abdul-Razaq Ali Al-Assadi 1-11
Isolation and Identification of Benzyl Hepta Methyl Docosahydropicene Carboxylic Acid from Erica Verticillata PDF
Suhair Ali 12-18
Synthesis and Spectral Study of 2-(1-hydrazonoethyl) Pyridine Ligand and Their Complexes with Some Transition Metal (II) PDF
Darine Alkourdi, Abed Al hadiDaleh, Thanaa Shriteh, Sultan T. Abu-Orabi 19-26
Improving the Properties of Carbon Steel Using Silication by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) PDF
Abdulwahab Almasri 27-34
Preparation and Characterization of Nanocompocite Conducting Polymers (PANI-DBSA/MWNCT) PDF
Kareema M. Ziadan, Hanaa H. Inayh 35-43
Characterization of Nanoparticles Fe3O4 Nanocomposite Blend with Thermoplastic HDPE PDF
Eva Marlina Ginting, Nurdin Bukit, Erna Frida, Hepi Arman Gea 44-52
Carboxymethylation of Icacina trichantha Oliv.Tuber Starch and Its Use as a Viscosifier and Fluid Loss Control Agent in Water Based Mud PDF
Ogunwa, K. I, Akaranta, O, Osuji, L. C, Achugasim, O 53-62
Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Flavor Compounds in the Fruit Pulp of Sysepalum dulcificum PDF
C.J. Chukwu, C.O. Okafor, F.I. Nwabue, O. N. Omaka, W. Oti, N. A. Obasi 63-72
Synthesis of Monocalcium Phosphate from the Syrian Phosphoric Acid and Calcium Carbonate PDF
Lama Nour Aldeen, Lotfy Aothman, Mouhammad Moudar Alkhuder 73-77
Pigment Ink Formulation, Tests and Test Methods for Pigmented Textile Inks PDF
Muhammad Rafique Khan 78-86
Synthesis and Characterization of Trioxime Complexes for Platinum and Palladium Metals PDF
Tamara Shaherlee, M.Moudar Al-Khuder 87-90
Synthesis, Theoretical Studies of N1,N2,1,2-Tetraphenylethane-1,2-Diimine and Their Derivatives PDF
Hanan M. Ali 91-99
Oxidation Degradation Analysis Of Cyclic Natural Rubber (Resiprene-35) Due To Storage, Heating And Ultraviolet Rays PDF
Alkhafi M. Siregar, Basuki Wirjosentono, Eddiyanto ., Thamrin . 100-111


Paper submission email: CMR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3224 ISSN (Online)2225-0956

Vol 8, No 8 (2016) Civil and Environmental Research

Vol 8, No 8 (2016)

Table of Contents


Determination of Trace Metals Quality of Sources of Drinking Water in Some Selected Communities in the Akuapem South District of the Eastern Region, Ghana PDF
Saviour V.K. Adjibolosoo, P. K. Ofori-Danson, J.A. Ampofo, Dapaah Siakwan 1-10
Experimental Study on Shear Behavior of Reinforced Self-Compacted Concrete Tapered Beams PDF
Ali Hameed Aziz, Hassan Falah Hassan, Faisal Muayad Abdul Razzaq 11-22
Lack of Maintenance Culture in Nigeria: The Bane of National Development PDF
TIJANI Saheed Abiodun, ADEYEMI Akinwale Olayemi, OMOTEHINSHE Olusegun Joseph 23-30
Some Geotechnical Properties of Selected Sub-Base Materials for Road Construction PDF
Ayodele A.L., Falade F.A. 31-39
The Perception of Chinese Construction Professionals Towards the Obstacles Implementing Green Construction PDF
Mohammed Shareef M. S. Hasan 40-48
Effect of Iron Ore Tailing on Compressive Strength of Manufactured Laterite Bricks and Its Reliability Estimate PDF
Yisa, G. L., Akanbi, D. O., Agbonkhese, O. 49-58
Perceptions and attitudes of participants toward urban gardening. A case study of nutrition gardens in Mucheke town, Masvingo PDF
Florence Chimbwanda 59-63
An Assessment of Some Heavy Metal Levels in Drinking Water and Social Characteristics in Buruli Ulcer Endemic and Non-Endemic Communities in the Amansie West District PDF
Anna Amankwah-Minkah, Faustina Gyabaah, George Alexander Dordah 64-75
Investigation of Blended Oil Palm Nut-Husk Ash and Over-Burnt Bricks Precast Concrete for Wall Cladding PDF
T. U. Nwakonobi, F. O. Adoyi, M.O. Isikwue 76-96
Effect of Flange Width on Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam PDF
Ofonime A. Harry, Ndifreke E. Udoh 97-103
Shear Capacity of Steel Fiber Non-Metallic (GFRP) Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened in Shear Using CFRP Laminates PDF
Mu’taz Kadhim Medhlom 104-119


Paper submission email: CER@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5790 ISSN (Online)2225-0514