Vol 6, N.23 and No.24 (2016) Journal of Natural Sciences Research

Vol 6, No 23 (2016)



Vol 6, No 24 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Effect of Ho-YAG Laser Therapy on Complete Blood Count for Lithotripsy( In Vitro ) PDF
Ferial. Y. Nazal, Mohammed K. Hamid 1-8
Morphometric Analysis of the Fibres in the Trunk of Alstonia boonei PDF
Otoide Jonathan Eromosele 9-14
The Role of Climate-Forest Interface in Climate Resilient Green Economy of Ethiopia PDF
Getachew mulugeta 15-21
Farmers’ Perceptions about Effects of Pesticides Use in Vegetables in Taluka Usta Muhammad of Jaffarabaddistrict, Balochistan PDF
Zahid Ali Sial 22-29
Effect of Climate Change on Agricultural Production and Community Response in Daro Lebu & Mieso District, West Hararghe Zone, Oromia Region National State, Ethiopia. PDF
Fekede Gemechu 30-36
Retrospectivestudy on Mist Diodia as an Antihypertensive PDF
Mavis Boakye-Yiadom, David Offei Abrokwa, Conrad Sapaty, Ronald Yeboah, Augustine Ocloo 37-41
Evaluate of Antioxidant Enzymes Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase and Catalase Levels in Asthma Patients PDF
Murtadha F. Hassan Al-Kinani, Sahera Gh. Sayyah 42-48
Probable Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Some Long-Term Irrigated Soils with Zarga River Water in Jordan PDF
Ashraf Khashroum, Mohammed Ibrahim, Ebraheem Al-Tahat, Khaled Alqadi, Saleh A-Shdiefat, Mohammad Al-Alawneh 49-53
Theoretical Studies of Trans-Alkene Mycolic Acid PDF
Hanan M. Ali 54-63
The Mechanism of Action and Effect on the Cervix of the Seed of Ricinus communis Var. Minor (RICOM-1013-J) in Women Volunteers in Nigeria PDF
Usar Joseph Iornmube, Ekwere Okon Ekwere, Rosaleen Thecla McNeil, Okwuasaba Kanayo Francis 64-70


Paper submission email: JNSR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3186 ISSN (Online)2225-0921

Vol 30 (2016) Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research

Vol 30 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Chinese Brands Emerging in Africa PDF
Aminu Gariba, Yu Jun Ying 1-8
Analysis of Beef Cattle Market Integration in the Case of Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Shambel Bekele 9-15
The Role of Marketing Knowledge Management in Encouraging Small Entrepreneurial Enterprises in (Exploratory Study in the City of Amman). Jordan PDF
Ali Falah al-zoubi, Awatif Younis 16-23
Complaint Behaviour between Generations and Its Transmissions: An Exploratory Study in Pakistan PDF
Abdul Haseeb Chaudhary 24-31
Exploring Weight Coefficient of Intelligent Home Care Service Quality Evaluation Index Based on G1 and Entropy Methods PDF
Bo Yang, Jianzhong Chou 32-41
Demonetization of Higher Denomination Banknotes in India and Growth of Mobile Wallet Business Transactions PDF
S. Harish Babu 42-45
A Qualitative Analysis of the Influence of Exclusive Territory and Tying Clauses on Franchisees’ Business Performance and Overall Satisfaction PDF
Adams Adeiza, Marlin Abdul Malek, Noor Azizi Ismail 46-58
The Impact of Product Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction with the Mediator of Customer Value PDF
Ismail Razak, Nazief Nirwanto, Boge Triatmanto 59-68
The Mediating Effects of Customer Equity Drivers on the Relationship between Perceived Brand Innovativeness and Customer Engagement PDF
Allan Gueye Mane 69-79


Paper submission email: JMCR@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8451

Vol 56 (2016) Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization

Vol 56 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Corporate Governance and Workplace Democracy: Some Paradigms and Paradoxes PDF
Ahmed Al-Hawamdeh, Roger Welch 1-15
Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in International Law Perspective PDF
Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar, Nur Akifah Djanur, Muhammad Ashri, Marcel Hendrapati 16-23
Authenticity of Electronic Signature Under Jordanian Legislation PDF
Mohammad Mahjoob Almaharmeh 24-35
Cheating Experience and Effect Model, Cause Students Cheat in Senior High School No. 1 Tegineneng PDF
Differences and Similarities between Gulf of Guinea and Somalia Maritime Piracy: Lessons Gulf of Guinea Coastal States Should Learn from Somali Piracy PDF
Devotha Edward Mandanda, GUO Ping 40-53
The Policy of Crime on the Resolution of Defamation Case Conducted by Citizen Journalist in Human Right Perspective PDF
Handayani ., Emi Puasa, Nurjaya ., I. Nyoman, Naviana, Ismail, Djatmika, Prija 54-60
Achieving Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria: Relevance of the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission Act and the Public Enterprises (Privatization and Commercialization) Act PDF
Matthew Enya Nwocha 61-68
Legal Political of Aceh Sustainable Spatial Reconstruction Based on Local Wisdom of Mukim Customary Legal Community PDF
T. Nazaruddin, Rachmad Safa’at, Moh. Fadli, I Nyoman Nurjaya 69-78
Participatory Democracy PDF
Andina Maharani, Isharyanto ., Jadmiko Husodo 79-86
The Litmus Test of R2P: An Analysis of the Legality and Legitimacy of Military Intervention in Libya PDF
Mohammad Ibrahim Bukar 87-93
The Role of Justice in an Ideal Democratic System: Nigeria as a Case Study PDF
Jude Adindu Onuoha, Simon Nwachukwu 94-100
Non-compete Clauses in Contracts of Employment in Nigeria: A Critical Evaluation of the Decision in Aprofim Engineering Ltd v Bigouret Anor (2015) PDF
Abubakri Yekini, Tanimola Anjorin 101-108
Spatial Planning Law as Controller of City Space Utilization in the Sustainable Development Context PDF
M. Darin AM., Sudarsono ., Istislam ., Isrok . 109-116
Legal Binding of Deed of Settlement Resulted from Court Annexed Mediation in Ternate District’S Court PDF
Mulyadi Tutupoho, Eni Naftuqatun 117-121
Individual’s Responsibility Concept in International Forest Fires Cases PDF
Adithiya Diar, Umar Hasan, Johni Najwan, Hartati . 122-128
Effectiveness of Criminal Sanctions in Regulation of East Tanjung Jabung Regency Number 08 of 2001 Concerning Advertisement Tax PDF
Ahmad Zaini, Muhammad Aliyuddin, Fatriansyah . 129-134
Women Empowerment and Strategy in Context: An Analytical Discourse PDF
Stella Ngozi Nduka-Ozo 135-142
The Experience of the Kingdom of Jordan in Combating the Crime of Money Laundering PDF
Wae’l Mohammed Naserat 143-156
The Urgency of Punishment Incrimination Arrangement for the Violence Agent toward Journalist PDF
Arifin, Zainal, Nurjana, I. Nyoman, Djatmika, Prija, Aprilianda, Nurini 157-161
Goverment’s Policy in Implementing Sharing of Benefits from Utilization of Genetic Resources of the Traditional Knowlegde of the Indigenous People PDF
Retno Kusniati, Hafrida ., Siti Marlina 162-169
Antinomy Method Approach In The Reformulation Of Profit-Sharing System As An Option For Agrarian Conflict Resolution Of Former Erfpacht Rights Plantation Lands PDF
Ali Imron, Hendradjaja . 170-189
A Judicial Philosophy Study of Criminal Judge’s Independence And Impartiality Principle PDF
Ni Nengah Adiyaryani, I Nyoman Nurjaya, Ismail Navianto, Prija Djatmika 190-195


Paper submission email: JLPG@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3240 ISSN (Online)2224-3259

Vol 33 (2016) Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing

Vol 33 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Musculoskeletal Disorders as a Major Health Issue PDF
Abdelkader Djeghdjegh, Smadi Hacene 1-5
Prevalence, Public Health and Financial Importance of Bovine Cysticercosis in Cattle Slaughtered at Debre Zeit Municipal Abattior, Ethiopia PDF
Hiwot Tesfaye 6-13
Magnitude of Community Acquired Pneumonia among Hospital Treated Adults in Tigray, Ethiopia: A Hospital Based Retrospective Study PDF
Haftu Berhe Gebru 14-17
Assessing the Effects of People’s Misconception about Mental Retardation on Patients and Caregivers at Upper Denkyira West District of Ghana PDF
Martin Agyei 18-29
Impact of Designed Teaching Program for Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes on Maternal outcomes PDF
GHada N, Mohammed, Abeer Eswi, Hanan Fahmy, Mohamed H, Shehata 30-39
Prevalence and Associated Factors of Risky Sexual Behavior among Debremarkos University Regular Undergraduate Students, Debremarkos Town North West Ethiopia, 2016 PDF
Seroprevalence of Hyperglycaemia in HIV Positive Patients Visiting the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital in Ghana PDF
Rachel I. Tetteh-Attaah, Ebenezer Aniakwa-Bonsu, Faustina Pappoe, Emmanuel Diabor, Kwabena Dankwa, Samuel V Nuvor 51-59
The Role of Male Partner on Current Utilization of Long Acting and Permanent Contraceptive Methods in Boditi Town, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Minyahil Tadesse 60-65
The Role of Tomato Products for Human Health (Solanum lycopersicum)- A Review PDF
Jafer Dawid 66-74
A Review of Non-Operative Management of Anal Fissures in Pediatrics: A Study of 50 Cases at Alkarama Teaching Hospital PDF
Mohammed Jabbar Kadhem, Hussein Ali Abed Ahmad, Baidaa Abdulkareem Alwan 75-78
Prevalence of Energy Drinks Consumption among Adolescents and Young Adults in Makkah, KSA PDF
Samaa S. Elsoadaa, Haifaa H. Hejazi, Abeer A. Sonbul, Shaimaa A. Fayyadhah, Sundus E. Al-Ahdal, Sondos A. Al-Turkistani, Raghed A. Zarad, Maha M. AL-Haithy 79-90
Prevalence of Obesity among Jordanian School-aged Adolescents in Greater Amman PDF
Hani J. Hamad, Diana Theeb Abu-Hassouneh, Mohammed O. Ibrahim, “Mo’ez Al-Islam” E. Faris 91-96
Causes and Mitigation Measures for Road Traffic Accidents in Public Service Vehicles in Kenya PDF
Billy A. Ombisa, Josphat O. Amadi, Wakhungu W. Jacob 97-105
Pilonidal Sinus Management Using 980 nm Diode Laser PDF
Muhammad A. Albahadili, Ammar W. Majeed 106-111
Rating Neurological Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis PDF
Muna Shakeeb Tawfiq 112-123


Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419

Vol 6, No 11 (2016) Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy

Vol 6, No 11 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Effects of Fuel Subsidy on Transport Costs and Transport Rates in Nigeria PDF
Adeniran, Adetayo Olaniyi 1-9
Formation of Enzymatic Recalcitrance during Bioethanol Production from Pernnisetum Purpureum with Three Pretreatment Methods PDF
Idongesit Ekpo, Regina Ogali, Samuel Ofodile, Ozioma Achugasim, Felicia Osakuade 10-22
Determinants of Adoption of Renewable Energy Sources towards Reducing Deforestation in Ambo district, West Shoa, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Warkaw Legesse Abate 23-41
Thermo-economic and Environmental Assessment of Cement Production Plant PDF
Funmilayo N. Osuolale, Olukorede M. Osuolale 42-50


Paper submission email: JETP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3232 ISSN (Online)2225-0573

Vol 7, No.23 and No.24 (2016) Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development

Vol 7, No 23 (2016)


Vol 7, No 24 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Efficiency of Micro Finance Institutions and Financial Sustainability in Jaffna District PDF
Saseela Balagobei 1-6
Governance, Institutions and Manufacturing Sector Performance in Nigeria PDF
Callistus OGU, Chibueze ANIEBO, Pascal OJIMADU, Christopher DIKE 7-15
Managing Interest Rate Spreads in Ghana: Some Policy Discussion PDF
Victor Osei 16-31
Innovation for the Third Sector Economy: Enlightenment from Dematel method PDF
Aries Heru Prasetyo, Anthony Kuo, Jersan Hu 32-42
The Effect of Oil Palm Expansion on Farmers’ Household Food Security in Indonesia PDF
Widya Alwarritzi, Teruaki Nanseki, Yosuke Chomei 43-50
Steep Analysis of Water Governance in Azad Jammu and Kashmir(AJK): An Exploratory Study PDF
Sabahat Akram, Midhat Shahzad, Muhammed Bin Abrar, Mehroo shehzad 51-57
Technical Efficiency of Rice Farming in South-western Niger: A Stochastic Frontier Approach PDF
Oumarou Boubacar, Zhou Huiqiu 58-65
The Effect of Socio-Economy Status of Family and Peer Group on the Consumptive Behavior for the Sixth Grade Students of SD Lab Undiksha Singaraja PDF
Kadek Yudiana, Luh Indrayani 66-70
Granger Causality between Private Domestic Savings and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Toda-Yamamoto Approach PDF
Eze, Onyebuchi Michael, Nwigboji Emmanuel 71-79
The Relationship between Banking Sector Development and Economic Growth in Selected Sadc Countries: Panel Cointegration Approach (2005-2015) PDF
Zenzile Mahlangu, Simion Matsvai 80-92
The Effect of Oil Palm Expansion on Farmers’ Household Food Security in Indonesia PDF
Widya Alwarritzi, Teruaki Nanseki, Yosuke Chomei 93-99
An Analysis of the Relationship between Socioeconomic Factors and Leadership Styles in Selected Counties of the Alabama Black Belt PDF
David Nii O. Tackie, Henry J. Findlay, Fa-Ako J. Kpomblekoui, Prosper K. Doamekpori, Gwendolyn J. Johnson, George X. Hunter, LaTanya Hunt-Haralson, Lawrence Haygood, Jr 100-112
Do FDI, Trade Deficit Matter for Gross Domestic Product in Bangladesh? An Econometric Investigation PDF
Moushumi Dhar 113-117
Community Economic Development of the Coastal Area in Gianyar Regency of Bali Province, Indonesia PDF
I Nyoman Rasmen Adi, I Nengah Dasi Astawa, I Nyoman Taun, I Ketut Mertasih Widjaja 118-122
Competing Explanations for Indonesian Smallholder Participations in Sustainability Coffee Certifications PDF
Muhammad Ibnu, Astrid Offermans, Pieter Glasbergen, Hanung Ismono 123-136
Oil Price Shock and Macroeconomic Performance in Nigeria PDF
Obi Ben, Awujola Abayomi, Ogwuche David 137-145
Analysis of Sustainability Reporting in the Turkey Automotive Sector PDF
Gülçin YILDIRIM, Tuğçe UZUN KOCAMIŞ 146-153
Technical Efficiency of Madura Farmers on Hybrid and Local Corn Farming in Guluk-Guluk District, Indonesia PDF
Isdiana Suprapti, Dwidjono H. Darwanto, Jangkung H. Mulyo, Lestari R. Waluyati 154-158
Quality of Data Output From the Central Bank of Nigeria: Implications for Strategic and Long –Term Planning PDF
EFFEH, Sarah Eno 159-169


Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855

Vol 7, No.34, No.35, No.36 (2016) Journal of Education and Practice

Vol 7, No 34 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Exploring the Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education System: A Study of Indian Teachers PDF
Anil Kumar 1-4
Examination of the Relation between TEOG Score of Turkish Revolution History and Kemalism Course and Reading Comprehension Skill (An Example of Explanatory Sequential Mixed Design) PDF
İbrahim YUVACI, Selçuk Beşir DEMİR 5-17
Principals’ Transformational and Transactional Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction of College Teachers PDF
Fareena Nazim 18-22
An Analyses and Meta-Synthesis of Research on STEM Education PDF
Bekir YILDIRIM 23-33
Content Analysis of the Papers in 2015 High-Impact A-Class SSCI Journals PDF
Sule Ay, Seyma Sahin, Burcu Okmen, Ayhan Incirci 34-45
Making Employee Recognition a Tool for Achieving Improved Performance: Implication for Ghanaian Universities PDF
Abena Serwaa Amoatemaa, Dorcas Darkoah Kyeremeh 46-52
Improving Peer Learning for Students’ Academic Performance: The Case of Second Year Rural Development and Agricultural Extension Students, College of Agriculture, Wolaita Sodo University PDF
Bogale Gebeyehu 53-57
Status of Indian Women in Higher Education PDF
Tushar Kanti Ghara 58-64
The Implication of Large Class Size in the Teaching and Learning of Business Education in Tertiary Institution in Ekiti State PDF
An İnvestigation of Prospective Music Teachers’ Early Teacher İdentity PDF
Sehriban Koca 70-75
Student Attitude towards on Sexual Harassment: The Case of Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia PDF
Bereket Tessema Zewude 76-80
A Study of Developing Multicultural Awareness in Teacher Education: Watch, Write and Talk a Movie PDF
Oğuzhan Karadeniz, Ayhan İncirci 81-90
The Concept of “School” From Viewpoint of School Principals and Students: A Qualitative Study PDF
Seçil Eda KARTAL 91-98
Construct Validity and Reliability of the Tolerance Scale among Iranian College Students PDF
Ercümend Ersanlı, Shiva Saeighi Mameghani 99-105

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 7, No 35 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
A New Challenge for Special Education Teacher Training in Turkey: The Newest and Applied Master’s Degree Program’s Effects PDF
Hakan SARI, Rukiye Konuk Er 1-8
A Program Implementation for the Development of Life Skills of Primary School 4th Grade Students PDF
Osman Nejat Akfırat, Fatih Kezer 9-16
Access to English Language Acquisition in Ghana Schools for the Deaf: Are the Deaf Students Handicapped? PDF
Gideon Kwesi Obosu, Nana Afia Opoku-Asare, Prosper Deku 17-24
Influence of Culture and Gender on Secondary School Students’ Scientific Creativity in Biology Education in Turkana County, Kenya PDF
Susan A. Aruan, Mark I. O. Okere, Samuel Wachanga 25-35
The Hermeneutics of Education Management Information Systems for Kitinga Primary School in Mwingi Central – Kenya PDF
Stephen Ifedha Akaranga, Bretta Kavutha Makau 36-40
Factors Influencing Provision of Play and Learning Materials among Children with Physical Challenges a Case Study of Joytown Special School, Kiambu County PDF
Kamau Joyce Muthoni 41-44
Opinions of High School Students involved in Violence PDF
Ömer KARAMAN, Hasan TOMAKİN, İsmet KILIÇ, Erkan YILMAZ 45-51
Measuring Students’ Attitudes towards Teachers’ Use of Humour during Lessons: A Questionnaire Study PDF
Arafat AbdAli, Najoom Ashur, Luma Ghazi, Ammar Muslim 52-59
Toward A Collective Approach to Course Evaluation in Curriculum Development, Acontemporary Perspective PDF
Charles Nyabero 60-64
The Writing Skill in the Contemporary Society: The Kenyan Perspective PDF
Florence Mokeira Okari 65-69
Review of the Literature on Children with Special Educational Needs PDF
Mohammed Ali Alkahtani 70-83
Social Self-Efficacy and its Relationship with both Depression and Anxiety, Stress among a Sample of Jadara University Students PDF
Mahdi mohamme saied rababah 84-89
Teachers’ Knowledge and Use of Evidence-Based Teaching Practices for Students with Emotional and Behavior Disorders in Saudi Arabia PDF
Abdulkarim Alhossein 90-97
Technical Training Skills Needs of Youth for Sustainable Job Security in Rice Production in Ebonyi State, Nigeria PDF
Edu, Chukwuma Nwofe, Ogba, Ernest Ituma 98-102
Technology – Enhanced Pathology Education: Nigerian Medical Students Perspectives PDF
Raymond A. Vhriterhire, Joseph A Orkuma, Olushola O. Jegede, Ayodele J Omotosho, Amali Adekwu 103-108
The Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Improving Students’ Achievement in Third Grade’s Science in Bani Kenana PDF
Nisreen Saleh Khader Khader 109-116
The Opinions of Music Education Students about 20th and 21st Centuries Classical Music: Uludag University Exemplification PDF
Ajda Şenol Sakin 117-123
Web 2.0 and Nigerian Academic Librarians PDF
Adekunmisi, Sowemimo Ronke, Odunewu, Abiodun Olusegun 124-134
Zimbabwean Female Participation in Physics: Facets of Identity Formation Considered to Be of Significance by Female Students in Relation to Physics PDF
Anna Gudyanga 135-148
An Alternative Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Program: A Comprehensive One-to-One iPad Initiative Model PDF
Neal Nghia Nguyen, Catherine Lyons, Diana Rogers-Adkinson, Larry Bohannon, Daryl Fridley, Sharon Gunn, Shonta Smith 149-160
Evaluation of Cross River State Access of Matching Grants for the Implementation of UBE Policies between 2010 and 2014 PDF
Enu, Donald Bette, Opoh, Fredrick Awhen, A.E.O. Esu 161-166

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 7, No 36 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
INNOVATION IN EDUCATION – Inclusion of 3D-Printing Technology in Modern Education System of Pakistan: Case from Pakistani Educational Institutes PDF
Kainat Waseem 1-8
Effects of Principals’ Team Work Capabilities on the Adoption of Strategic Management in Public Secondary Schools in Baringo County, Kenya PDF
Moindi, Richard C., Changeiywo, Johnson, M., Sang Anthony, K. 9-15
Pain Intensity after an Ice Pack Application Prior to Venipuncture among School-age Children: An experimental Study PDF
Fadeelah Mansour Ahmed Alalo, Awatef El Sayed Ahmad, Hoda Mohamed Nafee El Sayed 16-25
Patriotism and Global Citizenship as Values: A Research on Social Studies Teacher Candidates PDF
Ali Altıkulac 26-33
Evaluation of Emotional Literacy Activities: A Phenomenological Study PDF
Yucel Oksuz 34-39
The Effectiveness of Using the 7E’s Learning Cycle Strategy on the Immediate and Delayed Mathematics Achievement and the Longitudinal Impact of Learning among Preparatory Year Students at King Saud University (KSU) PDF
Khaled Khashan 40-52
The Use of Manipulatives in Mathematics Education PDF
Ernest Larbi, Okyere Mavis 53-61
Trends and Issues in Educational Technology Research in Saudi Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis Review PDF
Abdullah Alkraiji, Abdulhadi Eidaroos 62-79
Using Mathematics, Mathematical Applications, Mathematical Modelling, and Mathematical Literacy: A Theoretical Study PDF
Hayal Yavuz Mumcu 80-96
Social Educators’ Contribution in Educating for Peace and Security in Nigeria PDF
Enu, Donald Bette 97-103
Sources of Stress among Jordanian University Students PDF
Hanan Jamil Halaseh 104-108
Graduate Program Evaluation in the Area Leading Educational, Outlying and Backward PDF
Hendro Prasetyono 109-116
The Impact of Exploration and Thinking Loudly Strategies on Analytical Reading and Linguistic Intelligence among Second Middle Grade Female Students in Najran PDF
Haifa Awwad Alhawamdeh 117-125
New Blended Learning Strategy Based on Flipped-Learning for Vocational Work-Linked Training PDF
Mohamed El Hajji, Rachid Drissi El Bouzaidi, Hassan Douzi, El Hassane Khouya 126-130
Types of Bullying in the Senior High Schhools in Ghana PDF
Kwasi Otopa Antiri 131-138
Correlates of Mental Well-Being among Turkish Health Care Workers PDF
Ercümend Ersanlı, Mustafa Korkut 139-143
An Example of ‘Character Education’ Course Design in the Light of ‘Experienced Centred’ Design for Higher Education PDF
Nida Temiz 144-155
Assessing the Challenges Heads of Department Encounter in Instructional Supervision in Ghana. A Case of Selected Senior High Schools in Kwabre East District PDF
Kweku Bedu Simpson, Peggy Maansah Ankai Howard, Alhaji Prof. Y. S. Peligah, Lily Obu Cann 156-169
Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skills through “Kunci Inggris” Videos in Islamic Junior High School PDF
Rifqi Aulia Erlangga 170-180
How Confident are Kindergarten Teachers in Their Ability to Keep Order in the Classroom? A Study of Teacher Efficacy in Classroom Management PDF
Cosmas Cobbold, Philip Boateng 181-190
The Role of Conventional Ultrasound in the Assessment of Thyroid Nodule in Erbil City PDF
Sarbast Ismail Musa, Salah Mohammad Hanary 191-196
Social Shyness among Mothers of Children with Disabilities Based on some Variables in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia PDF
Saeb Allala, Sharefa Alzubairi 197-210


Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X

Vol 6, No 12 (2016) Journal of Environment and Earth Science

Vol 6, No 12 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Insight of the Adoption Trends and Challenges Faced by Jatropha Farmers in Yatta District, Kenya PDF
Carol Munini Munyao, Mary Nduluh Munyao 1-14
Evaluating the Effect of Historical Climate Change on Extreme Stream Flow Cases of Gumara Watershed, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia PDF
Gashaw Gismu Chakilu 15-22
Evaluation of Level Bund Conservation Structure for Maize and Sorghum Production in Moisture Deficit Areas of Hawi Gudina District, Eastern Ethiopia PDF
Eshetu Ararso 23-26
Effect of the Rate of N-fertilizer Application on Growth and Yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at Gamo-gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Bekalu Abebe 27-34
Simulation of Regional Groundwater Flow in Semi-Arid Farm PDF
Sagarika Roy 35-46
Earthquake in Nepal and the Destruction of Monuments: A Case Study of Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Nepal PDF
Homyra Adib Khan 47-54
Evaluation of Wastewater Discharge from Al-Sadr Teaching Hospital and its impact on the Al-Khorah channel and Shatt Al-Arab River in Basra City-Iraq PDF
Majida S. Al-Enazi 55-65
Seasonal river channel water exchange and implications on salinity levels in sand dams: Case of semi-arid Kitui Region, Kenya PDF
Johnson U. Kitheka 66-85
Assessing Effectiveness of Forest Resource Management Approaches in Niger Delta: Comparative Analysis of Mbe Mountains and Cr National Park PDF
Rose Chinyere Okoro, Joseph Ugochukwu Ogbuefi 86-109


Paper submission email: JEES@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3216 ISSN (Online)2225-0948