Vol 8, No 12 (2016) Journal of Chemistry and Materials Research

Vol 8, No 12 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Chemical Changes That Associating to Concentrates of Apple Juice during Storage Periods PDF
Dia Alomar, Abd Alwahab Meree, Anwar Alhaj Ali 1-7
The Study of Degdradation Cable Isolation of PVC (Polyvinil Chloride) : A Comparison of Isolation Cable Between Short Circut and Open Flame PDF
Jonius T P Hutabarat, Basuki Wirjosentono, Harlem Marpaung, Harry Agusnar 8-22


Paper submission email: CMR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3224 ISSN (Online)2225-0956

Vol 8, No 12 (2016) Journal of Civil and Environmental Research

Vol 8, No 12 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Landslide Investigation Using Transient Electromagnetic Method (TEM): A Case Study on Al-Ja’ydyya- Salhuob Landslide / Jordan PDF
Hani Al-Amoush 1-12
Selection of Best Fitted Probability Distribution Function for Daily Extreme Rainfall of Bale Zone, Ethiopia PDF
Asrat Fikre 13-21
Development of One Day Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) and Isohyetal Map for Bale Zone, Oromiya Region, Ethiopia PDF
Asrat Fikre 22-26
Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Flood Frequency of Bilate River Basin, Ethiopia PDF
Demissie Mekonnen 27-43
Prediction the Effect of Maintenance Alternative on Pavement Performance Indicators PDF
Namir G. Ahmed, Ali J. Kadhim, Amani A. Ferman 44-49
Reducing Material Wastes in Building Construction Sites: An Action for Sustainable Development PDF
Lilian Nwachukwu, Solomon Orji, Eric Agu, Cletus Owoh 50-57
Predictive Land Use Modelling as a Tool for Regulating Urban Development in Yola, Nigeria PDF
Tasiu Yusuf Idi, A. L Tukur 58-65
A Case Study on Water Storage Tank Design and Constrution for Domestic Purpose in Shashemene Town, Ethiopia PDF
Jemal Aliy Gobena 66-69
A novel hybrid fuzzy MCDM approach for the selection of building materials PDF
Peter Oluwole Akadiri, Abimbola Omisakin 70-85
Inter-Particle Pressure as influenced by Physicochemical Parameters on Microscale of Saturated Heavy Clay PDF
Mohammed Hussein Al-Dahlaki, Mohammed Khachi Hatim, Ahmad Mancy Mosa 86-96
Environmental Pollution from Road Transport System in Ogbomosoland, Southwestern Nigeria PDF
Osuolale, O. M., Agbede, O. A., Osuolale, F. N. 97-102


Paper submission email: CER@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5790 ISSN (Online)2225-0514

Vol 56 (2016) Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization

Vol 56 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Corporate Governance and Workplace Democracy: Some Paradigms and Paradoxes PDF
Ahmed Al-Hawamdeh, Roger Welch 1-15
Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) in International Law Perspective PDF
Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar, Nur Akifah Djanur, Muhammad Ashri, Marcel Hendrapati 16-23
Authenticity of Electronic Signature Under Jordanian Legislation PDF
Mohammad Mahjoob Almaharmeh 24-35
Cheating Experience and Effect Model, Cause Students Cheat in Senior High School No. 1 Tegineneng PDF
Differences and Similarities between Gulf of Guinea and Somalia Maritime Piracy: Lessons Gulf of Guinea Coastal States Should Learn from Somali Piracy PDF
Devotha Edward Mandanda, GUO Ping 40-53
The Policy of Crime on the Resolution of Defamation Case Conducted by Citizen Journalist in Human Right Perspective PDF
Handayani ., Emi Puasa, Nurjaya ., I. Nyoman, Naviana, Ismail, Djatmika, Prija 54-60
Achieving Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria: Relevance of the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission Act and the Public Enterprises (Privatization and Commercialization) Act PDF
Matthew Enya Nwocha 61-68
Legal Political of Aceh Sustainable Spatial Reconstruction Based on Local Wisdom of Mukim Customary Legal Community PDF
T. Nazaruddin, Rachmad Safa’at, Moh. Fadli, I Nyoman Nurjaya 69-78
Participatory Democracy PDF
Andina Maharani, Isharyanto ., Jadmiko Husodo 79-86
The Litmus Test of R2P: An Analysis of the Legality and Legitimacy of Military Intervention in Libya PDF
Mohammad Ibrahim Bukar 87-93
The Role of Justice in an Ideal Democratic System: Nigeria as a Case Study PDF
Jude Adindu Onuoha, Simon Nwachukwu 94-100
Non-compete Clauses in Contracts of Employment in Nigeria: A Critical Evaluation of the Decision in Aprofim Engineering Ltd v Bigouret Anor (2015) PDF
Abubakri Yekini, Tanimola Anjorin 101-108
Spatial Planning Law as Controller of City Space Utilization in the Sustainable Development Context PDF
M. Darin AM., Sudarsono ., Istislam ., Isrok . 109-116
Legal Binding of Deed of Settlement Resulted from Court Annexed Mediation in Ternate District’S Court PDF
Mulyadi Tutupoho, Eni Naftuqatun 117-121
Individual’s Responsibility Concept in International Forest Fires Cases PDF
Adithiya Diar, Umar Hasan, Johni Najwan, Hartati . 122-128
Effectiveness of Criminal Sanctions in Regulation of East Tanjung Jabung Regency Number 08 of 2001 Concerning Advertisement Tax PDF
Ahmad Zaini, Muhammad Aliyuddin, Fatriansyah . 129-134
Women Empowerment and Strategy in Context: An Analytical Discourse PDF
Stella Ngozi Nduka-Ozo 135-142
The Experience of the Kingdom of Jordan in Combating the Crime of Money Laundering PDF
Wae’l Mohammed Naserat 143-156
The Urgency of Punishment Incrimination Arrangement for the Violence Agent toward Journalist PDF
Arifin, Zainal, Nurjana, I. Nyoman, Djatmika, Prija, Aprilianda, Nurini 157-161
Goverment’s Policy in Implementing Sharing of Benefits from Utilization of Genetic Resources of the Traditional Knowlegde of the Indigenous People PDF
Retno Kusniati, Hafrida ., Siti Marlina 162-169
Antinomy Method Approach In The Reformulation Of Profit-Sharing System As An Option For Agrarian Conflict Resolution Of Former Erfpacht Rights Plantation Lands PDF
Ali Imron, Hendradjaja . 170-189
A Judicial Philosophy Study of Criminal Judge’s Independence And Impartiality Principle PDF
Ni Nengah Adiyaryani, I Nyoman Nurjaya, Ismail Navianto, Prija Djatmika 190-195


Paper submission email: JLPG@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3240 ISSN (Online)2224-3259

Benefits Of Secondary School Workshops

Being a student gives one the opportunity to learn a lot of new things. Apart from the normal studies, there are also other activities that students have to do in school. Such activities help build a student’s mind in many ways. secondary school workshops are an important concept in every school because it help student to develop skills they will use later in life. There numerous benefits of workshop for school student. Here are just some of them that should motivate students to participate in workshops.

Opportunity to develop a fully integrated project

Students are able to do a project on their own. It is through the experience they get from working in a group. They can be responsible for doing a project from start to finish. Therefore, they can be trusted with big project since they are up to task thanks to the training they receive. There is no doubt that the practice the students get from doing the practical. Every student should get involved in the school workshops for teenagers.

Incorporate learning activities

Increase student involvement in class students is always eager to take part in a lesson that is interactive. Therefore, one of the best opportunities for them to concentrate is doing different projects. The teacher should give the students different kinds of project to do during the workshop.    Teachers will find it easy to teach student if there are additional activities to help students understand the lessons better.

Empower students to be responsible

Through working on the projects students get a sense of responsibility. They will see the importance of the workshops by taking part in them. Additionally, they can use the influence they get from the project to improve their live in future. There is no doubt that through the workshop students are able to improve their studies. Also, students are given a part to handle and that they have to be responsible for that assigned project.

Personal motivation

Students are motivated to work hard and achieve their goals. If students are motivated and generate positivity, there is a higher chance of improving their grades. Furthermore, the students will enjoy learning. There is no doubt that even student who do not gasp anything during the lesson can easily understand what they are being taught when they are taught practically. It is a good way for teachers to give their students an easier time when revising for their exams.

The above are just some of the benefits of school workshop services that offers workshop to students. Therefore, it is important for parents to look for a school that has workshop as one of its activities. It is a good way for students to develop important skills that they can use later in life. In case your child does not participate in such activities, then it is high time you encourage them to start getting involved. Therefore, if your school does not have any workshop for students, then you should think twice about it. Workshops help students in a number of ways to understand their courses.

The Importance Of Family When It Comes To Homework

There is no denying the fact that families have a very important role to play when it comes to the success of students irrespective of how rich or poor they are, whether they’ve been to high school, whether their kids are in junior high, high school or even elementary.

Yet, for all of the common sense and research in the world, family is still the most neglected part of school reform in the world.

Every school needs to promote partnerships which can increase the involvement of the parents and their participation in promoting emotional, social, and academic growth in children.

The value of homework is something which extends far beyond school. All good assignments which are completed on time can help a child develop wholesome attitudes and habits. Homework is something which can help parents learn about the education of their children and communicate with their kids and their schools. It can also encourage a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.

Apart from wanting to get help with your homework, there are a number of other reasons why families need to behave as one when it comes to studies. Good assignments, when completed on time can assist children in developing wholesome attitudes and habits. Homework can even help parents learn about the education of their children and communicate with schools and the children. It can also encourage a love for learning which lasts all life.

Apart from helping with the homework, there are a number of ways in which parents can help children learn. Parents could encourage children to spend more of their free time readings instead of watching TV. They could stay in touch with the school. They can express some high expectations from their children and encourage more effort from them.

When looking at college rankings, it will be very difficult to get into one of the best ones if you don’t have a good score.  Just like if you haven’t reached a certain level of career or life success, you won’t purchase a Rolex timepiece with a history.

Homework isn’t just an opportunity to learn for students and for parents to get involved, interest shown by parents can help children get more enthusiastic and can make them understand that education is well worth the effort.

Helping kids isn’t an easy task, though. There are a number of apps to improve your studies, but this doesn’t mean parents shouldn’t be involved too. Here is how parents can be involved:

Children must understand that adults and parents consider homework to be important. If they see how important their parents think it is they will have a good enough reason to try harder. There is lots which can be done to show how much you value homework and education.

Setting a fixed time will make it easier for children to finish their assignments. A good schedule is one which will work for everyone. What works for someone might not for others. There’s no fixed schedule. It will depend on the age of your child and their needs. For example, some youngsters might work better in the afternoon while the others might prefer the evening. If you aren’t getting sufficient time to finish homework, your child might have to drop some other activity. Homework needs to be the top priority.

Elementary children should be worked with so as to develop a good schedule. Older students could probably make their own schedules. You should check it once to ensure it’s alright.

It might help if the schedule is written down and kept in place where it will be seen often like the door of your refrigerator.

Certain families fix the amount of time they want their kids to spend on homework or learning activities. This can prove to be quite helpful. For example, if your kids are supposed to spend 1 hour every day doing homework, they will not rush through assignments in the hopes of being able to watch TV. Fixing the amount of time they need to study will also discourage them from forgetting to complete assignments and help them adjust to a solid routine.

Study areas need to come with tons of light, supplies nearby and should be quiet. It doesn’t need to be too fancy either. Having a desk is nice, but for a lot of youngsters, even the kitchen table is good enough. If you can set a special study corner, your kid might even enjoy decorating it. Something as simple as a plant and some artwork on the walls can make any place pleasant.

There should be no distractions around when your kid is studying. This means turning off the television and discouraging any social networking or phone calls during study hours. Some might find it easier to work if they are listening to music. But sound which is too loud isn’t okay. If they are concentrating on the music too much, they won’t study.

If you live in a noisy or small household, try having everyone quiet down for a while. If distractions can be avoided, your child may go nearby to a library or something and complete their studies.

In terms of supplies, you should put together writing paper, erasers, pens, pencils, paper, assignment books, etc. Some of the other things which you should collect include a thesaurus, index cards, almanacs, etc. Keep all of these things together if possible. If you can’t get these supplies, look for other sources of assistance. The school or a public library is a great source for such things. Some libraries even come with homework centers to help children with their assignments.

Many schools also have computers and almost everyone has a smartphone or at least a computer at home. It can really come in handy when it comes to completing assignments properly and on time.

The likeliness of children studying increases if they see you read, write, and do things which require effort and thought. Talk about the stuff you’re reading with your kids even if it’s something simple like making grocery lists. Tell them about your work. Encourage any activity which supports learning.

One last good way of showing interest is by attending school activities like shows, parent-teacher meetings, sports events, etc. If possible, volunteer at special events or in the classroom. Getting to know the people around your child will not just show you are interested but will also help you build a network that can help support your child and you.

Vol 7, No.21 and No.22 (2016) Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

Vol 7, No 21 (2016)


Vol 7, No 22 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Measuring the Efficiency of the Jordanian Islamic Banks PDF
Mahmoud Ali Jaradat 1-6
Towards an Indirect Agency Theory PDF
Amos Gitau Njuguna 7-14
The Barriers Which Face Auditing Profession and Their Impact on the Quality of the Jordanian Auditor’s Report PDF
Mousa Mohammad Abdullah Saleh, Al Qa’qa’a Khalaf Ali Al Zu’bi 15-27
The Impact of Information Technology Tools to Improve the Quality of Internal Accounting Controls in the Jordanian Insurance Companies PDF
Ibrahem Abdalla Ahmed Al- Momany, Kholoud Daifallah Hmoud Al-Qallab 28-34
The Role of Human Resource Costs to Achieve Competitive Advantage in the Jordanian Commercial Banks PDF
Awni El-Halasah, atallah Ahmad Alhosban 35-44
The Factors Affecting on Excess Liquidity of the Islamic Banks: Case Study on the Islamic Banks in the Jordan PDF
Abedalfattah Zuhair Al-abedallat 45-52
The Impact of Auditing Market Structure on Auditing Charges in China PDF
Danqing Shu 53-59
Using Accounting and Stock Market Price Data to Predict Financial Distress PDF
Essra’a Al Haddidi, Rasmiah Ahmad Abu Mousa 60-65
Value-adding and Monitoring Activities of Venture Capital:A Synthesis Literature Review PDF
Slimane Ed-dafali, Ahmed Chakir, Brahim Bouzahir 66-75
The Relationship Between the Size of Regulatory Outputs and Regulatory Taskspracticed by the Jordanian Audit Bureau and the Achieved Affluence of the State’s Public TreasuryThrough the Bureau’s Efforts PDF
Mohammad Ali Al Hayek 76-88
Financial Intermediation Role of the Nigerian Capital Market and Performance of Manufacturing Firms PDF
Ikeobi, Nneka Rosemary, Msheliza, Samuel Kaku, Bulus, Hashimu 89-98
The Impact of the Expansion in Electronic Services on the Growth of the Banking Deposits: Case Study on the Islamic Banks in the Jordan PDF
Abedalfattah Zuhair Al-abedallat, Ali Bakhit Jaafreh 99-106
Diminishing Utility, Loss Aversion, and Framing Effect in Financial Decission Making PDF
Yanuar Dananjaya, Renna Magdalena 107-109
Efficiency of Capital Adequacy Requirements in Reducing Risk-Taking Behavior of Tanzanian Commercial Banks PDF
Josephat Lotto 110-118
Forward Looking Financial Disclosure Narrative Reporting: Determinants and Use PDF
Mostafa I. Elfeky 119-129
Stock Market Reaction to Mergers and Acquisitions Announcements in Emerging Markets. Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions Firms Listed in Eastern Africa Securities Markets PDF
Beth Kariuki, Willy Muturi, David Kiragu 130-141
Accounting and Auditing in Free Economic Zones: Factors for Change and Perspectives of Improvement PDF
Azamat Ostonokulov 142-146
Eddy Sarwono 147-157
Influence of Intellectual Capital on Company Performance of Banks and Insurance Companies in Indonesian Stock Exchange 2010-2014 PDF
I.K. Marla Lusda, Hari Wijayanto, Dedi Budiman Hakim 158-167


Paper submission email: RJFA@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847

Vol 6, No.21 and No.22 (2016) Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 6, No 21 (2016)


Vol 6, No 22 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
A Political Economy Perspective on Education Privatization and Global Neoliberalism PDF
Sri Untari 1-6
Preservation and Strengthening of Igbo Language through Nigerian Video Films: Case Study of Zeb Ejiro’s Nneka the Pretty Serpent and Sunday Nnajiude’s Ode Eshi PDF
Emeka Aniago 7-12
Mystical Dimensions of Prayer in Ahmed Yerima’s Idemili: Human Quest to Learn PDF
Emeka Aniago, Jonas Onah, Dave Ina Ogu 13-18
African Traditional Religion and National Development in Nigeria PDF
Ekeopara, Chike Augustine, Ekpenyong, Obo Ekpenyong 19-28
Community Led Total Sanitation to Reduce Household Diarrhea Morbidity in Nyando District PDF
Wanzala Maximila, Makotsi Nicholas 29-32
Critical Review: The Role of Mixed Methods in Education Research PDF
Wanzala Maximila 33-35
Mata Golo Cultural Rite (An Ethnographic Study on Lolo Tribe Customary Community in Ratogesa Village of Golewa Tengah Sub District of Ngada Flores Regency of Nusa Tenggara Timur) PDF
Emanuel Suka 36-40
Ideological Assumptions and Covert Communication in Christian Advertisement Discourse PDF
Jeremiah Anene Nwankwegu 41-58
Pamendi’: The Local Wisdom of Building Social Harmony in Multi-ethnic Society Shown in the Local History of Sumbawa in Indonesia PDF
Kasimanuddin Ismain, Waskito . 59-66
Influence of Strategic Leadership and Organization Culture on Strategy Execution in Shipping Companies in Kenya PDF
Eric Lewa Katana, Esther W. Waiganjo, Fred M. Mugambi 67-76
The Pragmatics of the Marker ‘Kule’ in Utterance Interpretation: The Case of Ga PDF
Ruby Otoo 77-86
The Influence of Demographic Factors on Peer Pressure among Secondary School Adolescents in Nyahururu Laikipia County PDF
Gikonyo R. W., Kageni Njagi. 87-91
The Existence of City Facilities and Street Children in Malang PDF
I Dewa Putu Eskasasnanda 92-97
Political Participation and Socialization of Women in Nigeria: A Case of the Fourth Republic PDF
Eze-Michael, Ezedikachi N. 98-105
Factors Constraining University for Development Studies in Community Engagement in Northern Ghana PDF
Usman Kojo Abonyi 106-113
Ethnicity and Wellbeing: The Lived Experiences of Baka Indigenous People of Cameroon PDF
Robert D. Fai 114-125
Perceived Benefits of Prenatal Exercise Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Nigeria PDF
Juliet O. Ogodo, Nwamaka A. Elom, Cajetan I. Ilo, Scholarstica A. Orji, Ignatius O. Nwimo, Eunice N. Afoke 126-131
Financial and Curricular Factors for Gender Equality and Human Resource Development in Secondary Schools PDF
B.A. Mbah 132-136
Students’ Attitude Towards Teaching Models PDF
Ia Khasaia 137-140
Determinants and Differentials of Maternal Reproductive Health Outcomes in Nigeria: A Review of National Demographic Health Survey Data from 1999 to 2013 PDF
Philip E. Bassey, Regina I. Ejemot-Nwadiaro, Ekpereonne B. Esu, Antor O. Ndep 141-145
Reasons behind the Secondary Stage Low Achievement in English and Math from the Teachers’ Perspectives in schools of Tulkarm District PDF
Ahmed Awad Amin Mahmoud Raba’, Hussam Hirzallah 146-158
Sound alternations and communication effectiveness among certain Igbo-English speakers of Anambra State PDF
V.C. Onumajuru, E. A. Eze 159-162


Paper submission email: RHSS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484