Vol 55 (2016) Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization

Vol 55 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
A Study of Pluralism in Developing Legal Anthropology Study PDF
Sulbadana ., M. Hatta Roma Tampubolon 1-18
The Polluter Pays Principle and the EU State Aid Law for Environmental Protection PDF
Kleoniki Pouikli 19-26
Access to the Criminal Justice System by Persons with Disability in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia PDF
Kidus Meskele Ashine, Bereket Tessema Zewude 27-31
Parliamentary (DPRD) Perspective on the Implementation of the Authority to Discuss the Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) PDF
Juajir Sumardi, Aminuddin Ilmar, Naswar ., Achmad ., Maskun . 32-37
Confiscation of Corrupted Assets by Means of in Rem Approach against Illicit Enrichment PDF
Made Darma Weda 38-42
The Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty for the Drug Abuse in Indonesia PDF
M Iman Santoso 43-49
Religious Court Challenges in Adjudicating Islamic Economics Disputes PDF
Abd. Hamid Pulungan, Muhamadiyah ., Ridham Priskap 50-56
Effectiveness of Implementation of Criminal Sanctions on Impersonation Deed Marriage (Divorce Case Study in the Province Jambi) PDF
Muhammadiyah ., Rusdi ., Isnaini . 57-62
Stigma and Mental Health in Nigeria: Some Suggestions for Law Reform PDF
Cheluchi Onyemelukwe 63-68
Personality Merchandising in Nigeria: Prospects and Challenges PDF
Dorcas A. Odunaike 69-77
Politics of Deconcentration for Local Government: The Case of Indonesia PDF
Dinoroy Marganda Aritonang 78-86
Protection of Economic Rights for Inventors: A Review of Employment Relations PDF
Djumadi . 87-91
Juridical Studies on Remission Award against Convicted Criminal of Drugs in Indonesia Imprisonment System PDF
Rahmatul Hidayati, Made Sadhi Astuti, Bambang Sudjito, Ismail Navianto 92-98
State Liability in Protecting Citizens from the Crime of Narcotics in the Concept of State Law Theory PDF
Subroto Rindang Arie Setyawan, I Nyoman Nurjaya, Masruchin Ruba’i, Ismail Navianto 99-104
The Gulf of Guinea Piracy: Impact and Effectiveness of Control Measures PDF
Devotha Edward Mandanda, GUO Ping 105-130
The Politics of Law of Structuring Modern Stores as An Effort to Protect Traditional Markets and Empowering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise in Malang City and Batu City, Indonesia PDF
Yuniastuti ., Moh Yuhdi, Nuruddin Hady 131-138
The Regulation of Nursing in Nigeria: A Critical Analysis PDF
Cheluchi Onyemelukwe 139-147
The Legal Framework for the Transfer of Technology in Ethiopian PDF
Yohannes Hailu Tessema 148-181
Synchronization Court Involvement on Sharia Arbitration in Order to Enforce Islamic Law in the Sharia Economy Dispute Resolution PDF
Khoirul Anwar, Jamal Wiwoho, Burhanudin Harahap 182-192
Consent Through the Internet Under Jordanian Legal System PDF
Ahmed Al_Nuemat, Mohammad AL-Thunibat 193-206
Strengthening Indonesian Administrative Village in the ASEAN Economic Community Era PDF
Encik Muhammad Fauzan, Uswatun Hasanah 207-212
Functional Adult Literacy Through the Integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Human Resource Development in Nigeria PDF
B.A. Mbah 213-216
The Statutory Role of the Nigerian Law Reform Commission in the Administration of Justice in Nigeria PDF
Yahaya Abubakar Muhammad 217-221
Model of Public Participation in Formation of Good Local Regulation in East Kalimantan Province PDF
Mahendra Putra Kurnia, Haris Retno Susmiyati, dan Herdiansyah Hamzah 222-233


Paper submission email: JLPG@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3240 ISSN (Online)2224-3259

Vol 28 (2016) Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics

Vol 28 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Half Girlfriend: A Novel of Helplessness, Hardships and Success PDF
Javaid Ahmad Tantry, Vikas Jaoolkar 1-5
Trauma Narrative and Existential Dilemma in Mirza Waheed’s “The Collaborator”: A Study of Traumatic Narratology and Desensitization PDF
Maarij Shakoor 6-11
Model of English Learning Based on Collaborative Theory to Improve Indonesian’ Spoken Communication Ability PDF
Nur Asmawati, Muhammad Amin Rasyid, Qashas Rahman, Haryanto . 12-20
Evaluation of Contextual Teaching of Kiswahili Proverbs in Secondary Schools in Kenya (Tathmini ya ufundishaji wa methali za Kiswahili kwa kutumia mbinu ya kimuktadha katika shule za upili nchini Kenya) PDF
Oduori T. Wamubi, Inyani Simala, Ipara Odeo 21-34
Reasons that Make Teachers of the English Language don’t Use the Different Strategies, Approaches, Techniques and Methods to Teach the Activities of Text Books to their Students in Private Schools in Amman-Jordan PDF
Anwar Fayez Al Bzour 35-45
Facebook Effect on Enhancement of English Learners’ Writing Approach at University Level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa PDF
Irfan Ullah Khan, Muhammad Ayaz 46-53
The Submerged Syntactical: Ibn Al-Nahwyah (Son Of Syntax) PDF
Nawaf Abd Al-Kareem Ibrahim Ghraybeh 54-58
The Mind and the Act: A Representation of the Freudian Tripartite Model in Festus Iyayi’s Violence and Alex la Guma’s A Walk in the Night PDF
Idorenyin V. Williams 59-64
Folk Literature: An Indispensable Tool in Child Language Acquisition and Development PDF
Eucharia A. Eze, Daniel O. Abonyi 65-70


Paper submission email: JLLL@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8435

Vol 32 (2016) Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing

Vol 32 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Violence Against Nurses’ in Critical Units at Governmental Hospitals in Jordan PDF
Yousef S. Abu Wardeh, Salman Al-Saqri, Ahmmad Al-Theban, Mohammad Abuwardeh 1-8
Element Levels in Plasma of Cancer Patients PDF
Ojo Olubunmi C, Asaolu Modupe F, Oyeyemi Ajibade O 9-17
Effect of Kenyan Finger Millet and White Maize Flours on Postprandial Glycemic Response in Healthy Individuals PDF
Irine Chepngetich 18-22
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Appropriate Complementary Feeding among Mothers of Children Age 6-23 Months in Gununo Town, Damot Sore Woreda, Wolaita Zone, Southern, Ethiopia, 2016 PDF
Gujo Teshome 23-33
The Prescriptions’ Epidemiology of the Challenges for Overcoming Antibiotic Resistance in Hospitals PDF
Talal Oudah J. Alsaadi, Fatema Ebrahim Ismaeel, Hamad Qutaysh Alanazi, Faisal Khalaf Alshammari 34-39
Management of Solitary Thyroid Nodule at Al-Karama Teaching Hospital PDF
Hussein Ali Abed Ahmad 40-44
Assessment of the Readiness and Availability of Palliative Care Services in Hospitals in Kampala, Uganda PDF
Eddie Mwebesa, Richard Odoch, Pardon Akugizibwe, Hassard Sempeera, John Bosco Alege, Christine Atuhairwe 45-54
Mohammed Abuwardeh, Manar Al-Nabolsi, Yousef Khader, Mousa Abu Jbara, Yousef Abuwardeh, Kamel Ajlouni 55-74
Adherence to therapy among Iraqi patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus PDF
Qayssar Joudah Fadheel, Ahmed Jalal Mohammed 75-82
A Prospective Study of Eighty Cases of Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis PDF
Mohammed Jabbar Kadhem 83-87


Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419

Vol 7, No.21 and No.22 (2016) Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development

Vol 7, No 21 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Financial Analysis of Moringa Tree Based Agroforestry Practice against Mono-Cropping System in Konso District (woreda), Southern Ethiopia PDF
Yohannes Shode 1-13
Productivity Change of Ethiopian Banks: A Malmquist Productivity Index Approach PDF
Tadesse Zenebe Lema 14-20
The Contribution of Export Diversification for Economic Growth in Ethiopia PDF
Tadese Gebreyesus Tesfay 21-26
Economic Incentives of a Non-handicapping Built Environment: A Case Study of Tourism Sites in Stockholm PDF
Yahya Muhammed Bah 27-40
Determinants of Rural Households’ Vulnerability to Poverty in Chencha and Abaya Districts, Southern Ethiopia (Microeconometric Analysis) PDF
Fassil Eshetu Abebe 41-56
Assessments of Household Coping Strategies toward Food Insecurity in Hawi Gudina District, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Fekede Gemechu Tolera 57-63
Determinants of Livestock Commercialization in Rural Area of Oromia Region: In Case of Pastoral Area of Borena Zone PDF
Girum Dagne 64-69
Determinant of Technical Efficiencies of Micro and Small Enterprises in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia PDF
Tekle Leza 70-81
Assessing the Impact of Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes on Household Income in Bahir Dar Zuria Woreda, Ethiopia PDF
Ayana Anteneh Astatike 82-88
The Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Risk Management and Impact on Farm Income: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia PDF
Ashenafi Duguma 89-99
E-Banking Service Quality and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction in State Owned Banks in East Gojjam Zone Ethiopia PDF
Simon Nahusenay Ejigu 100-110
Characteristics Mapping and Evaluation of SMEs in Medan City PDF
Raihana Daulay 111-117
The Role of Financial Development on Private Entrepreneurship in Cameroon PDF
Vukenkeng Andrew Wujung, Dobdinga Cletus Fonchamnyo 118-124
Does Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Technologies Reduce Household Vulnerability to Poverty? PDF
Francis Maguza-Tembo, Edriss Abdi-Khalil, Julius Mangisoni, David Mkwambisi 125-130
Blue Economy in Bangladesh: Proposed Model and Policy Recommendations PDF
Nusrat Jafrin, Abu Naser Mohammad Saif, Muhammad Iqbal Hossain 131-135
Public Pension Reforms: Challenges and Perspectives of Population Growth and Aging in Central Asia PDF
Sherzod Rajabov 136-140
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Work Participation of Married Women According to Ethnicity in Pekanbaru PDF
Yusni Maulida 141-154

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855


Vol 7, No 22 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Public Service Quality PDF
Adelvia Nabunome, Budi Prihatminingtyas 1-4
Portrait of Batik Tulis Industry at Pakandangan Barat Village Sumenep Regency in Regional Autonomy Era PDF
Alwiyah ., Djoko Mursinto 5-19
Marketing Model in Developing the Potential SMEs Based on SWOT Analysis PDF
Dewi Andriany, Lailan S. Hasibuan, Sri E. Rahayu 20-27
Social Security and Taxation PDF
Aurela BRAHOLLI, Galantina CANCO 28-33
Factors Influencing Population of Beef Cattle in Ciamis Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia PDF
Agus Yuniawan Isyanto, Iwan Sugianto 34-38
Money Supply, Financing and Economics Growth: Evidence from the NBC Central Bank Functions PDF
Seum Chhay, Wang Lei 39-52
The Effect of Fiscal and Monetary Policy on Private Investment in Jordan by Using Time Series Analyses PDF
Mohnad Ahmed Eyal-Slman, Halah Hussain AL-shabatat 53-65
The Impact of Business Climate on Foreign Direct Investment in the CEMAC Region PDF
Akame, Afuge Junior, Ekwelle, Metougue Eric, Njei, George Ndonghandou 66-74
Pension Superannuation Allowance Indexation in Ghana: Reality or Myth? PDF
John Bosco K. Damnyag 75-84
Industrial Investment in Ma’an Governorate, Obstacles, Opportunities and Successful Projects PDF
Bassam Abu Karaki, Mohamad Ali Helalat, Suleiman A. Al Khattab 85-95
Analysis of the Difference of Financial Literacy between Men and Women PDF
Masika Ikandari, Dwi Wulandari 96-100
Effect of Comparative Advantages, The Real Exchange Rate, Per Capita Income to Indonesia Export Value in ASEAN PDF
Galih Dwi Prastio, Dwi Wulandari, Hadi Sumarsono 101-111
Local Wisdom in Governance Natural Resources Management PDF
Wahyu Wiyani, Eko Yuni Prihantono 112-117
Impact of Soil and Water Conservation Improvement on the Welfare of Smallholder Farmers in Southern Malawi PDF
Francis Maguza-Tembo, Edriss Abdi-Khalil, Julius Mangisoni 118-125
Manufacturing and Economic Growth in Africa: A Panel Test of Kaldor’s First Growth Law PDF
Olumuyiwa Olamade, Oluwasola Oni 126-140
Commune/Sangkat Fund and Local Development: Case of Cambodia PDF
Mom Virak, Xu Xiaolin 141-147
Government Expenditure as Determinants of Economic Growth and Income Inequality of Inter-Province of the Islands in Indonesia PDF
Sjamsu Djohan, Zamruddin Hasid, Djoko Setyadi 148-158
Governance and Accountability of Multi-Purpose Cooperatives in the Shiselweni Region of Swaziland: Implications for Education and Training PDF
Thoko A. Masuku, Joseph P.B. Mutangira, Micah B. Masuku 159-170
Financial Statement Announcement and Its Effect on Stocks in Amman Bourse PDF
Deema Daifallah Massadeh 171-175
Online Shopping Experience and Customer Satisfaction in Nigeria PDF
N. Gladson Nwokah, Gladson-Nwokah, Juliet 176-185
Livestock Dilemma, Pastoralism and Decentralization in the Sahel: A SAM Approach in a Rural Commune in Mali PDF
Daniel P. Kaboré 186-195
Factors Influencing on-Farm Common Bean Profitability: The Case of Smallholder Bean Farmers in Babati District, Tanzania PDF
Saimon K. Venance, Mshenga, P., Birachi, E.A. 196-201
Effects of Reward System on Productivity in the Local Government System in Benue State PDF
Richard Gbande 202-210
Private Consumption in The WAEMU Zone: Does Interest Rate Matter? PDF
Adama COMBEY 211-216
Capital Markets, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development Financing: A Case Study of Nigeria PDF
Oluwatosin Olushola, Ojijo Odhiambo, Pa Lamin Beyai 217-228
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Community Development in Selected Counties of the Alabama Black Belt PDF
David Nii O. Tackie, Bridget J. Perry, Henry J. Findlay, Prosper K. Doamekpor, Gwendolyn J. Johnson, George X. Hunter, LaTanya Hunt-Haralson, Lawrence Haygood, Jr. 229-242


Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855

Vol 7, No.31, No.32, No.33 (2016) Journal of Education and Practice

Vol 7, No 31 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
The Status of Secondary School Science Laboratory Activities for Quality Education in Case of Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Ashebir Gogile Zengele 1-11
Some Issues of Micro and Small Enterprises in Wolaita Soddo Town of SNNPR, Ethiopia and Implication for Technical and Vocational Education and Skills Training: Leather Sector in Extra Emphasis PDF
Ginja, Tamirat Gibon 12-18
A Study on Relation between Self Concept and Academic Achievement among Secondary School Students of Jammu District PDF
Parveez Ahmad Lone 19-23
The Practice of Continuous Assessment in Primary Schools: The Case of Chagni, Ethiopia PDF
Sintayehu Belay Abejehu 24-30
Effect of Computer- Based Multimedia Presentation on Senior Secondary Students’ Achievement in Agricultural Science PDF
Abiola Lateef Olori, Adekunle Olusegun Igbosanu 31-38
Teachers’ Demographic Factors on Attitude Towards Guidance and Counselling Services in Public Primary Schools of Kimilili Subcounty, Kenya PDF
Wesonga Joanne Nasilumbi, Munyau K. Jenniffer, Tarus Prisca 39-47
Viewpoint of Undergraduate Engineering Students on Plagiarism PDF
Diana Starovoytova, Saul Sitati Namango 48-65
Factors Affecting Cheating-Behavior at Undergraduate-Engineering PDF
Diana Starovoytova, Saul Namango 66-82
The Development of an E-Learning-Based Learning Service for MKDP Curriculum and Learning at the Indonesia University of Education PDF
Rusman, M.Pd. 83-87
Menstrual Hygiene Practices and Sources of Menstrual Hygiene Information among Adolescent Secondary School Girls in Abakaliki Education Zone of Ebonyi State PDF
Cajetan I. Ilo, Ignatius O. Nwimo, Chinagorom Onwunaka 88-95
Counselling for Sustainable Peace in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria PDF
Stella Ngozi Nduka-Ozo 96-101
A Critical Analysis on Primary Schools Preparedness for the Transition of Autistic Children in Kenya PDF
Salmon O. Otina, Ruth W. Thinguri 102-107
The Effect of Blending HRM Transformational Leadership Style with HRM ICT Expertise Leadership Style on Creating New HRM Strategy that Enable National Companies to Go Global. Evidence from Jordan: Sayegh Group and Hikma Pharmaceutical Corporation PDF
Hamzeh Khudeir 108-112
Using Advance Organizers to Enhance Pupils’ Achievement in Learning Poetry in English Language PDF
Mary Muiruri, Patriciah Wambugu, Kuria Wamukuru 113-117
Level of Anxiety among Jordanians In The Light Of Some Variables PDF
Hanan Jamil Halaseh 118-125

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X



Vol 7, No 32 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Adult Learners’ Understanding in Learning Islam Using Andragogy Approach: A Study in Kampung Siglap Mosque and Al-Zuhri Higher Learning Institute PDF
Mohd Amin Bin Kadir, Syamsul Arifin, Latipun, M.Kes, Ahmad Nur Fuad 1-10
Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Teacher Distance Education (TDE) in Ghana: The Perception of Student Teachers, Tutors and Coordinators of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) PDF
Godwin Attah-Mensah, Alex Opoku Acheampong, Samuel Nti-Adarkwah 11-25
Model Development and Trial of Early Detection Manual for the Special Needs Children at Early Age Education Level PDF
Zainul Anwar, Tri Muji Ingarianti, Cahyaning Suryaningrum 26-32
Development of Environmental Attitude Scale Towards Pre-Service Biology Teachers PDF
Tuğba TAFLI, Ali ATEŞ 33-40
Constraints in Implementation of HIV and AIDS Curriculum Integration in Primary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya PDF
Florence Mbach, Wycliffe Oboka, Ruth Simiyu, Jacob Wakhungu 41-45
Counselling for Sustainable Peace in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria PDF
Stella Ngozi Nduka-Ozo 46-51
Differences of Learning Achievement between Bidikmisi Scholarship Students and the Paying Students in Islamic Courses at Indonesia University of Education Campus Purwakarta Academic Year 2014-2015 PDF
Burhanuddin TR, Acep Ruswan, Mamad Kasmad 52-56
Towards Reducing the Burden of Global Environmental Related Health Problems in the 21st Century PDF
OLANIPEKUN, Johnson Adetunji, BABATUNDE, Joseph Ojo 57-64
The Effectiveness of Using Blogs as an Independent Learning Tool to Develop Reading Skills for University Students PDF
Said Fathy El Said Abdul Fattah 65-73
Evaluation of Arabic Language Learning Program for Non-Native Speakers in Saudi Electronic University According to Total Quality Standards PDF
Wafa Hafez Alowaydhi 74-90
The Correlation of Critical Thinking Disposition and Approaches to Learning among Baccalaureate Nursing Students PDF
Abeer Refaat Kabeel, Sahar Abd El-Mohsen Mosa Eisa 91-103
Influence Based Learning Program Scientific Learning Approach to Science Students Generic Skills PDF
Ida Wahyuni, Khairul Amdani 104-108
Influence of Strategy of Learning and Achievement Motivation of Learning Achievement Class VIII Students of State Junior High School in District Blitar PDF
Dyah Ayundawati, Punaji Setyosari, Herawati Susilo, Sihkabuden . 109-112
Institutional Dynamics of Education Reforms and Quality of Primary Education in Uganda PDF
Aida Nyenje, Nkata L James 113-122
Internet Addiction and Its Relationship with Self-Efficacy Level among Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Students PDF
Amjad Farhan Alrekebat 123-131
Promoting Knowledge of Climate Change (CC) amongst Nigerians: Implications for Education Managers PDF
Margaret E Akpomi, Joseph Vipene 132-138
Quality in Higher Education: The Need for Feedback from Students PDF
Veronica Okogbaa 139-143
Secondary Education Attainment and Social Economic Transformation in Rural Tanzania:Observations from Livelihood Strategies of Primary and Secondary Education Graduates in Mvomero District. PDF
Thabita Lameck Lupeja, Qi Gubo 144-150
The Effectiveness of a Multi Sensory Approach in Improving Letter- Sound Correspondence among Mild Intellectual Disabled Students in State of Kuwait PDF
Amr Moustafa, Mohd Zuri Ghani 151-156
Zambian University Student Teachers’ Conceptions of Algebraic Proofs PDF
Mukuka Angel, Shumba Overson 157-171
An Analysis of Peer Assessment through Many Facet Rasch Model PDF
Melek Gülşah Şahin, Gülşen Taşdelen Teker, Neşe Güler 172-181
Ethical Reasoning in STEM Disciplines PDF
Mehmet Tekerek, Ferhat Karakaya, Betül Tekerek 182-188
Socio-Demographic Factors Associated with Alcohol Abuse among Egerton University Students in Njoro-Kenya PDF
Richard Kimuge Boitt, Monicah Lydia Boitt, Caleb Othieno, Anne Obondo 189-197
Instructional Methods and Students’ End of Term Achievement in Biology in Selected Secondary Schools in Sokoto Metropolis, Sokoto State Nigeria PDF
Abdulrahman Shamsuddeen, Hassan Amina 198-204
Redefining Literacy: The Realities of Digital Literacy for Students with Disabilities in K-12 PDF
Majed A Alsalem 205-215
Reconstructionist Analysis on the Relevance of Secondary School Learning Opportunities in Promoting National Cohesion Among Students in Machakos Town Sub-County, Kenya PDF
Ruth Mutunge Mwanzia, Simon Nyagah Mwangi 216-222

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 7, No 33 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Apps Developed by Academics PDF
Sophia Shing, Benjamin Yuan 1-9
Instant Messaging as Digital Discourse Socialization in the Context of English for Academic Purposes PDF
Christiaan Prinsloo, Kyungmin Nam, Joonboh Shim 10-23
Analysis of Primary School Student’s Science Learning Anxiety According to Some Variables PDF
Ferhat KARAKAYA, Sakine Serap AVGIN, Ethem KÜMPERLİ 24-31
Obstacles of Scientific Research with Faculty of University of Jadara from Their Point of View PDF
Habes Moh’d Hatamleh 32-47
A Pragmatic Study of Exaggeration in British and American Novels PDF
Qassim Abbas Dhayef Al- Tufaili, Fatima Rehman Mkheef Al- Jobori 48-58
The Causality Study of External Environment Analysis (EEA), Internal Environment Analysis (IEA), Strategy Implementation on Study Program Performance at Vocational High School (VHS) in Nias Archipelago, Indonesia PDF
Binahati Waruwu, Harun Sitompul, Belferik Manullang 59-65
Frequency of Applying Different Teaching Strategies and Social Teaching Methods in Primary Schools PDF
Sonja Ivić 66-71
Stress Management and Teachers’ Productivity in Cameroon: Lessons from Momo Division PDF
Anyi Einstein Moses. E. 72-82
Pedagogical Practices in Early Childhood Education and Care in Tanzania: Policy and Practices PDF
Ignasia Mligo, Linda Mitchell, Beverley Bell 83-92
Prospective Science Teachers’ Subject-Matter Knowledge about Overflow Container PDF
Eser Ültay 93-102
Effect of Problem-Based Learning on Students’ Achievement in Chemistry PDF
Benjamin Aidoo, Sampson Kwadwo Boateng, Philip Siaw Kissi, Isaac Ofori 103-108
Teaching Probability to Pre-Service Teachers with Argumentation Based Science Learning Approach PDF
Ömer Sinan Can, Tevfik İşleyen 109-116
The Associating Abilities of Pre-Service Teachers Science Education Program Acquisitions with Engineering According to STEM Education PDF
Ozlem Ozcakir Sumen, Hamza Calisici 117-123
The Evaluation of Health Education Program (HEP) of 9th Graders PDF
Polat Erdoğan, Mehmet Gürol 124-133
The Trends of the Male and Female Teachers of the Basic Elementary Stages Towards Using the Smart Board in Bani Kinanah Directorate of Education PDF
Qaseem Mohammad Salim Hamadneh, Asem Ali Abu Ghazal 134-142
The Competency of Pre-Service Classroom Teachers’ Regarding the Learning-Teaching Process in a Music Course: Implementation from a Turkish University PDF
Sehriban Koca 143-155
What’s Going on in Physical Education Classes in Turkey? An Insight into Student Attitude Towards Physical Education, Curricular Issues and School Conditions PDF
Oğuzhan Bozoğlu, Şöheyda Göktürk 156-165
The Development of Appreciation Learning Model of Indonesia Literature Based Critical Discourse Analysis to Improve the Students’ Critical Thinking Skill PDF
Mustofa, M. Pd., H. Setya Yuwana, MA. 166-175
Applying Alternative Teaching Methods to Impart a Rounded, Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) Education: Students’ Reflections on the Role of Magazines as Instructional Tools PDF
Alec Sithole, Joachim Kibirige, Davison M. Mupinga, Edward T. Chiyaka 176-182
Impact of In-Service Training and Staff Development on Workers’ Job Performance and Optimal Productivity in Public Secondary Schools in Osun State, Nigeria PDF
Johnson FEJOH, Victoria Loveth FANIRAN 183-189
Physical Facilities for Holistic Education: Lessons from Secondary Schools in Kiambu and Samburu Counties, Kenya PDF
Waweru Peter Ndirangu, Ruth Thinguri, Mary Mugwe Chui 190-198
Assessment of Teachers in Terms of Encouraging and Manifestation of the Creativity in Creativie Teaching PDF
Lulzime Lutfiu Kadriu, Ardita Ceka, Teuta Jusufi Bajrami 199-206
A Survey of Approaches Used in Teaching Reading in Early Childhood Classes in Dagoretti and Westlands Divisions, Nairobi County, Kenya PDF
Esther Wairimu Marima 207-211
An Exploration of the Preparation and Organization of Teaching Practice Exercise to Prospective Science and Mathematics Teachers toward Improving Teaching Profession at Morogoro Teachers’ College PDF
Daudi Mika Mungure 212-220


Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X

Vol 6, No 11 (2016) Journal of Environment and Earth Science

Vol 6, No 11 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Socio Economic and Environmental Benefits of Biogas Slurry PDF
Yalemtsehay Debebe 1-5
Assessment of Some Lateritic Clayey Soils from Azara Northcentral Nigeria as Liners in Sanitary Landfill PDF
Bewaji Seun, Olusegun Omoniyi Ige, David Afolayan Alao 6-11
Consumer-Perception on Polyethylene-Shopping-Bags PDF
Diana Starovoytova Madara, Saul Sitati Namango, Charles Wetaka 12-36
Spatio-Diversitism and Nation Building in Nigeria PDF
Oku, Hyginus Bariziga 37-38
An Assessment of Risks and Opportunities Related to Ecosystem Services, in the Case of Mekelle City PDF
Tewelde Gebre 39-50
Evaluation of Specific Humidity over Nigeria using Artificial Neural Network PDF
Adeyemi Babatunde, Ogidan Raphael 51-68
Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Rainfall Variations over Kenya PDF
Brian Odhiambo Ayugi, Wang Wen, Daisy Chepkemoi 69-83
Assessment of Impact Sewage Effluents on the Coastal Water Quality Around the Mouth of Wadi Gaza (Gaza and Middle Governorates, Gaza Strip, Palestine) PDF
Khalid Fathi Ubeid, Mohammad R. Al-Agha 84-103
Spatial Distribution of Radionuclides and Major Elements in Soil of Murree and Kotli Sattian Punjab, Pakistan PDF
Khizar Hayat Satti 104-114
Application of Aeromagnetics as a Basin Depth Discriminating Tool Prior to Seismic Exploration: A Case Study of Central Niger Delta, Nigeria PDF
S. E. Lebo, D. A. Obi 115-122
Farmers’ Perception on Soil Erosion and Biological Soil and Water Conservation Practices. In Case of Assosa Woreda, Benshangul Gumuz Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Tamrat Sinore 123-128
The Trend of Climate Variability Effects on Dairy Farming in Masaba North, Nyamira County Kenya PDF
Innocent Ngare, Michael Koech, Daniel Manguriu, Cecilia Gichuki, Joseph Karanja 129-134
The Use of Geographic Information Systems in Morvomitric Mount Sinjar Study PDF
Kasim Jobber Selman, Yahiya Abdul-Hussein Abu Hammed 135-142
Survey of occurrence of bacteria Vibrio cholera in the two provinces Baghdad and Babel PDF
Kawther A. Al-Kazzaz, Kadhum H. Al-Arajy 143-148
Building Permit as a Tool for Development Control: Evidence from Sekondi-Takoradi PDF
Jerry Chati Tasantab 149-159
Evaluating the Effect of Vermicompost and Humus Soil on Green Vegetable (Amaranthus retroflexus) Production. PDF
Temitayo Ewemoje, Anderson Owoloja, Isaac Oyewo 160-167
Status of Agricultural Soil Contamination by Heavy Metals in Uasin Gishu County PDF
Teresa Akenga, Vincent Sudoi, Walter Opande, Emmy Kerich 168-175


Paper submission email: JEES@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3216 ISSN (Online)2225-0948