Vol 6, No.21 and No.22 (2016) Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare

Vol 6, No 21 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates and Intra Row Spacing on Growth and Bulb Yield of Onion (Allium cepa L.) under Rainfall Condition PDF
Kiros Gebretsadik 1-10
Evaluation of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) Varieties and Environments for Yield Performance and Stability PDF
Kinde Lamessa 11-17
Impact of Antestia bug (Antestiopsis sp.) on Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Production and Quality PDF
Abraham Alemu 18-22
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Appropriate Complementary Feeding Among Mothers of Children Age 6-23 Months in Gununo Town, Damot Sore Woreda, Wolaita Zone, Southern, Ethiopia, 2016 PDF
Gujo Teshome 23-33
Value Chain Analysis of Banana in ‘Tekeze’ River Basin, North Ethiopia PDF
Teklay Tesfay 34-40
Participatory on Farm Evaluation and Demonstration of 25% Crossbred (Boer x Woyito-Guji) Goats in Benatsemay District of South Omo Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia PDF
Mekete Girma 41-45
The Response of Estrus Synchronisation of Zebu and Zebu Cross Bred Cattle with Single Treatment of PGF2a in Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Ephrem Sebro 46-50
Evaluation of Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman) Clone Suckers to Bacterial Wilt Disease Pathogen under Greenhouse Condition PDF
Genene Gezahegn 51-56
Nodulation and Biomass Yield Response of Cowpea to Row Spacing and Phosphorus Fertilizer Application in the Guinea Savanna Agro-ecological Zone of Ghana PDF
Alhassan Bawa 57-63
Evaluation of the Effect of Salt Affected Soil on Selected Hydraulic Properties of Soils in Meki Ogolcha Area in East Showa Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia PDF
Review Paper on “Irrigation Water Pollution and Its Minimization Measures” PDF
Abayneh Wubetu Ayenew 72-81
Condition of Hide and Skin Production and Major Affecting Factors in Selected Districts of Western Oromia, Ethiopia PDF
Dereje Bekele 82-88
On Farm Demonstration and Evaluation of Improved Dessert Type Banana Varieties in Daro Lebu District of West Hararghe Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Asfaw Zewdu 89-93
Effects of Level Fanya Juu and Fanya Chin Structures on Grain Yield of Maize in Moisture Stress Areas of Daro Labu District, West Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia PDF
Eshetu Ararso 94-98
Economic Viability of Chilli Pepper and Neem Seed Kernel Powdered Formulations Vis-a-vis Sevin Dust (85%) in the Management of Lepidopterous Stemborers on Sorghum in North Eastern Nigeria PDF
Okrikata E, Mai Bukar, S., Ali B. 99-103
Diet Composition of Purple Lagoon Crab Goniopsis pelii (Herklots, 1851) from South West Nigeria PDF
Nicholas Eteobong, Aderonke Lawal-Are, Edah Bernard 104-112

Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X


Vol 6, No 22 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Review on the Impact of Ticks on Livestock Health and Productivity PDF
Bekalu Gerem Eskezia 1-7
On Farm Production Systems Characterization of Indigenous Cattle in Bako Tibe and Gobu Sayo Districts of Oromia Region, Ethiopia PDF
Dereje Bekeled 8-16
Correlates of Ill Health Conditions and Farmers’ Productivity in Ilorin East Area of Kwara State, Nigeria PDF
Komolafe S.E, Akangbe J.A, Ajibola B.O, Olarewaju C.I, Oduwaiye M.O 17-22
A Study of Nutritional Awareness of Jordanians’ Consumers towards Functional Foods PDF
Mohammed O. Ibrahim 23-30
Molluscicidal Activity of Selected Plant Extracts against Adult and Juvenile Biomphalaria Pfeifferi PDF
Benter A. Obare, Dorcas Yole, James Nonoh, Wilber Lwande 31-38
The Effect of KOH Catalyst Concentration and Reaction Time on the Biodiesel Quality from Yellowfin Tuna Offal PDF
Bimo Pambudi Astoni, Latif Sahubawa, Ustadi . 39-48
Investigation of Tractor Dealer Profile in Aydın Province PDF
Selection of Bali Cattle Sires through Body Size Dimensions in BPTHMT Serading Sumbawa PDF
Budiarto. A, L Hakim, VM.A Nurgiartiningsih 53-57
Effects of Inoculum Concentration and Soaking of Acacia Pods and Seeds in Ashed Rice Husk Filtrate on Chemical Compunds and In-Vivo Digestibilityof Fermented and Unfermented Acacia PDF
Sagaf Djalalembah, Padang Hamid, Sirajuddin Abdullah, Asriani Hasanuddin 58-61
The Difference of Medication Adherence in Schizophrenic Patients between Normal Body Mass Index And Overweight PDF
Ritha Mariati Sembiring, Bahagia Loebis, Surya Husada 62-66
Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Oil Intervention and its Effect on Lipid Profile and MDA Levels of Hypercholesterolemic Male Sprague-Dawley Rats PDF
Dyah Raysa Laksitoresmi, Clara M. Kusharto, Tiurma Sinaga, Ahmad Sulaeman 67-73
Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Acceptance of Family Planning Methods among Married Persons in Ebonyi State, Nigeria PDF
Grace E. Enyi, Cajetan I. Ilo, Ignatius O. Nwimo, O.B. Peter Kio, Veronica Onwe, Rita Ojide 74-80
Characteristics of Magnet Nursing Work Environment that Promotes Patient Safety Culture at Mansoura University Oncology Center PDF
Reda Shehata Elsayed, Hala Gabr Mahmoud 81-91
Oligo- Element concentration of the Avocado ‘ Fuerte ‘ in Morocco – results leaf analysis PDF
Hassan Ben taleb, najiba Brhadda, Fadli mohammed, Hamid El Ibaoui, Jose Maria Farré, Lahcen Zidane, et Najib Gmira 92-98


Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X

Vol 27 (2016) International Journal of African and Asian Studies

Vol 27 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
The Arab Spring and the Required Questions of Renaissance PDF
Rasha Abed Al-Fattah Jalees 1-9
Child-Headed Households and Educational Problems in Urban Informal Settlements in Kenya PDF
Perpetua Gaciuki 10-16
Study on the Role of Gender in Livestock Production and Its Contribution Towards Household Income Generation: A Case Study in Borena Zone, Ethiopia PDF
Nasir Siraj 17-25
Role of SHG Movement on Feminization of Living- A Grassroot Study on Economy of Sunderban PDF
Partha Sarathi Sarkar 26-31
An Assessment of Factors Affecting Access to Finance for Micro and Small Enterprises in the Case of Hossana Town PDF
Muluneh Adore 32-43
Comparative Analysis of Population Censuses in Africa PDF
Ogoke, Uchenna Petronilla, Nduka, Ethelbert Chinaka 44-49
Parental Involvement and Education Development in Nepal PDF
Shanta Maharjan 50-53
Practices and Disclosures of Corporate Social Responsibility in Financial Statements: A Comparative Study on Some Commercial Banks in Bangladesh PDF
Mohammad Aminul Islam, Mohammad Masud Perves 54-64
The Reality of Academic Autonomy in Public-sector Universities of Pakistan: A Case Study of University of Education, Lahore PDF
Muhammad Imran Mueed 65-73
Political Measures in the Administration of Justice in Metropolitan Sokoto, 1804 – 1837 PDF
Tukur Muhammad Mukhtar 74-80
Practices and Problems Related to Educational Supervision in, SNNP Region, Ethiopia PDF
Tsedeke Haile 81-98
Polygamy in Mali: Social and Economic Implications on Families PDF
Yaya Dissa 99-108
Marriage as a peace-making device in conflict situations among the Igbo: Examples from selected Igbo plays PDF
Eucharia A. Eze, Ndidi J. Okey-Agbo 109-117


Paper submission email: JAAS@iiste.org

ISSN 2409-6938

Vol 7, No 10 (2016) Innovative Systems Design and Engineering

Vol 7, No 10 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
On Fixed Point Theorems in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Metric Space using E.A Property PDF
Vijay Gupta 1-6
Thermal Lensing Effects in End pumped Er:YAG Laser PDF
Enas A. Khalid, Moayad A. Hasan 7-12
Some Fixed Point Theorems with G-Iteration in Banach Space with the Help of Hemi Contractive Mapping PDF
Akanksha Sharma 13-16


Paper submission email: ISDE@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2871

Vol 6, No 9 (2016) Industrial Engineering Letters

Vol 6, No 9 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Adequacy of Off-Parking Facilities in Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria PDF
Adeniran, Adetayo Olaniyi 1-5
Facilitating Efficient Counterterrorism Approaches Through Transportation and Logistics in Nigeria PDF
Adeniran, Adetayo Olaniyi 6-12
Developing a Decision Support System for Cost–Time Trade off in Project Management PDF
Firas Majid Takleef, Cihan ÇETİNKAYAC 13-17
Livelihood Dependence of Carpet Weavers in Kashmir: A Case Study of Kulgam District PDF
Tariq Ahmad Lone 18-22
Economic Implications of Rice Production Technology in District Shikarpur, Sindh Province PDF
Moula Bux Peerzado, Altaf Ahmed Jalbani, Mumtaz Ali Joyo, Tehmina Mangan 23-31
Socio-Economic and Profitability of Fisheries Enterprises the Case of Fincha Amarti Nashe Reservoir of Oromia State, Horo Guduru Wollega zone, Ethiopia PDF
Bikila Keno Amanuel Zewdie 32-45
Supply Chain Analysis of Avocado and Mango Fruits in Gedeo Zone PDF
Nega Mathewos 46-55
Production Process Investigation of Write Books Hard Cover with Stream Mapping Value for Minimize Waste Case Study in Surabaya PDF
Muharom . 56-65
Applying Mathematical Model to Determine Location Facilities Storage Optimally With Integrated Logistic System Of Supply Chain For The Industrial Area of The People PDF
Hendri Dunant Hamidi 66-73


Paper submission email: IEL@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-6096 ISSN (Online)2225-0581

Vol 50 (2016) International Affairs and Global Strategy

Vol 50 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Boko Haram Activities and Its Implications for National Integration and Development in Nigeria PDF
Sodiq O. Raheem, B.T.A. Babalola 1-9
Globalization, Information Technology and Economic Growth PDF
Shabana Kousar 10-23
The Roles of African Union Vis-A-Vis Human Security in Africa PDF
Eze-Michael, Ezedikachi. N 24-32


Paper submission email: IAGS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-574X ISSN (Online)2224-8951

Vol 38 (2016) Historical Research Letter

Vol 38 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
On A Plata of Gold? A Critical Narrative of Nationalism and Independence in French Cameroon 1945-1960 PDF
Roland Ndille, Anjoh Rose 1-13
Ethnic Tourism of Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu: A Historical Perspective PDF
C.Prem Naseer V.Palanichamy 14-20


Paper submission email: HRL@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3178 ISSN (Online)2225-0964

Vol 8, No.31, No.32, No.33 (2016) European Journal of Business and Management

Vol 8, No 31 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
A ‘VUCA’ Metrics Analysis of Organized Retail Sector in India PDF
Manash Kumar Sahu 1-6
The Impact of Change on Organisation Commitment in Zimbabwean Universities PDF
William Makumbe 7-10
The Effectiveness of Bankers/Customer Relationship in Banks Performance PDF
Akakabota Edward Eta 11-20
Understanding Statutory ‘Regional management’ Functions and Assessing the Effectiveness of Regional Planning Management Practices in the Central Region of Ghana PDF
Sam C. M. Ofori 21-37
Review on the Role of Dairy Cooperative in Market Oriented Development in Ethiopia PDF
Matawork Milkias Gobena 38-48
Assessment Study of Export, Import Price Indexes and Their Foretell Trend in Case of Pakistan PDF
Shafqat Nadeem 49-53
Public-Private-Partnership in Ethiopia: The BOT Modality in Utility Billing PDF
Daniel Mesfin 54-60
Predictors of Effective Change Management PDF
William Makumbe 61-69
An Overview of the Nigerian Contributory Pension Scheme (2004 and 2014 Pension Act) PDF
Stanley Aibieyi, Oyemwinmina Christopher 70-75
Government Capital Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Any Lesson from Disaggregated Functional Analysis? PDF
Olusola Joel Oyeleke, Jamiu Ayinla Raheem, Olanipekun Emmanuel Falade 76-84
Some Insights into Procedures and Practices to Acquire the Right Talent PDF
Gudivada Venkat Rao 85-90
Evaluation of Effectiveness of Internal Control System in Small Business Organisations in Ekiti State of Nigeria PDF
Olowolaju Monisola, Ibukun-Falayi Owoola Rekiat 91-96
The Relationship of Life Satisfaction with Buying Intention and Brand Behavior for Global Brand PDF
Tanveer Abbas 97-105
The Impact of Tax Holiday on Investment in Ethiopia: The Case of LTO Branch PDF
Dawit Gebremedhin 106-119
Children’s Influence on a Mother’s Purchase Decision: Shaped by TV Advertisements and Preferred Product Categories PDF
Rabia Rafiq Boghani 120-127
Business Ethics in SMEs under the Shelter of Corporate Governance- A Way Forward PDF
Saniya Mehboob 128-134
Utilization of Business Intelligence Tools among Business Intelligence Users PDF
Emad Ahmed 135-144
Impact of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Commitment : Case Study at Jordan Ahli Bank PDF
Atif B. Al-Quraan 145-156
Organisational Culture and Its Impact on Employee Retention: Evidence from the Private Tertiary Education Sector of Ghana PDF
Richard S. Brenyah, Edward N. Tetteh 157-163
Service Quality Analysis Education Faculty of Economic Riau University with Servqual Methode PDF
Rio Jonnes M. Marpaung 164-175
Analysis of Turnaround Strategies on Organization Performance: Case of Uchumi Supermarket, Kenya PDF
Okwisa Muhanga Daina, Manana Santos Robert, Esther N. Gicheru 176-190
An Analysis of Forces Affecting the Work Environment at “Al- Wadi Corporation”: a Case Study PDF
Reem Omar Abdel Baqi 191-198

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839



Vol 8, No 32 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Influence of School Administration’s Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures on Utilization of Education Subsidy in Public Secondary Schools Kisumu County Kenya PDF
Raphael Nyonje, Moses Aol Jabuya 1-10
Assessment of Assets Between Accounting Based on Islamic Thought and Accounting Based on International Accounting Standards ” A Comparative Study” PDF
Ziad Abdel Halim Altheebeh 11-19
Determinant of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Low Participation in Public Procurement in Lagos, Nigeria PDF
Solomon Bamidele Olusegun, James Olalekan Akinbode 20-26
Functional Managers’ Attitudes Towards Using Competitive Priorities’ Criteria in Suppliers’ Selection “An Applied Study on Public Shareholding Chemical Manufacturing Companies in Amman, Jordan” PDF
Yousef Abdel Razzak Khalil Abu Hajar 27-39
Factors Affecting Repurchase Intention of Customers: In the Context of Retail Chain Store Industry in Bangladesh PDF
Shamima Akter, Emtenan Ashraf 40-47
Evaluation of Corporate Eco-Efficiency on Organization Performance: Case of Unilever Kenya Limited PDF
George Mburu, Evans Nyamboga Mandere, Gongera Enock George 48-59
Impact of Banking Services Revenues on the Profitability of Jordan Islamic Bank PDF
Sari Sulaiman Malahim, Abdullah Yusri Alkhatib 60-64
Impact of Decision Making, Reward Management on Job Performance: Mediation of Job Satisfaction: A Case of a Private Banks in Sri Lanka PDF
Yasodara Jayarathna, S. M. D, Weerakkody, W. A. S. 65-73
Power Generation Capacity and Economic Growth in Nigeria: A Causality Approach. PDF
Onyeisi Samuel Ogbonna, Odo Stephen Idenyi, Attamah Nick 74-90
The Effect of Technology and Human Performance in Achieving the Quality of the Final Product: An Empirical Study in the Al-Waha for the Production of Soft Drinks and Mineral Water / Hilla PDF
Nour Riad Khoam, Zainab Abdul Razzaq Abood 91-109
Factors Influencing Participation of Women in Savings Groups and Small and Medium Enterprises: A Survey of West Pokot County PDF
Simon Karoki, Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha, Gregory S.Namusonge 110-114
Sovereign Islamic Sukuk and the Economic Development: A Case Study of Jordan PDF
Ghassan Salem Altaleb, Abdullah Yusri Alkhatib 115-118
The Impact of Banking Service Quality on the Financial Performance of Saudi Commercial Banks PDF
Khalil . S. Abusaleem, Abdullah .M. Hersh 119-126
The Relationship between Market Orientation and Firm Performance PDF
Evans Ojiambo Onditi 127-134
Evaluation of Financial Performance of Foreign and Domestic Banks Operating in Tanzania PDF
Josephat Lotto 135-141
Effect of Knowledge Management and Organizational Culture on Performance Guides PDF
Zulhawati ., Zumrotul Munawaroh, Joko Sutopo 142-148
The Effects of Credit Risk Management Practices on Growth of SACCO’s Wealth in Nakuru Town PDF
Fredrick M. kalui, Susan Wanjiku Kahuthu 149-161

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 8, No 33 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Discourse of Gadang Traditional Market Sellers in Malang City PDF
Budi Prihatminingtyas 1-5
A Study on Re-enroll Intention Toward Advanced Level of Higher Education for International Students in Taiwan PDF
Nguyen, Thi Hoa, Nguyen, Thi Hang 6-18
Code of Governance for Kenya’s Occupational Retirement Benefit Schemes PDF
Amos Gitau Njuguna 19-31
E-recruitment Adoption Strategy in the Universities of Saudi Arabia PDF
Wael Basri, Mohammed R. A. Siam 32-43
The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty PDF
Vithya Leninkumar 44-49
Influence of Organizational Resources on Strategy Execution in Shipping Companies in Kenya PDF
Eric Lewa Katana, Esther W. Waiganjo, Fred M. Mugambi 50-58
Is Inflation a Threat on Financial Sector Performance? PDF
Derick Taylor Adu, Kingsley Osei Domfeh, Elisha Kwaku Denkyirah 59-71
Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Schools: Special Reference to Schools in Trincomalee District in Sri Lanka PDF
Raveenther Anuja 72-76
Microfinance Performance: Does Financing Choice Matter? PDF
Peter W Muriu 77-93
Management of Waqf Properties in Zanzibar:Current Situation and the Way Forward PDF
Shaaban Mwinchum Suleiman, Abdalla Ussi Hamad 94-101
A Comparative Study on E-marketing Practices of Jordan Kuwait Bank and Arab Bank PDF
Basman al Dalaeen 102-110
The Whistleblowing Intentions of Turkish Employees PDF
Isil Karatuna, Oguz Basol, Serpil Aytac 111-122
The Effect of Capital Structure, Firm Growth and Dividend Policy on Profitability and Firm Value of the Oil Palm Plantation Companies in Indonesia PDF
Ardi Paminto, Djoko Setyadi, Jhonny Sinaga 123-134
Prospects & Challenges of Women’s Participation in Governance: A Paradigm Shift PDF
Begum Rokshana Mili, Md. Lutfor Rahman 135-144
The Role of the Financial Services Authority for the Development of Islamic Banks Linkage with Other Financial Institutions PDF
Agnes Quartina Pudjiastuti, Ernany Dwi Astuty 145-152
Internal Marketing and Market Orientation of Mobile Telecommunication Companies in Nigeria PDF
N. Gladson Nwokah, Hamilton-Ibama Edith-O Lolia 153-169
Using Technology Acceptance Model in Understanding Academics’ Behavioral Intention to Use Blackboard Learning Management System PDF
Abdullah Yahia Moqbile Ahmed 170-178
Influence of Customer Service and Firm- Level Characteristics on Customer Satisfaction Among Large Retail Supermarkets in Kenya: Theoretical Framework PDF
Cherono, Vivian, Winifred N. Karugu, Peter Mwaura Njuguna 179-194
Strategies to Enhance Public Confidence in the Zimbabwean Banking Sector PDF
Andrew Munoangira, Primrose Kaja 195-209
Sources of Finance and Financial Performance of Downstream Petroleum Firms in Nigeria PDF
Rasheed Olatunji ANIMASAUN, Abdul Ganiyu A. BABAYANJU 210-224
Partnership Management Strategy for Sustainable Performance of Self Help Groups in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya PDF
Christine Jeptoo Keter 225-230
The Role of Agency Banking in Promoting Financial Inclusion: Descriptive Analytical Evidence from Tanzania PDF
Josephat Lotto 231-240
Role of Supplier Appraisal on the Performance of Projects Funded by Constituency Development Fund in Kenya PDF
Samuel Muli, Henry Bwisa, John Kihoro 241-248


Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 6, No 11 (2016) Journal of Developing Country Studies

Vol 6, No 11 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
The Study of Bureaucratic Characteristics in the Administrative Organizations of Iran (The Case of Personnel of Governmental Organizations in Ahvaz City) PDF
A Small Rural Nonfarm Activity with Greater Livelihood Benefits to Poor Boys and Young Men: Bicycle Taxi Business in Rural Malawi PDF
Justin Alinafe Mangulama, Zhou Shengkun 9-16
An Assessment on the Availability and Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for the Teaching and Learning of English Language PDF
B.A. Mbah 17-21
Factors Influencing Latrine Coverage among the Maasai of Ildamat Location Kajiado District PDF
Anne Thitu, Margaret Kaseje, Afullo Augustine 22-27
Chieftaincy and Partisan Politics: The Case of Agona Ashanti Traditional Area PDF
Kwarkye Gyedu Thompson 28-31
Infrastructure and Societal Restlessness in a Developing Country (A Case of Nigeria) PDF
Okosun, Senator Endurance, Ajisola, Thomas Kolawole, Omokhafe Christopher, Ayo-Odifiri Oisasoje Solomone 32-40
Economic Potential of Irrigated Improved Citrus Seedlings in Nigeria PDF
Afolayan, S.O 41-47
Nigerian Economic Recession: Emphasis on Sound Transport Policy PDF
Adeniran, Adetayo Olaniyi 48-54
Repositioning Africa for Sustainable Development: Examining Shared Challenges and Common Solutions PDF
Osy E. Nwebo, Ezeanyika S. Ezeanyika 55-63
Foreign Portfolio Investment and Stock Market Growth in Nigeria PDF
Onyeisi, Ogbonna Samuel, Odo, Idenyi Stephen, Anoke, Charity Ifeyinwa 64-76
Empirical Analysis of Macroeconomic Determinants on Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in Pakistan PDF
Sadaf Abdul Hayee 77-82
The Resilience of Street Vendors and Urban Public Space Management in Aba, Nigeria PDF
Ogbonna Chukwuemeka Godswill, Nwaeze Chinweoke, Okoye Veronica Ugonma, Eleazu Eberechi Ijeoma 83-93
Child Headed Households, The Emerging Phenomenon in Urban Informal Settlements in Kenya PDF
Perpetua Gaciuki 94-104
Predictors of Consumer Patronage of Street Food Vendors in a Typical Developing Economy Context PDF
Adeola A. Ayodele, Amos E. Panama 105-119
Sustainability of Maternal Health Care Interventions in Rural Ghana: The Case of Kassena-Nankana West District PDF
Simon Peter Aziaba, Dina Adei, Romanus Dogkubong. Dinye 120-134
Long-run Inter-sectoral Dynamics and Economic Growth in Nigeria PDF
Olumuyiwa Olamade, Oluwasola Oni 135-144


Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565