The Impact of Developing HRM Harvard Model on Employee’s Attitude, and Skills: A Case of Sharjah Municipality UAE Appraisal

Hamed Usrof


This article utilizes the Harvard model of Human Resources Management (HRM) to conceive how changes in stakeholder interests combined with changes to situational factors influence public segment HRM arrangement decisions that thusly influence HRM results for various sorts of open sector employees through three added dimensions to Harvard model; leadership behavior, service direction execution, and work intelligence on employee’s attitude and skills. The objective of present research is to assess the perception of HR managers about defies they face and the three factors being adapted to the Harvard model, which to estimate the impact of developing a model on employee’s attitude, and skills.Methods: A survey design to develop Harvard model of HRM, and the individuals who join their role as HR managers with different obligations of employee’s attitude and skills in Sharjah municipality was measured with the acceptance of three dimensions added to Harvard model. The study based on self-administrated questionnaire including 42 Questions. The study approach was quantitative for collect data and analyzes data with 360 sample size, whereas thematic analysis was used for open-ended questions.Results: An aggregate of 349 respondents from Sharjah municipality responded. The participations had different ranges of expertise in the area of HR management. The coefficient of determination was used to find the effects of all factors which added to model and revealed that challenges varied across respondents and participating municipality, while, over all the results were indicated bigger than (0.9) with each model directions, and this show a high impact of employee’s attitude and skills by adopted Harvard HRM model. Conclusion: the benefits of seeking after a solid examining focus may have profited associations fiscally, the advantages can just remain if general sector employees, including experts, are set up to work under those conditions. The inability to hold better HRM in municipality with various sections, combined with past investigations that have distinguished poor administration as a contributing component, proposes that past HRM approach decisions may must be supplanted by new HRM strategy decisions that emphasis on employees' attitude and skills.

Keywords: Human Resource Management; Harvard Model; Employees' Attitude and Skills; Work Intelligence; Leadership Behavior

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