The Influence of the Usage of Indonesian Language Text-Book Based on Active Learning Students Against Ability in Writing Academic Paper
Indonesian language proficiency for students is reflected through good thinking, administration said, grammar, and a code of conduct in Indonesian language in academic or academic context. In fact, among the teachers, lecturer, and students, culture was still far from expectations. In addition, the key to the development of science is the research and writings. Indonesian Language textbook based Active Learning aims to facilitate students in academic writing. Evaluation of the usage of Indonesian language textbook based on active learning students agains ability in writing academic papers of students in three universities (STAIN Salatiga, IAIN Walisongo, UIN Sunan Kalijaga) will be performed with anova statistics tools. This tool assumes the data invariant, then to make sure that they do testing form of distribution with kolmogrov. The test results late data distribution value students get STAIN Salatiga koefesien k-s = 0.0837 with probability (p) of 0.200. The acquisition of p >0.05 indicates the data invariant. The test results on the value end of the student UIN Sunan Kalijaga and IAIN Walisongo also get p >0.05, indicates the invariant. Kolmogorov probability value of the test results of more than 0.05, indicating all invariant values. Respondents research comes from a variety of different 3 PTAIN. Heterogenitasnya is expected to still be tolerated so that it can be viewed as a unity of the population, while also fulfilling much of its homogeneity assumption in order for the test results anova is not biased. Variansi the test results get Fhitung with p > 0.05 on final value and all aspects of its use. The acquisition of p >0.05 marked the third variansi of the College belonging in homogeneous. Means test is performed to evaluate the anova results, to get the final value Fhitung = 150,025 with probability (p) = 0,00. The acquisition of p <0.05 indicates a significant difference between the means, the end of writing student papers STAIN Salatiga, IAIN Walisongo, and UIN Sunan Kalijaga meaningful or it can be said significant.
Keywords: textbook, academic writing, Indonesian Courses, Active Learning, lecturer, students.

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