Comparative Analysis of Job Satisfaction Among General and Special Education Teachers

Rawiya Alansari


This study aims to examine and compare the levels of job satisfaction among Saudi teachers. Job satisfaction is a very important element in the job of a teacher which is the determiner of teacher motivation, engagement, and overall job performance. The contrast between the job satisfaction among general and special education teachers can reveal the peculiar difficulties and benefits that are linked with the two teaching types. The study utilizes a survey instrument to collect data on nine various aspects of teacher job satisfaction. Statistics are used to analyze the data and discover the evidence of the significant differences in job satisfaction scores between general and special education teachers. The discoveries of this research, unlike the current literature on teacher job satisfaction, are different. It shows how satisfied teachers are in general with their jobs and also, it points out the minor differences in satisfaction levels between different sectors. Although both groups express dissatisfaction with salaries, in the case of special education teachers, the level of dissatisfaction is lower than that of the general education teachers. Differences are noticed in areas like recognition, job security, and working conditions, with special education teachers experiencing more satisfaction in terms of recognition and general education teachers expressing more satisfaction in these areas with job security and working conditions.

Keywords: teacher job satisfaction, general education, special education, teachers

DOI: 10.7176/JEP/15-6-13

Publication date: May 30th 2024

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