The Impact of Teachers' Motivation on the Quality Education in Bangladesh
Introduction: In this challenging and competitive world, quality education is the prime factor to solve the arising problems, and teachers are the principal factors in ensuring quality education. The issue of teachers’ motivation and quality education has become a matter of argumentative issue and concern in educational systems and standards. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the impact of teachers ‘motivation on quality education in Bangladesh. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Department of Management in Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh during July 2023 to December 2023. A total of 75 classroom teachers were enrolled in this study. Of them (n=25) were High school, college and university teachers respectively. The collected data were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version-23.0. Results: A total of 75 classroom teachers were enrolled in this study. Of them (n=25) were High school, college and university teachers respectively. Responses of the teachers regarding the impacts of motivation on quality education: 100% of the university teachers responded affirmative to the statement.” ‘Teacher’s motivation affects student performance’ and followed 100% college teachers, 100% high school teachers. 68% university teachers strongly agreed to the statement. ‘Teacher’s motivation influences the quality of teaching-learning”. 32%agreed and followed by72% college teachers strongly agreed, 28% agreed, 48% school teachers strongly agreed, 40% agreed, 4% remained neutral and 8% strongly disagreed. 56% university teachers agreed to the statement, “Enhanced motivation can have a significant impact on students' behavioral learning.”40% teachers strongly agreed and 4% teacher remained neutral and followed 52% college teachers strongly agreed, 48%agreed, 48% high school teachers strongly agreed, 48% agreed and 4% remained neutral.64%university teachers agreed to the statement, “A Motivated educational setting may have a direct impact on the percentage of students”, 36% teachers strongly agreed and followed by 64% college teachers agreed, 32% strongly agreed and 4% remained neutral, 56% high school teachers agreed,44% strongly agreed.52% university teachers agreed to the statement, “The motivation of teachers has the potential to influence the academic performance of students.”, 44%) strongly agreed and 4%remained neutral and followed by 56% college teachers strongly agreed, 36% agreed, 4% neutral, 60% school teachers agreed, 32% strongly agreed, 4% neutral and 4% strongly disagreed.60% teachers agreed to the statement, “Motivational Boosts can have a direct on impact students' learning behavior.28% strongly agreed, 12% remained neutral and followed by 52% college teachers strongly agreed, 48% agreed,60% high school teachers agreed and 36% strongly agreed and 4% neutral. 64% university teachers agreed to the statement, “There is a positive relation between engaging in professional development and experiencing enhanced academic development.32% teachers strongly agreed and 4% teacher remained neutral and followed 52% college teachers strongly agreed, 48% agreed, 60 % school teachers agreed, 40% strongly agreed. 48% university teachers agreed to the statement, “The appreciation and admiration of both students and their parents may have an influence on teacher's performance” 36% strongly agreed, 8% remained neutral, 8% disagreed.52% University teachers strongly agreed to the statement, “The supports, remuneration, and benefits provided by the administration strengthen your enthusiasm.” 40% agreed, 8% remained neutral and followed 56% college teachers strongly agreed,44% agreed, 56% high school teachers agreed,40% strongly agreed and 8% neutral.52% university teachers agreed to the statement, “Your actions, if you are motivated, reflects the steps when you educating your students.” 44% strongly agreed and 4% neutral and followed 48% college teachers agreed, 44% strongly agreed and 8%neutral, 56% school teachers agreed, 40% strongly agreed, 4% neutral. 56% university teachers strongly agreed to the statement, “There is a relationship between teacher's motivation and performance in class room teaching “44% agreed and followed 52% college teachers agreed, 40% strongly agreed and 8% neutral, 60% school teachers strongly agreed and 40% agreed. 76%) university teachers preferred both financial and non-financial motivation, 12% only financial motivation and 8% preferred non-financial motivation and followed 100% college teachers preferred both financial and non-financial motivation and 96% school teachers preferred both financial and non-financial motivation, but 4% preferred only financial motivation. All the teachers (100%) faced challenges to impart quality education in their respective institution. Conclusion: This study investigated that all the respondents (100%) of this study strongly agreed that teacher’s motivation has an active impact on imparting quality education in Bangladesh
Keywords: Impacts, teachers, motivation, relation, quality, education
DOI: 10.7176/JEP/15-7-13
Publication date: June 30th 2024

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