Introduction Curriculum Multiculturalism Boarding School

HM Djaswidi Al Hamdani


Almost all the Indonesian people realize that the people and nation of Indonesia has religious heterogeneity, social, cultural, political aspirations, and economic capabilities. In the world of education, heterogeneity is believed to have a strong influence on the ability of teachers to develop curricula, educational institutions the ability to provide a learning experience, and the ability of students to proceed in learning and processing information into something that can be translated as a result of learning. Heterogeneity was to be an independent variable that has a very significant contribution to the success of both the curriculum and the curriculum process as a result. Therefore, the heterogeneity should be taken into account and factors considered in determining the basis of philosophy, theory, vision, development documents, curriculum dissemination, and implementation of the curriculum.

In general, multiculturalism has been taken as a foothold in developing curriculum and education in general education institutions, especially foreign educational institutions. Unfortunately, environmental awareness in the School and Boarding School about the importance of multicultural education curriculum is still there, even if there is still very limited. Therefore, the introduction of the curriculum with multicultural development approach in the School and Boarding School is considered important and significant, as an Indonesian Moslem man attempts to build a tolerant, open, ready to have different opinions and have the ability to live in the middle of the plurality of society.

Keywords: Education, Curriculum, Multiculturalism, School, Boarding School.

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