Stylistic Analysis of an Extract from Purple Hibiscus
This study attempts to carry out an in-depth stylistic analysis of an extract from Purple Hibiscus by Chichamanda Ngozi Adichie to demonstrate how a detailed stylistic analysis can reveal the ways in which the different linguistic features can be manipulated to achieve a wide range of significant effects. Salient linguistic features in the construction of meaning and frameworks fruitful in the discussion of the particular extract based on a close reading of the literature are employed for approaching the stylistic analysis. The study examines, in particular, the linguistic control of viewpoint, speech and thought presentation as well as how readers are invited to get into central characters’ head throughout the extract, which give insights into the narrator’s external perception of the particular event in the fictional world. Furthermore, close attention is paid to the interpersonal function of language in the analysis of the conversational part of the extract. Methods of discourse analysis in terms of body language, turn-taking mechanism, co-operation, politeness and the character are applied to investigate the linguistic strategies and patterns indicated in the dialogue. Findings demonstrate the personalities of characters, their tense relationship, and the struggle for the dominance of power in the interaction. Moreover, the alternative world is applied to further probe how the concept of different worlds of the characters in the textual universe can be used to describe the conflicts which start the plot of the novel and internal structure of the fictional worlds. Based on findings, general conclusions and implications for future studies are revealed.
Keywords: stylistic analysis, point of view, mind style, speech and thought presentation, conversational analysis, alternative worlds
DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/68-07
Publication date:May 31st 2020
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