Business Communication Ethics: A Moral Guideline and Critical Reflection

Ngorang Philipus


A business activity needs communication for getting profits and making the business work well. Business communication tends to manipulate even to lie the business stakeholders to make the profit. A business communication ethics discource needs to minimize these tendecies. In this term, business communication ethics should be understood as moral rules.  These moral rules manage the business actor’s behavior in business activities. It has been formed in deontology, utilitarian, justice, rights and virtuosity ethics. As science and moral philosophy,  business communication ethics critically reflects the business communication practice. In practice, profit oriented business communication produces domination stucture in the form of monological business communication. Business communication ethics deconstructs the domination structure by esthablising the new rules and strengthening the civil society. It means that business communication ethics clarifies that business communication ethics deals not only with moral rules but also with social structure that supports and hampers the ethical business communication practice as dialogal business communicative action.

Keywords: business communication, ethics, domination structure, deconstruction

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