E-Commerce During COVID-19 Lockdown 2020: Challenges and Opportunities For Consumer Rights In Uganda

Candia Emmanuel


Both the government of Uganda and Jumia Uganda effectively used the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown measures of 2020 to promote e-commerce services. This study adopted a qualitative research methodology. The researcher elicited random responses over a Facebook page regarding consumer experience using Jumia Uganda during the lockdown. The study engaged a population size of about 5,000 persons and a target sample size of 100 participants on Facebook of which 50 persons responded. The study found that 66% of the respondents had a bad experience using the Jumia Uganda platform compared to 34% who had a good experience. Although e-commerce was widely promoted and used, e-commerce service consumers had a bitter-sweet cocktail of experiences. Critical challenges of the business include: poor quality and counterfeit products, delivery challenges, high cost of shipping and pricing of products, cancellation, return, refund, repurchase challenges, and lack of an effective dispute resolution mechanism. The study recommends the improvement of the delivery mechanisms, quality verification, and certification process, and the creation of an online dispute resolution mechanism to boost consumer confidence and interest in e-commerce.

Key words: E-commerce/ Covid-19/ Consumer Rights/ Trade/ Online Trade/ Online Dispute Resolution.

DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/82-06

Publication date:November 30th 2021

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