Vol 6, No.9 and No.10 (2016) Journal of Natural Sciences Research

Vol 6, No 9 (2016)

Table of Contents


In-Vitro Activity of Artemether, Lumefantrine, Dihydroartemisinin and Piperaquine against Plasmodium Falciparum Clinical Isolates Transported in a Formulated Transport Medium and EDTA from Chulaimbo Sub-County Hospital PDF
Scolastica C. Korir, Rose Kakai, Hosea M. Akala, Ayub Ofulla 1-6
Multidrug Resistance and Multiple Antibiotic Resistance Index of Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Retailed Smoked Fish PDF
Adenaike, O. 7-10
The Relation of Serum Anti-Mullerian Hormone with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Correlation with Clinical and Hormonal Parameters PDF
Alaa Mohammed Sadiq, Dalal Mehdi Al-Jarrah 11-15
Assessment of Reproductive Performance of Local and Crossbred Dairy Cattle in Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Debir Legesse Belay 16-22
Estimation of Live Body Weight from the Linear Body Measurements of Begait Goats in Western Tigray, Ethiopia PDF
Gebrekiros Hagos 23-27
Evaluation of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Varieties, for Yield and Yield Components at Sorrobo, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Melese Lema 28-32
Habitat Association and Foraging Ecology of Oribi (Ourebia ourebi Zimmermann, 1783) in Maze National Park, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Wondimagegnehu Tekalign 33-42
The Population of Aphis Gossypii Glove on the Black Grape by the Method of Direct Account PDF
Haroon H. Aleiwy 43-44
Impact of Stress on Health and Productivity of Animal: A Review PDF
Nejash Abdela 45-51
Comparison of a Formulated Transport Medium and EDTA Anticoagulant in Kenyan Field Isolates from Maseno Division against a Panel of Antimalarials Using SYBR Green I technique PDF
Scolastica C. Korir 52-57
Performance and Nutrient Digestibility of Acha Grains (Digitaria iburua ) as Replacement for Maize in the Diet of Female Grower Rabbits PDF
Oke, O.S. 58-60
Adaptation and Growth Performance of Different Lowland Bamboo Species in Bako, West Shoa, Ethiopia PDF
Regassa Terefe 61-65
Measures of Biodiversity Index of Algal Communities in a Freshwater Ecosystem in Northern Nigeria PDF
Sindama, A Umar. I. J 66-70
Physiological, Serum and Haematological Responses of Broiler Fed Honey at Varying Levels of Inclusion in the Diet PDF
O. J. Osunkeye 71-75
Evaluation of Two Moringa Species for Adaptability and Growth Performance under Bako Conditions PDF
Dawit Samuel 76-82

Paper submission email: JNSR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3186 ISSN (Online)2225-0921


Vol 6, No 10 (2016)

Table of Contents


Molluscicidal Activity of Selected Plant Extracts in Kenya PDF
Margaret kindiki, Dorcas Yole, Horace Ochanda, Naomi Waiganjo 1-5
Evaluation of Selected Cowpea Lines and Cultivars for Inherent Resistance against Cowpea Seed Beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) PDF
Moses A. Adebayo, Samuel A. Babarinde, Gabriel O. Adesina, Sunday O. Oladoye 6-10
Clinical Profile of Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Karbala City, IRAQ PDF
Abdulabbas Abduon Hadi, Mohammad Khawwam Abdulwahid, Nabil Fahim Abdulrazzaq 11-15
GLP-1, DPP-4 and GPCR Levels in Diabetic and Diabetic neuropathy Patient`s PDF
Tamara Ala`a, Zeinab M. Al-Rubaei 16-20
The Problem-Based Learning Classrooms in the Natural Sciences: A Mechanism for Learning PDF
Wilfredo T. Lacambra 21-30
Hydrochemical Characteristics and Quality Assessment of Groundwater from Umuogadu Oshia, Ngbo, S.E, Nigeria PDF
I. M. Onwe, O. V. Omonona 31-37
Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Structural and Optical Properties of Bayfol CR1-4 Nuclear Track Detector PDF
S. Bahammam 38-43
The Use of Mathematical Models in the Analysis of Flow in a Regional Water Table Aquifer in Nsukka Area, Southeast Nigeria PDF
Joseph Idu Amah, Elizabeth I. Okoyeh, Solomon Onwuka 44-53
Variation in the Phytochemical Constituents of Seeds, Mature and Immature Leaves of Moringa oleifera Lam. Growing in Five Local Government Areas of Oyo State, Nigeria PDF
Wahab Olasumbo Monsurat, Elabor Queen Catherine 54-60
Evaluation of Antidiarrheal Activity of the Ethanolic Stem Bark Extract of Vernonia amygdalina in Experimental Animals PDF
Akintola Adebola Olayemi, Adedosu Olaniyi Temitope, Kehinde Busuyi David, Ibikunle Geshin John 61-66
Determination of Rheumatoid Factor in Suspected Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Attending Selected Hospitals in Zaria, Nigeria PDF
Emmanuel Atai, Elijah Ekah Ella, Clement M. Z Whong, Bola. O P Musa 67-72
Determination of Antinuclear Antibody and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Selected Patients Attending University Medical Center (Sickbay) A.B.U, Zaria Nigeria PDF
Elijah Ekah Ella, Haruna Salamatu Usman, Agnes U Edia-Asuke 73-77
Variability of Surface Exudates of Dodonaea angustifolia L.f, Antioxidant and Antiplasmodial activities of the compounds PDF
Leonidah Kerubo Omosa, Hosea Akala, Evans Okemwa Kenanda, Beth Ndunda 78-85
Distribution of stomata on Lycopersicon esculentum leaves for plants growing in air pollution related to vehicle fumes along Waiyaki Highway Nairobi County Kenya PDF
Jesse Lugadiru, Wycliffe Wanzala, Jacinta M. Kimiti 86-91
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Some Fishes from the Iraqi Marine Waters PDF
Dhafar Dh. AL-Khion, Balqees S. Al-Ali, Ghassan Al-Nagar, Hamid T. Al-Saad, Luma J. Al-Anber, Abd alhussein A. Khwadem, Salah M.Saleh, Ahmad majeed zeidan 92-99
Neurotoxic Effect of Oseltamivir Phosphate Directly Dosed To Mice Pups during Lactation Period PDF
Areej B. ABBAS, Duraid A. ABBAS 100-106
Earthen Storage Influence on Sprouting of Terminalia ivorensis (A. CHEV) Stem Cuttings. PDF
Akoto, S.D, Abebrese, I.K, Partey, S.T, M.A., Appiah 107-114


Paper submission email: JNSR@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3186 ISSN (Online)2225-0921

Vol 49 (2016) Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization

Vol 49 (2016)

Table of Contents


The Child Adoption in the Inheritance System of the Sentani Indigenous Community PDF
Onesimus Sahuleka 1-10
The Implementation of Principle of Integration in Fulfilling the Worker’s Rights of Bankrupt Company as a Medium of Law to Solve Debt Problems Fairly, Quickly, Openly, and Effectively PDF
Mohammad Amrullah, Suhariningsih ., Abdul Rachmad Budiono, Sihabudin . 11-17
The Implication of Legal Ambiguity on Legal Protection Arrangement of Governmental Employees toward the Work Agreement Based on the Legislation PDF
I Nyoman Gede Remaja, Sudarsono ., Moh. Ridwan, Muchamad Ali Safaat 18-24
Burden of Proof and Presumption of Innocence in the Prosecution of Illicit Enrichment with Reference to the Jordanian Legislation PDF
Mohannad Ahmad Abu-Morad, Zainal Amin Ayub, Fauziah Mohammad Noor 25-29
Implementation of Collateral Confiscation (Conservatoir Beslag) in Order to Manifest the Restoration of Assets Obtained from Corruption PDF
Endang Usman, Supanto ., Adi Sulistiyono 30-44
Types of Leadership and the Customary Courts in the Papua’s Customary Communities PDF
Hendrik Herman J. Krisifu 45-51
The Dilemma of the State Institution in Indonesia PDF
Yudi Widagdo Harimurti 52-55
The Practice of Cooperation with Build, Operate & Transfer (BOT) Model in Indonesia PDF
Irawan Soerodjo 56-61
The Administration of the Waiting Listed Pilgrim Candidates in a Justicial Operation System of Hajj Worship PDF
Mariani ., Thohir Luth, M. Hadin Muhjad, Moh. Fadli 62-70
Ethiopia Legal Frame Work Regarding Compensation for Wrongful Conviction PDF
Muluneh Woldetsadik Ossa 71-78
The Urgency of Legal Protection towards the Debtor of the Prospective Company in Bankruptcy Process in Commercial Court PDF
Mulyani Zulaeha, Suhariningsih ., Sihabudin ., Noor Hafidah 79-84
Privatization of Public Enterprises in Nigeria: Critical Success Factors PDF
Olufemi O. POPOOLA 85-94
The Israeli Colonialist Policy in Al-Quds City and its Impact on the Judaization and Political Segregation of the City PDF
Salwa Farrag 95-100
The Rational Approach of Obafemi Awolowo’s Principles in Enhancing Efficient Leadership and Good Governance through Intellectual Enormity PDF
Adeniran, Adetayo Olaniyi 101-107
Legal Issues and Prospects in the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Nigeria PDF
Shedrack Ekpa, Nuarrual Hilal Md. Dahlan 108-116
Land Acquisition for Oil Palm in Perspective Living Environment PDF
H. JONI 117-128
The Nature and Legal Standing of the Islamic Sentence in the Islamic Legal System PDF
Nurhayati Sutan Nokoe, Aswanto ., M. Arfin Hamid, Sukarno Aburaera 129-138
Traditional Market Presence in Retail Trade Crush PDF
Kajagi Kalman, Aminuddin Ilmar, Ahmadi Miru, Juajir Sumardi 139-149


Paper submission email: JLPG@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3240 ISSN (Online)2224-3259

Vol 6, No 5 (2016) Journal of Information Engineering and Applications

Vol 6, No 5 (2016)

Table of Contents


A Qualitative Analysis on Market Display and Design Phase: Measures of Customer Progression and Business Reimbursement PDF
I. Ar. Farhana Choudhury 1-12
A Theoretical Review of Mobile Commerce Success Determinants PDF
Adrian Kamotho Njenga, Kate Litondo, Tonny Omwansa 13-23
A Review Paper on Accident Detection System Using Intelligent Algorithm for VANET PDF
Saad Masood Butt 24-30
Indoor Navigation for Visually Impaired / Blind People Using Smart Cane and Mobile Phone: Experimental Work PDF
Ayad Esho Korial, Mohammed Najm Abdullah 31-40
Susceptibility to Potentially Harmful Self-Medication: The Place of M-Health Apps in Ensuring Well Being PDF
Allen Nnanwuba Adum, Uchenna Patricia Ekwugha, Ojinime Ebelechukwu Ojiakor, Uche Victor Ebeze 41-50


Paper submission email: JIEA@iiste.org
ISSN (Paper)2224-5782 ISSN (Online)2225-0506

Vol 26 (2016) Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing

Vol 26 (2016)

Table of Contents


Time Interval between Onset of Symptoms of Severe Preeclampsia to Delivery: Effect on Pregnancy Outcomes at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, South Western Uganda PDF
Mayanja Ronald, Masembe Sezalio, Chakura Andrew, Ngonzi Joseph 1-7
Association between Labour Outcomes and Level of Healthcare System at Which Initial Delivery Assessment is done before Referral in South Western Uganda PDF
Mayanja Ronald, Chakura Andrew, Masembe Sezalio, Njagi Joseph, Wasswa Ssalongo, Joseph Ngonzi 8-13
Factors Associated with Short Births Intervals among Women Delivering at Mbarara Hospital PDF
Mayanja Ronald, Mubiru Musa, Masembe Sezalio, Nkonwa Innoncent, Njagi Joseph, Chakura Andrew, Musa Kayondo, Joseph Ngonzi 14-19
Prevalence and Factors Associated With Genital Chlamydial Infections among Women Attending the Gynaecology Clinic At Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital PDF
Mubiru Musa, Bazira Joel, Abesiga Lenard, Ngonzi Joseph, Mayanja Ronald, Mugisha Julius, Nkonwa Innocent, Chakura Andrew, Awar Zacharia, Atwine Daniel, Kayondo Musa 20-27
Analysis of Compliance with Universal Precautions among Staff and Student Nurses in Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital PDF
Kio Janet O, Agbede Catherine A, Ikponmwosa Iyabosa 28-34
Effect of Nursing Guideline on Dietary and Fluid Compliance among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis PDF
Fathia Ahmed Mersal, Dalia Salah El Deen El-Sedawy, Nahed Ahmed Mersal 35-47
Bovine Embryo Transfer and Its Application: Arview PDF
Tesfaye bekele 48-60
Factors Associated With Adverse Perinatal Outcomes Among Women Referred In Labour to Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital. PDF
Chakura Andrew, Ngonzi Joseph, Abesiga Lenard, Masembe Sezalio, Nkonwa Innocent, Mubiru Musa, Bulus Lawrence Ndenge, Njagi Joseph, Anwar Zacharia, Businge Stephen, Mayanja Ronald 61-70
Fetal Outcome after Vacuum Assisted Vaginal Delivery in Arba Minch General Hospital, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Aman Yesuf, Wolde Facha 71-75
Nutritional Status of Adolescent and Adult PLWHA on Anti-Retroviral Treatment, Attending Various Comprehensive Care Centres in Nairobi County, Kenya PDF
Mulia Wilfred Kisingu, Charles F L. Mbakaya, Anselimo Makokha, Gabriel G. Mbugua, James Kariuki, Erastus Muniu 76-81
Obstetric Complications in Two Major Urban Maternal and Child Clinics in Mogadishu Somalia: A Cross Sectional Study on Prevalence and Associated Factors PDF
Zainab Elmi Duhulo, Yeri Kombe, Simon Karanja 82-93
Prevalence of Postnatal Care Utilization and Associated Factors among Women Who Gave Birth and Attending Immunization Clinic in Selected Government Health Centers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2016 PDF
Senait Berhanu 94-108
Preoperative Fasting Time and Selected Postoperative Outcomes among Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgeries: Correlation Study PDF
Amel Gomaa Abd El-Naby, Zeinab M. El-Sayed 109-119
Isolation, Identification and Antibiotic Susceptibility Profiles of Diarrheagenic Bacteria Associated with Food Handlers in Kericho Town, Kenya PDF
Cheruiyot Sang, Samwel Odiwuor, Joseph Oundo 120-127
Risk Factors for Congenital Heart Diseases in a Group of Children in Holy Karbala Governorate/IRAQ PDF
Mohammed Khawwam Abdulwahid, Zuhair Omran Easa, Abdulabbas Abduon Hadi, Nabil Fahim Abdulrazzaq 128-143
Adherence to Universal Precautions in Infection Prevention among Health Workers in Kabarole District PDF
Gordon Mpamize 144-155
Family planning utilization and correlates; perspective of women aged 15-49 years from Mandera County of North Eastern Kenya PDF
Abdikadir S. Omar, Joseph K. Mutai, Florence M. Kyallo, Musa Otieno Ngayo 156-168
Assessment of Drugs Use Among Pregnant Women Attending ANC in Sir Yahaya Memorial Hospital Birnin-Kebbi Kebbi State Nigeria PDF
Jafaru Yahaya, Tasiu Yalwa, Sirajo Muhammad, Musa Ibrahim 169-182
The effect of auditory stimulation on pain response of preterm infants PDF
Ebtsam S. Mahrous, Mirret M. Darwish, Amr H. Malash, Soheir A. Dabash, Shadia R. El-Guindy 183-188
Utilization of Insecticide Treated Nets by the Under-Five-Years Children and Pregnant Women in Calabar, Nigeria PDF
Eyong Abiodun Komomo, Akintoye Oluyemi Ayorinde, Rose Egena, Chuku Irene, Peter Okpe Agada 189-195
Assessment of the Utilization of Insecticide Treated nets (ITNs) in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria PDF
Eyong Abiodun Komomo, Rose Egena, Chuku Irene, Akintoye Oluyemi Ayorinde, Peter Okpe Agada 196-205
Assessment of Emotional Distress in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: A Case Study at the National Centre for Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine, Korle-Bu PDF
Naomi Oyoe Ohene-Oti, Ernestina A. Addy, Charles Agyemang, Verna Vanderpuye 206-219
Factors Affecting Quality of Life in Patients with End Stage of Renal Disease on Hemodialysis , Ras Al Khaimah-United Arab Emirates PDF
Mouza S. Mohamed Al-Shehhi, Faiza A. Abou El-Soud Said Shahin 220-238
Epidemiological study of the intestinal parasite among children in AL-kut city. PDF
Alaa M. Al-Rubaee, May N. Al- khanaq, Baraa A. Hraiga 239-243


Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419

Vol 7, No.9 and No.10 (2016) Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development

Vol 7, No 9 (2016)

Table of Contents


An Evaluation of the Relevance of the AK Model to Developing Countries Such as Zimbabwe PDF
Clapton Munongerwa 1-4
Pre-extension Popularization of Improved Maize Varieties: In Raya-Azebo Woreda South of Tigray, Ethiopia PDF
Hagos Kidane, Haddis Yirga, Ykaalo Teklay, Zebrhe Teklay, Jemal Juhar 5-11
Contemporary Analysis and Progression of Fashion Industry: The Instance of Bangladesh History PDF
Md. Mizanur Rahman 12-17
Economic Analysis of Roasted Beef (Suya) Marketing in Bauchi Metropolitant of Bauchi State PDF
Entrepreneurial Intentions among Students of Higher Institutions in Eritrea PDF
Petros Woldu Fessehatsion, Dawit Teclemariam Bahta 22-28
Factors Determining the Yield of White Pea Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and Identifying the Corresponding Roles of the Value Chain Actors in Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha District, Ethiopia PDF
Gashahun Kelemework, Lemma Zemedu, Bosena Tegegne 29-37
Evaluation of Quality Protein Maize Traditional Dish at Home and Consumers` Willingness to Pay for its Grain in Jimma Zone: Omo Nada District PDF
Samuel Diro, Wondaferahu Mulugeta, Muhidin Muhammedhussen 38-50
Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Women in National Development PDF
Causal Relationship between Government Revenue Growth and Economic Growth in Ethiopia PDF
Biruk Birhanu 59-69
Analysis and Modeling of Wastewater Reuse Externalities in African Agriculture PDF
Ayotunde Kolawole, Iddo Kan 70-80
The Contribution of Ethiopia Commodity Exchange for Promoting Exports of Agricultural Products PDF
Muluken Ayalew Worku, Abebe Ejigu, Gebreyohannes Gebresilasie 81-90
Review on Barley Production and Marketing in Ethiopia PDF
Samuel Weldeyohanis Kifle, Veterinary Medicine 91-100
Management Strategy of Palm Oil Plantation Conservation Acreage of PT.MSM Wilmar Plantation, Central Kalimantan, Based on the Economic Value of the Area and the Society’s Perspectives PDF
Belinda Hastari, Budi setiawan, Sugeng Prijono, M. Arief Soendjoto 101-110
Economics of Oil in Developing Countries between the Dutch Disease and the Norwegian Experience: An Empirical Study on Saudi Economy PDF
Yousif M. Mohammad Alameen 111-120
Sustainable Development: The Environmental Approach PDF
Olayiwola Sunmonu 121-130

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855


Vol 7, No 10 (2016)

Table of Contents


Conflict Resolution of Land Disputes by Using Dayak Customary Law in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia PDF
Hafiizh Prasetia, N. Annisa, Robbiannor ., Ariffin ., A.W. Muhaimin, Soemarno . 1-5
Exchange Rate Volatility and Inflation: The Nigerian Experience PDF
Okoli Tochukwu Timothy, Mbah Stella Ada, Agu Osmond Chigozie 6-15
Impact of External Debt on Economic Growth in Nigeria: An ARDL Bound Testing Approach PDF
Mbah Stella Ada, Agu Osmond Chigozie, Umunna Godwin 16-26
Effects of Vocational Education on Wage: Case of the Philippines PDF
Seonkyung, Choi 27-51
Organization, Management and Operation of the Wood Furniture Industry in the Cagayan Valley Region, Philippines PDF
Wilfredo T. Lacambra 52-75
Financial Development, Fiscal Balance and Economic Growth Nexus in Nigeria PDF
Ogunmuyiwa, M. S, Maku, E. O 76-81
Impact of the Sino-Korea Free Trade Agreement on China’s Agricultural Industry PDF
Kim Hyeon Kuk 82-85
Domestic Debt and Economic Growth in Jordan An Empirical Analysis PDF
Bassam Abu-Karaki, Basem Lozi, Hamza Al Shaar, Mawfaq Dandan 86-94
Money Market Instruments and Bank Performance in Nigeria PDF
Ndugbu, Michael O., Duruechi, Anthony H, Ojiegbe, Josephine N. 95-104
The Business Feasibility of Smallholder’s Oil Palm Plantation in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia PDF
Hafiizh Prasetia, Ariffin ., A.W. Muhaimin, Soemarno . 105-109
The Determinants of Poverty in Cameroon PDF
Ndifor Roger Tah 110-118
The Development Strategy of Agricultural Geographical Indications in China PDF
Zhu Yuanhua, Song Wei, Ghulam Nabi 119-128
Predicting Household Standard of Living in Techiman North District: The Role of Income PDF
Augustine Adu Frimpong, Isaac Owusu-Darko, Luther Ntim-Adjei 129-139
Impact of trade policy reform on Vietnam fisheries Export PDF
Do Thi Thao, Jian Hua Zhang 140-152
Rural Livelihood And Poverty In Tanzania: A case study of Mkinga District, Tanga Region PDF
Hanifa Mohamed Yusuf, Lixia Tang, Xiaoyun Li 153-160
Benchmarking Users’ Satisfaction with Public Transport Services in Nigeria PDF
Joyce .O. Onatere-Ubrurhe, Christopher Nwagboso, Panagiotis Georgakis 161-168
Institutions towards Governance: How this Aspiration Shaped the Figure in Algeria? PDF
Mostéfaoui Sofiane, Bellal Boudjemaa 169-177
Assessment of the Implementation of 1972 Udoji and 2003 Obasanjo Public Service Reforms in Nigeria: A Neo-Public Management Paradigm PDF
USMAN D. UMARU 178-187
Socio-Economic Determinants of Academic Performances in Aguata Local Government Area, Anambra State PDF
Kenneth U. Nnadi, Stephen K. Dimnwobi, Ebele S. Nwokoye, Augustine C. Osigwe, Chukwunonso S. Ekesiobi 188-199
The Effectiveness of Agribisnis Microfinance Institutions Based Social Capital As A Financial Institution of Agriculture In The District Agam West Sumatra PDF
Dahnil Johar 200-213


Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855

Vol 7, No.13, No.14, No.15 (2016) Journal of Education and Practice

Vol 7, No 13 (2016)

Table of Contents


Teachers’ Factors as Determinants of the Professional Competence of the Nigeria Certificate in Education Teachers PDF
An Investigation into Implementation of ICT in Primary Schools, in Kenya, in the Light of Free Laptops at Primary One: A Case Study of Teachers Implementing ICT into Their Teaching Practice PDF
Betty Tonui, E. Kerich, R. Koross 12-16
Multilevel Analysis for Identifying Factors Influencing Academic Achievement of Students in Higher Education Institution: The Case of Wollo University PDF
Kassu Mehari Beyene Jemal Ayalew Yi 17-23
Coaching as a Performance Improvement Tool at School PDF
Ramazan Yirci, Turgut Karakose, Ibrahim Kocabas 24-29
Utilization of Electronic Information Resources by Undergraduate Students of University of Ibadan: A Case Study of Social Sciences and Education PDF
Sola Owolabi, Oluwafemi A. Idowu, Foluke Okocha, Atinuke Omotayo Ogundare 30-36
Enhancing Job Satisfaction for Teachers: A Strategy for Achieving Transformation of Secondary Education in Nigeria PDF
DABO Steve Azi, Azi Sambo Augustine 37-41
Lexico–Semantic Errors of the Learners of English: A Survey of Standard Seven Keiyo– Speaking Primary School Pupils in Keiyo District, Kenya PDF
Kipsamo E. Jeptarus, Patrick K. Ngene 42-54
Factors Affecting Performance of Undergraduate Students in Construction Related Disciplines PDF
Samuel Olusola, Olatunji, Douglas Omoregie, Aghimien, Ayodeji Emmanuel, Oke, Emmanuel Olushola 55-62
A Comparative Study of Entrepreneurship Curriculum Development and Review at the University of Zimbabwe and Botho University, Botswana PDF
Takaruza Munyanyiwa, Douglas Svotwa, Norman Rudhumbu, Morgen Mutsau 63-72
Developing Teaching Materials PISA-based for Mathematics and Science of Junior High School PDF
Somakim ., Andi Suharman, Kodri Madang, Taufiq . 73-77
Tertiary Education Curricula Internationalisation in Southern Africa: Its Impact on Global Employment Opportunities PDF
A Study on Differential Aptitude and Teaching Competency of Student Teachers in Kancheepuram District PDF
Problem – Based Instructional Strategy and Numerical Ability as Determinants of Senior Secondary Achievement in Mathematics PDF
BADRU, Ademola K 89-95
Some Factors Effected Student’s Calculus Learning Outcome PDF
Wamington Rajagukguk 96-105
Kinanthropometric Profile and Physical Performance of Athletic Track Events in Relation to Different Runners PDF
Zamirullah Khan 106-108
The Attitudes of Anglophone and Francophone Cameroonians towards Cameroon English as a Model of English Language Teaching and Learning in Cameroon PDF
Samuel Atechi Julius Angwah 109-115
Parental Communication as a Tool Kit for Preventing Sexual Abuse among Adolescent Secondary School Students PDF
Performance of Higher National Diploma of Building Technology Graduates in the Construction Industry: A Tracer Study in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana PDF
Awere, E. Edu-Buandoh, K. B. M., Dadzie, D. K. Aboagye, J. A. 124-128
Pre-School Education: Unpacking Dilemmas and Challenges Experienced by Caregivers: A Case of Private Sectors in Mutare Urban-Zimbabwe PDF
Getrude Vongai Chiparange, Kenneth Saruchera 129-141
The Role of Guidance and Counseling in Enhancing Student Discipline in Secondary Schools in Koibatek District PDF
Victor Kipkemboi Salgong, Owen Ngumi, Kimani Chege 142-151
Demographic Factors and Job Satisfaction: A Case of Teachers in Public Primary Schools in Bomet County, Kenya PDF
Reuben Chirchir 152-158

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


Vol 7, No 14 (2016)

Table of Contents


Analysis of 4th Grade Students’ Problem Solving Skills in Terms of Several Variables PDF
Instructor Gülcan Sungur, Pervin Nedim Bal 1-9
Policymakers Dependence on Evidence in Education Decision Making in Oyo State Ministry of Education PDF
Parental Socio-Economic Status, Self-Concept and Gender Differences on Students’ Academic Performance in Borno State Colleges of Education: Implications for Counselling PDF
Umar Goni, S. Bello 21-27
EFL Teachers’ Perception of University Students’ Motivation and ESP Learning Achievement PDF
Veri Hardinansyah Dja’far, Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Yazid Bashtomi 28-37
Teaching Interactive Art Lessons with Recycled Waste Materials as Instructional Resources PDF
Rita Yeboah, Eric Appau Asante, Nana Afia Opoku-Asare 38-59
Effects of Instruction on Chinese College Students’ Thematic Choice in Academic Writing PDF
Jing Wei 60-68
Evaluation of Some Approved Basic Science and Technology Textbooks in Use in Junior Secondary Schools in Nigeria PDF
Nwafor C. E., Umoke C. C. 69-78
Contextualised Inclusive Education: A Retrospective Look at Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Botswana PDF
Macdelyn Khufsafalo Mosalagae, Jean-Pierre Kabeya Lukusa 79-87
Peace Education in Secondary Schools: A Strategic Tool for Peace Building and Peace Culture in Nigeria PDF
Rowell Ubogu 88-92
Pre-service Teachers’ Mathematics Self-efficacy and Mathematics Teaching Self-efficacy PDF
Habila Elisha Zuya, Simon Kevin Kwalat, Bala Galle Attah 93-98
A Study of the Relationship between Learning Belief and English Achievement of Chinese English Major College Students PDF
REN Hulin, BAI Yulian 99-103
Sportsmanship Development Strategies for Coaches of University Athletes in South-South of Nigeria PDF
Dada, Benson Olu 104-112
Teaching Practice Experience for Undergraduate Student Teachers: A Case Study of the Department of Education at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania PDF
Benedicto William Msangya, Stelyus L. Mkoma, Wang Yihuan 113-119
The Effectiveness of Televised Children Programs in the Linguistic Development of Kindergarten Children from Teachers’ Viewpoints PDF
Mohammad Bani Yaseen, Haitham Mamdouh Alqadi, Qassim Al-Barri, Omar Bani Yaseen 119-128
Increasing Activeness and Learning Outcomes by Developing Borland Delphi 7.0 Application as Instructional Media PDF
Dyna Setyorini, Madziatul Churiyah 129-140
Relevance of Partnering as an Alternative Approach to Management of Construction Projects in Ghana PDF
Samuel Kwame Ansah, Eric Awere, Kobina Badu Micah Edu-Buandoh 141-149
Uhasi Wazi Wa Maudhui Katika Tamthilia Teule Za Kiswahili Nchini Kenya. PDF
David Masinde Wanyonyi, Dkt.Carren Nyandiba 150-155
Bridging the Gap between Educational Needs for Development and Current Education Systems in Sylhet PDF
Mohammad Mizenur Rahaman, Mosaddak Ahmed Chowdhury 156-167
The Relationship between use of Technology and Parent- Adolescents Social Relationship PDF
Gehan EL Nabawy Ahmed Moawad, Gawhara Gad Soliman Ebrahem 168-178

Paper submission email: JEP@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X



Vol 7, No 15 (2016)

Table of Contents


The Effects of Two Teachers’ Instructional Methods on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Chemistry in Selected Senior Secondary School in Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria PDF
Efe M. Omwirhiren, Esq, Khalil U. Ibrahim 1-9
The Efforts to Improve Mathematics Learning Achievement Results of High School Students as Required by Competency-Based Curriculum and Lesson Level-Based Curriculum PDF
Ropinus Sidabutar 10-15
Social Dynamic of Yogyakarta Citizens in Facing the Uncertainty of Traditional Value and Modernity: The Integrated Value of Social Study PDF
Gunawan Sridiyatmiko 16-20
Personnel Development Practices in Turkish Education System PDF
Tuncay Yavuz Ozdemir 21-24
Principals Leadership Styles and Gender Influence on Teachers Morale in Public Secondary Schools PDF
Obiajulu Chinyelum Eboka 25-32
Sources of Malaria Information among Pregnant Women in Ebonyi State and Implications for Malaria Health Education PDF
Omaka-Amari Lois Nnenna, Ogbuinya-Obande Nkiru Edith 33-39
Using Social Justice Pedagogies to Improve Student Numeracy in Secondary School Education. PDF
Richard Voss, Tony Rickards 40-47
The Level of Shyness among Talented Students in Light of Socio-Economic Level of the Family in Riyadh PDF
Khaled Yousef Asi 48-53
Future Anxiety and its Relationship to Students’ Attitude toward Academic Specialization PDF
Mahammad Ahmed Hammad 54-65
Determination of University Athletes Character through Sport Participation in Niger Delta of Nigeria PDF
Dada, Benson Olu 66-74
Mathematics Anxiety among Ghanaian Students: A Case Study of Students of Kinbu Senior High / Technical School, Accra and Hermann-Gmeiner SOS Junior High School, Tema PDF
Daniel Bruce 75-83
Structural Dynamics of Education Reforms and Quality of Primary Education in Uganda PDF
Aida Nyenje 84-90
The Usefulness of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches and Methods in Researching Problem-Solving Ability in Science Education Curriculum PDF
Influence of Parenting Styles on the Adolescent Students’ Academic Achievement in Kenyan Day Secondary Schools PDF
Alice Atieno Odongo, Peter J.O. Aloka, Pamela Raburu 101-108
Child migration and academic performance: The case of basic education in Ghana PDF
Emmanuel Makabu J. Tamanja 109-120
Psychometric Properties of the Gifted Students’ Coping with Anger and Decision Making Skills Scale PDF
Evren Ersoy, Mehmet Engin Deniz 121-128
Significance of Trends on Enrolment, Budget and Actual Expenditure in the Examination of Higher Education Financing in Tanzania PDF
Albert Zephaniah Memba, Zhao Jun Feng 129-141
Reasons Why University Students Do Not Seek Counselling Services in Kenya PDF
Ruth Njeri Kamunyu, Catherine Ndungo, Geoffrey Wango 142-145
Primary school teachers’ perceptions of adequacy and quality of physical facilities in public primary schools under Free Primary Education PDF
Ndirangu Wahome Muthima, Maurice O. Udoto, Zephania. O. Anditi 146-148
Predictors of Coping Strategies among Nursing College Students at AL-Zaytoonah University of Jordan PDF
Dalal Bashir Moh’d Yehia, Shirooq M Jacoub, Seqlia Mohammad Eser 149-154
Teacher Factors Affecting the Implementation of Early Childhood Development Education in Kericho Municipality, Kericho County PDF
Koech Zipporah Mutindi, Kabwos Rebecca Chepngeno, Beatrice Jeruto 155-161
Retention of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Skills in Nigerian Secondary School Students PDF
Adedamola Olutoyin Onyeaso 162-168
Using Storybooks as a Character Education Tools PDF
Fethi Turan, Ilkay Ulutas 169-176
The Effect of Inquiry Training Learning Model Based on Just in Time Teaching for Problem Solving Skill PDF
Betty Turnip, Ida Wahyuni, Yul Ifda Tanjung 177-181


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ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X