Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 20 (2016) A Baseline Survey on Entrepreneurial Tendency and Saving Culture in Wolaita Zone Abstract   PDF
Tesfahun Tegegn
Vol 72 (2024) A Biography of Shekota Gumma (1865-1937) Abstract   PDF
Anteneh Wasihun
Vol 25 (2016) A Critical Review on the Corporate Governance, Board Independence and Gender Diversity in Emerging Asian Countries Abstract   PDF
Syeda Nadia Bokhari
Vol 48 (2019) A Critical Reflection on Nurturing Civic and Ethical Concerns for Environmental Value Sustainability: Revitalizing Restoration Project Abstract   PDF
Kahsu Abrha Belew
Vol 19 (2016) A Cross-Cultural Assessment of Nigerian Taxpayers’ Perception of Fiscal Exchange Paradigm, Institutional Arrangement and Attitude of Tax Officials Abstract   PDF
AGBETUNDE, L. Ayodele, OJEDIRAN, Sunday, FADIPE, Adeniyi O.
Vol 17 (2016) A Look into the Concept of Diphthongisation in Bantu: A Case of Shona Abstract   PDF
Isaac Mhute
Vol 69 (2023) A Phenomenological Study of EFL Teachers’ Perceptions, Practices, and Challenges of Speaking Skills Instruction: Tewodros General Secondary School Grade Ten in Focus Abstract   PDF
Andargie Sisay
Vol 51 (2019) A Socio-Cultural Narrative of Homes for Older People in Eswatini: A Wellness Perspective Abstract   PDF
Thandi F. Khumalo, Maxwell C.C. Musingafi, Rachael Mafumbabte
Vol 63 (2021) A Sociological Study of the Factors Affecting the Rural Development in District Gujranwala Abstract   PDF
Muqqadas Tanveer Cheema
Vol 71 (2023) Abdullah Al-Qassemi: The Arab Embodiment of Western Thought Abstract   PDF
Salahaddine Arahal
Vol 66 (2021) Abur-aburan Gathutkaca: the Work of Sabet Motion of the Samberan War in the Classical Shadow Puppet Performing Arts Abstract   PDF
Jaka Rianto, Andi Wicaksono
Vol 5 (2015) Acceptability, Sources and Types of Sex Education Messages Received by Young People in Rural Areas: A Case of Maswa District, Tanzania Abstract   PDF
M. M. Masanja, J. M. Msuya, J. N. Jeckoniah
Vol 69 (2023) Action Research on Enhancing SPSS Software Skill for Third Year Statistics Students at Mekdela Amba University Abstract   PDF
Abebew Aklog Asmare
Vol 14 (2015) Aesthetics and National Development Abstract   PDF
Gabriel E. Idang, Emmanuel Etukakpan Ette
Vol 9 (2015) African Traditional Cultural Values and Beliefs: A Driving Force to Natural Resource Management: A Study of Makonde District, Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe Abstract   PDF
Sigauke, E., Katsaruware, D., Chiridza, P.,, Saidi, T.
Vol 23 (2016) Alcohol Use and Tobacco among the Teen Agers in Nepal Abstract   PDF
Shanta Maharjan
Vol 2 (2013) An Alternative Approach to Estimation of Population Mean in Two-Stage Sampling Abstract   PDF
Ravendra Singh, P.C. Gupta, Sarla Pareek, Gajendra K. Vishwakarma
Vol 4 (2014) An Assessment of the Impact of Culture and Tourism on International Public Relations Practice: A Study of Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) Abstract   PDF
Akande Aweneri Festus
Vol 27 (2017) An Assessment of Ethiopian Law of Abortion: A Human Rights Approach Abstract   PDF
Kidus Meskele Ashine
Vol 66 (2021) An Assessment of Students’ Paragraph Writing Problems and Causes: The Case of General Tadesse Biru Secondary School Grade 10 in Focus Abstract   PDF
Abdela Gobena
Vol 28 (2017) An Empirical Analysis of Land Degradation Risk from Local Community Knowledge Perspective: The Case of Geze Gofa District, Southern Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Tesfaye Samuel Saguye
Vol 66 (2021) An Evaluation of Students’ Practice of Using Reading Strategies in EFL Classes: The Case of Chagni General Secondary School Grade Ten in Focus Abstract   PDF
Gemechu Fufa
Vol 21 (2016) An Exploration into the Cultural, Political and Socio-economic Implications of Some Wolaita Songs: Focus on the Content Abstract   PDF
Wondimu Tegegne
Vol 71 (2023) An Exploration of the Understanding of Gender Responsive Researching Among Selected Researchers in Kenya Abstract   PDF
Rubai Mandela
Vol 47 (2019) An Investigation on the Consequences of Mal-traditional Practices: The Case of Indigenous People in State of Benishangul Gumuz Abstract   PDF
Shewa Basizew
1 - 25 of 554 Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> 

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