“Gauging Customers Attitude in against of Brand Extension, A Mediating Role of Customer Innovativeness”: Study of Life-Buoy Pakistan
In recent times Brand Extension is treated as the strategy, which found to more applicable then the launching of new brands. But launching of new products through the existing Brand Name has also some limitations and risks, which company must consider before implementing the strategy of Brand Extension. As mentioned by the literature of existing research work there are various variables like Brand Similarity, Brand Reputation, Multiple Brand Extension and Parent Brand Characteristics which are treated as predominant, in the category of independent variables, which are creating impact of the Customer Attitudes, towards Brand Extension, and our research model is also based upon these research variables and we have also included a mediating variable, Customer’s Innovativeness in order to develop more clear picture of our research, and t=through the implementing the statistical tools through the use of SPPS it has been clear that most of the independent variables are creating significant impact on the Customer’s Attitude towards the strategy of Brand Extension, especially in association with the mediating variable, Customer’s Innovativeness.
Keywords: Brand, Brand Extension, Customer’s Attitude
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