7 Serious Problems K-12 Students Go Through

The educational system is constantly under the control of the government. It’s never stable. The teachers and other superior bodies invent the innovations, and implement them, change the existing order. Sometimes one cannot do without the complete restructuring of the system. And people often ask: what’s the point? Education should be effective and reach its main aim: form an all-round and versatile personality. 

But despite all efforts, the K-12 students still face crucial problems. By the way, K-12 means compulsory education in the USA, Canada, and other countries. It usually stands for the number of years, starting from kindergarten till 12th grade. The students from other countries often are jealous of the K-12 educational system. Better conditions, the possibility to choose the subject, and other advantages cannot cut down the existing shortcomings.

Still, the most common issue among all students in the world is the academic workload. Their schedule is demanding; that’s why most of them experience apathy and depression. If you know that feeling, it’s time to change your life. This problem has a solution – academic writing service WriteMyEssays.com. To know more about the services and conditions, leave a message like “Write my essays for me”. Why should you waste your time and health on the assignments, which are difficult to implement. Value your time. Give the work to professionals and see how your academic performance increases.

The Issues That Should Be Changed in the K-12 System

The issues in education always are the subject of great discussion. Reorganizations in education always suppose that people move away from traditional forms and models. And the more serious the amendments, the more problems and challenges appear. It’s a great mistake to think that discussion of problems is only teachers’ and parents’ responsibility. 

But the students have the primary right to express their opinions because they are direct participants of the educational process. They’re the subject of education. That’s why it’s reasonable to address their meaning. The most significant problems of modern K-12 education are the following:

  • The financial issues are as old as time. The State structures often experience poor financing, and education isn’t an exception. It has a direct impact on students. The uncomfortable environment in the classroom, which are in need of renovation. Moreover, because of poor funding, schools have insufficient staff. The lack of resources influences the quality of knowledge people acquire. 
  • Too early age for choosing the strand. Students are forced to choose the major when they’re less than 16 years. This choice affects their future, and in such age, they can’t adequately define their abilities and aptitudes. Due to it, most of them will lose interest in studying several years after.
  • The use of outdated methods of studying. Teachers should elaborate on new ways to interest students. It’s better to establish a dialogue between the teacher and the student. Discuss this problem and find the assignments and methods of collaboration that will interest students. Learning should be hands-on, problem-based, and encouraging. 
  • Students lack the skills, which aren’t connected to the studying – social, behavioral. The greatest attention is paid to subjects and sciences, whereas one of the education’s objectives is the all-rounded personality, social being. Establishing a mindset, ability to communicate with people, etc., are even more important in further life. 
  • The absence of versatility. They are focusing on one area if controversial. On the one hand, the student learns what he or she wants. On the other, it contributed to the narrowing of worldview. In this case, to find a balance is important.
  • Bullying and discrimination. These are the issues that are acute in modern educational surroundings. Children are suffering. They experience aggression from classmates and teachers. The situation worsens when the students are from a racial or ethnic minority. As a result, children don’t want to go to school; their self-esteem is undermined.
  • Students are still afraid of testing. This method of evaluation also requires a revision. Now the teachers and students adjust the curriculum according to the tests. And the whole process comes down to the banal test preparation. It can be justified. Standardized testing was used as a measure of the teacher’s professionalism: the better the scores, the more effective the teacher.

Local and state governments should pay more attention to these problems. They usually tend to overlook and change the spheres, which don’t need it. That’s why the task of the participants of the educational process is to draw their attention to the issues and develop options for their solving.

 Some problems, related to the workload can be solved without the intervention of higher authorities. The staff of WriteMyEssays.com is always ready to offer help. You needn’t spend your time on countless written assignments. Moreover, you can’t ensure good quality, as the writers can. Don’t doubt and contact the managers.

The Writing Service for Students That Starts with a Single Phrase ‘Do My Assignment, Please’

An academic essay is the writing genre every student should more or less know. Giving out an informative essay as a product of your own research requires a good thesis statement, several checkable arguments, logical evidence, and a good command of the language you use. Today we will share with you some useful tips, one of which is a good service with papers of high quality, available for buying at affordable prices. All of these tips are easy to accomplish online. Together, these pieces of advice will make a kind of solution to the students who don’t know yet how to deal with challenging writing assignments. The trustworthy company with years of experience make this solution a great idea, as you needn’t worry about how legal and reliable it is.

Creating persuasive papers that sound professional can not be taught in a snap. Persistence, hard work, and the desire to get better make the universal formula of any great achievement. Including essay creation. That is why here we want to lend a helping hand to college and university students who battle with writing for quite a long time already. 

Take Your Writing to the New Level with the Quality Academic Assignment Help Online

As mentioned in the article above, there is no magic drink or a spell to get an immediate fantastic ability to write well. What is more, there is a 90% likelihood that you will learn it till the end of your life! Still, don’t hurry up to fall into panic. No pain – no gain, as the old proverb says. Here we are giving you the tried and true advice on how to strengthen academic writing skills and what to do if you’ve got no time for practice.

‘Write My Assignment From Scratch’ and Other Phrases to Save a Student’s Soul

Advice # 1. Make the most fun of it as you can.

As humans, we always feel bored when made to do something we’re not into. So why not turn the process into an adventurous game or discovery. Ask yourself a question you want to be answered during the whole time of writing, and make the most effort to seek the proper explanation. Give it a try and see how it really works! 

Advice # 2.  Focus on things of first importance.

Okay, we know that as a student you don’t have much time for the deep analysis before essays. Here is what we suggest: concentrate on 5 main sentences in an essay – thesis statement, topic sentences of the first, second, and third body paragraph, and conclusion. Moreover, this ‘skeleton’ will help you out with building the whole essay, for instance, adding the corresponding evidence to match the topic sentences.

Advice # 3. Be honest if you need some help.

Pretending that you’ve got it all together and will cope with the essay in a single day only has never lead to good results. It’s always better to acknowledge your problem, find an experienced helper, and do away with the task. An essay writing service will perfectly suit the situation like this. Today, only one phrase that can be typed in a minute ‘Do my assignment for me’ can save you lots of time and effort. Besides, the online service DoMyPapers.com offers a generous scheme of incentives in the form of significant discounts and the cash back guarantee. Taste and see it yourself!

Advice # 4. Be dynamic.

What we mean here is that you do not necessarily need to turn around one idea in the essay. Begin with one thing, insert other bright arguments in the body paragraphs, jump from one sphere of life to another, make your topics well illustrated. With these tips, your essay will sound much more exciting and remind a dynamic dance rather than an ordinary dull piece of useless text.

Warning: This Part of the Article Has The Hilarious Writing Tips You Won’t Forget 

In the end, to make the process fun, read some of these funny and paradoxical writing tips for essays. Written by the unknown genius, they are going viral, and you are more likely to remember them than the serious tips.

  1. Avoid Alliteration. Always.
  2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. 😉
  3. Be more or less specific.
  4. Don’t be redundant; don’t use more words than necessary; it is highly superfluous.
  5. Avoid cliches like the plague. They are old hat.

What else to say here? If you choose to follow these small tips, you’re guaranteed to grow and become more mature both in making research and writing essays. Plus, if time doesn’t permit you to do it, you could always rely on DoMyPapers.com to do everything for you!

Where Marketing is Headed in the Next 5 Years

If you ever needed evidence of how quickly marketing can change, just look at the emergence of social media. It’s true, social media changed everything but the evolution of this social landscape has  also changed drastically during the past ten years in particular. Needless to say, social media is sure to evolve over the next five years and marketers will need to stay right on the cusp of these changes.

But that’s just part of the story…

With this in mind, let’s start with social and look at where marketing is headed in the next five years:

Where Marketing is Headed in the Next 5 Years

  1. Social Media will Evolve and Marketers will Follow

Think about it:

Facebook and Twitter might still be going strong but the fall of Snapchat and rise of Instagram tell a different story. As you may know, Snapchat took the world by storm in 2011 but the arrival of Instagram saw the platform become a “flash in the pan’ and distant memory for online users.

Anyway, the point is, change is fast and inevitable with social media. Marketers will need to spread their time between various channels but not so many that they spread their attention too thinly.

  1. First-Party Data will Remain at the Forefront of Marketing

Believe it or not, data is widely expected to be the most valuable asset to marketers over the next five years. More specifically, first-party data about your target market will prove invaluable and this goes for extracting data through social media, websites, mobile apps, email and every other channel.

In case you might be asking yourself, here are some things to consider:

How do you collect data for the purpose of marketing?

Where do you store this data?

And how will you use the data?

Either way, the importance of data driven marketing cannot be emphasized enough and this refers to both B2C marketing and B2B marketing.

  1. Voice and the Changing Role of SEO

When Google released the Medic Update, there was a clear preference for authority websites and long-form content. In many ways, according to the Website Magazine, this was Google trying to discourage spam and improve the process of SEO in such a way that the search results were more accurate for online users.

Although guerrilla marketing tactics can be effective, Google continues to stamp out black hat techniques. At the same time, organic and authentic content is being rewarded more and more which is something marketers have needed to respect.

On the other hand, did you know that one in three search queries via voice? It’s true, voice search is ready to make great strides and the emergence of voice technology is evidence of this trend. As for how this might change marketing, it means that marketer must adopt their strategies to voice search and watch closely as this trend becomes a major driving force of SEO.

  1. Augmented Reality is Likely to Impact eCommerce in a Big Way

As you may know, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are already implemented in various industries and reasons such as cinemas, gaming and even pharma marketing (good summary article here). In fact, this technology is disrupting every aspect of retail and marketing, while improving the quality of service for online users.

For instance, IKEA offers an excellent VR experience which allows customers to see how a product might look in their own home. Amazing, right? It’s just the beginning. As for AR, shoppers can try on clothing and see 3D images of their style and appearance before spending any money.

While talking about VR and AR is common in recent years, the next five should demonstrate the power of these technologies and marketers will need to pay great attention to this shift.

  1. Mobile Device Usage Will Continue to Dominate

You already know about “mobile-first” and this term still gets bandied about by marketers all the time. At the same time, most businesses and organizations have adopted this approach and even developed apps, wearables, notifications and devices to cater for demand.

However, we should see this mobile first terminology change to “mobile only” in next five years. For this reason, marketers will need to keep testing strategies related to mile and piloting ways that can improve the mobile experience for online users.

  1. Digital Money is Likely to Impact eCommerce and Transform Social Media

Forget about bitcoin, for now. Facebook recently announced Libra, a digital currency that will make sending money online cheaper and faster. While Libra is sure to meet resistance in the SEC, it’s no secret that digital money is on the horizon and certain to be implemented in the near future.

What’s more, Facebook has partnered with many large organizations for this endeavor including Visa, Paypal and Booking.com. In other words, the chances of implementation are high for Libra.

In terms of social media, this will mean that users will start transacting via digital money as opposed to traditional currency. And guess what? More than 50% of online users will follow brands on social media to see their latest products and services.

For marketers, this also means that advertisements and promotions will be managed through Libra but if online users are favoring digital money, this is surely enough reason for marketers to follow suit.

  1. Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Finally Deliver

Personalization is a big thing for marketers but the same can be said for every other business owner and consumer. For this reason, automation and AI might take time to deliver but these machines are improving drastically by the day. That is to say, machine learning is now coming to the point where AI can get the job done, while matching or improving the human capacity for personalization.

But what does this mean?

It means that automation and AI will finally start to deliver and become an integral part of how people react in both the real and online world that we know today.


Final Thoughts

While social media will change, the importance of data will continue to form a stable foundation for marketers over the next five years. That being said, while nothing lasts forever, marketers need to think carefully about the above and treat these factors as though they are here to stay. Not sure where to start? You can always team up with an agency in the field. Here’s a great list to start with.

Author bio

Marina Turea works as content manager at Digital Authority Partners, a consulting agency out of Chicago, Il. 

How to Keep Your Car Maintained for Cheap

For anyone who drives a car the thought of having something going wrong and needing to take your car into the mechanic for a repair to be carried out is one of the worst things, they can imagine happening to them. People are more than not apprehensive to take out any form of warranty as despite their car breaking down is one of their biggest fears. They believe they will never be the unfortunate one whose car breaks down, or that something will happen to it. It is simply not something that people would consider and as such they often find themselves missing out on a host of very cost-effective and time-efficient coverage. But for some reason or another people are overlooking the benefits they can have of maintaining their car if they were to take out an extended warranty for audi which can be greatly to their benefit in maintaining their beloved car.

So frequently people end up only taking out the most basic and as such the most limited warranty that they can as they believe it is a good way of saving money on trying to keep their car running smoothly. As usually most people will assume that their car failing on them and breaking down is not something that would happen to them but would happen to everyone else. But doing it this way might not be as cost-effective as they might think as by not going for a premium or extended version of their car warranty they will be missing out on a huge amount of coverage and as such costing themselves more in the circumstances where luck is not on their side and some damage comes about to strike their car down.

As should you not have a more comprehensive level of cover you are actually, in fact, missing out on such a huge variety of different aspects of cover that the alternative is not fit to tie the laces of its extended and premium equivalent. As for instance on the face of it, the more premium levels of coverage that you could get for your Audi may look more expensive than a cheaper counterpart. But there is a reason for the higher initial price, as the truth is the service that you are getting out of it is far better than what you would get with a cheaper one. As car repairs can prove to be one of the most expensive unexpected costs that you can come across, as in the circumstance that you are hit with a repair bill. In the case that you have a more premium warranty and coverage, it is more likely that not only will your repair be covered by the pre-existing warranty that you have in place but also it will be genuine replacement parts that will be used in the repairs rather than unofficial third-party parts that are not specifically made by the official manufacturer so as such the parts you will get will come with the factory guaranteed assurance of quality if you were to go with the premium service instead.

A visit to the town of Horse Cave, Kentucky: Travel post


Some of the world’s best destinations are often depicted as glamorous, luxurious, and breathtaking. What outdoor enthusiasts know best is that even the muddiest slopes can be as breathtaking, only if you know where to look. Kentucky’s Horse Cave is one such wonder. Cave trekking has always been one of man’s primitive delights, and rediscovery of the exploration never fails to leave one feel breathless. The hike towards the hollow may be a slippery, muddy, and grimy one, but once you see the rocky formations, hear your whispers echo through the void, or, if lucky, paddle through crystalline rivers deep within the chamber, you know the harsh journey was worth it. Located in Hart County, the city of Horse Cave is also home to several other attractions. Visit the city, and see that the trek is not as hard as you first imagined it to be. 

Tourist Attractions

As the largest employer of retail businesses like Dart Container, the fruit of its labor has resulted to several man-made attractions, apart from the natural formations of the Hidden River Cave. Horse Cave is home to the American Cave Museum and the Kentucky Repertory Theatre, formally regarded as the Horse Cave Theatre. During the turn of the millennium, the city was honored as a Kentucky Silver Renaissance City. Its main street and strip of buildings has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The city has also created a unique walking tour. Using mobile phones, tourists can enter the tour stop numbers and join free guided tours. Book your Horse Cave Hotels with Reservations.com.

When to Visit

The special event of Horse Cave Heritage Festival is held every third weekend of September. It is known for its focus on local crafts, farm machineries, and quality musical entertainment. Part of its catch is antique car shows, kids arcades, historic walking tours, and agricultural exhibits. 

Fast Facts

  • Obviously, Horse Cave is best known for its massive natural opening located just south of the Main Street. The origins of the name remain to be uncertain up to present. One theory states that Native Americans used the cave as hiding places for their horses.
  • Another story tells of a lost horse which separated from its carriage. The horse was thought to fall into the cave’s opening. A stranger story claims that intelligent albino horses used a hoof Morse Code to communicate to each other. In the 19th century, the term horse was a synonym for the adjective huge. Hoss is Swedish for ‘big in spirit’ or ‘big in stature’. 
  • Many buildings found along Main Street derive their natural air conditioning from the cave. During World War I, the cave’s entrance boasted of the only air-conditioned tennis courts in the world. 
  • The cave is home to a fast-flowing river. Because of this, the cave has also been called the Hidden River Cave. The current of the river powered a dynamo, and was the only town in Kentucky to have electric lights in the late 19th century. 

Best Museums

Located on Main Street, the American Cave Museum showcases Horse Cave’s natural history. Exhibits include facts about bats, photo gallery of America’s caves, Saltpeter Mining in Kentucky, the story of Floyd Collins, Cave Wars, Cave Lighting, and prehistoric cave explorers, and modern cave exploration among others. 

Tips And Tricks On How To Quit Alcoholism

For many people, quitting alcohol is almost an impossible mission. The substance is commonly associated with both physical and psychological addiction. And for you to overcome alcoholism, you will require counseling or rehab.   

But before you kick start your journey towards sobriety, you ought to evaluate your drinking habits. When you stop drinking, the way you feel changes significantly. And if you’ve alcoholism disease, you’ll need formal treatment. People who aren’t addicted to alcohol might be able to quit with the help of friends or even on their own.

With the help of an alcoholism assessment quiz available online, you can readily determine whether or not you meet the criteria for alcohol dependence or alcohol abuse disorder. This diagnostic criterion was devised by the American Psychiatric Association.

What Role Does Alcohol Have In Your Life?

Once you understand the role of alcohol in your life, it becomes easier to pinpoint effective ways of quitting drinking. Unfortunately, this isn’t always a simple process. What works for other people isn’t necessarily what will for you.

If you are a casual drinker, for instance, avoiding peer pressure might not be that easy. Some drinkers need self-help tools to overcome their addictions while others don’t. Similarly, certain alcoholics might stop drinking through the help of https://helpmestop.org.uk/ while others will need residential rehab as well as long-term aftercare support. So, if one method doesn’t work for you, consider trying another option.


If you’re physically dependent on alcohol, you should gradually reduce your alcohol intake. And this is commonly referred to as tapering. Remember, dependence is entirely different from addiction. Most often, those who’re dependent on alcohol but not addicted to it might not need rehabilitation.

Get Peer Support

Anyone who’s struggling with alcoholism needs peer support. Just like any other goal, overcoming alcohol addiction or dependence is easier when you’ve friends plus family members supporting you. They’ll encourage you to stay sober and assist you to find healthier ways of having fun.

Read Self-Help Books

Another great way to improve your confidence and stay sober is to read self-help books. They provide effective strategies and tools to assist you to maintain sobriety. Several self-help books are available online and in print.

Counseling and Therapy

Counseling and therapy can be highly beneficial for those who’ve problems with alcohol. A counselor can assist you develop personalized approaches to get sober. Depending on how severe your drinking problems are, the counseling you receive can be simple or intensive.

Smartphone Applications

The app store on your mobile phone has several sobriety apps that can inspire you to quit drinking and lead a sober life. Some of them help you monitor your alcohol intake and sobriety dates. Others offer daily motivational quotes. Though they haven’t been medically approved, most of these apps can help you overcome addictive drinking.

Popular support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, offer free help for those struggling with alcohol addiction. If you’ve minor alcohol problems or have already received treatment for severe alcohol problems, AA could be an excellent choice for you.

Alcohol Rehab

If you’re finding it difficult quitting alcoholism, it’s time you try rehab services. Formal treatment for alcohol abuse makes it possible for you to detox in a safe environment while also providing comprehensive therapy to help you learn how to stay sober.

The Bottom-Line

Drug addiction can be a real burden. It can pull you down for the rest of your life. But the good news is that numerous strategies have been devised to help people overcome their addictions easily and effectively. Follow the above tips and start your journey to recovery. 


Changing Career at 40 – It’s Not Too Late

Just because you are 40 or over, this does not mean that you have to stick with the same career for life. It’s entirely possible to move on if you are prepared to plan carefully and put some hard work in. 

There are several things that you need to do if you want to change careers when you are 40 or over. Actions you need to take include checking with experts such as onlinecoursesaustralia.edu.au, to find any additional training you may need. You also need to think about why you want to change careers and what you want to achieve. 

Why do you want to change careers? 

If you are feeling trapped by your current career, or are simply no longer motivated, you need to understand why. This is important as you have to make sure that any career choices you make help to address the issues that you have. 

For instance, you may relish the idea of being more creative or you may want to have more responsibility. The things that excite or interest you should form the central part of any career path that you take. 

What achievements would you be proud of? 

Most people like to have something they can be proud of at the end of the day. You need to decide what would give you a sense of pride. You may decide that creating unique designs is appealing, or you may like the idea of helping someone to deal with their problems. Whatever you focus on needs to give you the pride that you are seeking. 

You should also make sure that these factors are matched to your skills. After all, if you have no artistic flair then interior design is unlikely to be a good career for you, no matter how much you like the idea of it. 

Be prepared for hard work 

There is no doubt that retraining for a new career, once you have reached middle age, is not easy. If you need to learn new things in order to change career, you should be prepared to put in a lot of effort. 

Of course, many employers are happy to take experience into account as well as qualifications. This means that some of the skills that you already have may be transferable to a new career. 

The value of networking 

One of the best ways to start on a new career path is to use the network of contacts that you have. They may have valuable advice that you can use. They may also know of opportunities that you can take advantage of. It’s also worth trying to expand your network, by attending events in the local area, or online networking sessions. 

Do you really want to leave? 

This is a question that only you can answer. You may think that you have decided that you definitely want to move on from your current career.

However, the situation may change if you speak to your boss about your thoughts. If you are a valuable member of the team, they may be prepared to give you what you need in order to make your current role more satisfying. If this happens, you may prefer to stay where you are. 

It’s clear that it’s not too late to change career, even if you have reached the age of 40. You just need to plan and train effectively. You also need to make sure that a change is really the best option for you. 


Know the Reasons Why to Opt for a Business, Management or Economics Degree

Have you fancied yourself as an entrepreneur? Have you always had the knack of making money? Perhaps you are a natural for the world of business and all it takes is formalizing your talent into a business degree to get started.  Interestingly, there are many programs available and it is possible to find one that suits your talents. A great idea would be to opt for a business management degree or masters in economics degree for many reasons.

Learn Special Skills

When you decide to take a business management degree, you are giving yourself the chance to learn interesting concepts and develop an impressive understanding of business organizations and the way they work. Your degree will equip you with specialist knowledge of areas, such as customers, markets, operations, finance, information technology, communication, and business policy.

During your course, you will also be able to learn a diverse range of transferable skills. You will gain a better understanding of organizational behavior and develop critical and analytical thinking. You will develop a creative approach to solving business related issues and learn how to make decisions utilizing a honed ability to research and use financial and business data.

Enjoy Many Job Options

Because of the skills you learn completing your business management degree, you can choose to work in many different fields. Your degree is directly related to certain fields such as actuarial analyst, business analyst, business adviser, arbitrator and data analyst. You can also choose to work as a business development manager, corporate investment banker, chartered management accountant, forensic accountant, risk manager or supply chain manager.

There are other fields that may not be directly related to your degree but you may still be able to utilize what you learn during the course to secure these jobs. For instance, you can work as a construction manager, environmental engineer, costs lawyer, mortgage adviser, logistics and distribution manager, human resources officer, external auditor and urban designer.

Get Work Experience

Whether you opt for an online business degree or you choose to get a business management degree on campus, you will have to take an internship to apply your knowledge in the real world.  Your degree prepares for this and for work across many sectors. It is important to pick an area and then take an internship in that area for the relevant work experience.

You can also show your preparedness for work by being involved in extracurricular activities that use the skills your learning. It’s easier if you are on campus, but if you are studying online, perhaps a small community project is more feasible. Either way, if you have a portfolio with real life experience to show potential employers, you could get ahead of the game.

A business degree can open all sorts of doors. Your skills will be in demand right across the world. From retail to oil, online and off, there are companies everywhere in all sorts of fields, looking for graduates who have the business skills to make them more money.

Vol 10, No.11-No 20 (2019) Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

Vol 10, No 20 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Rebalancing Return and Hedge Effectiveness of Dynamic Portfolio Insurance Strategies: A simulation Based Study PDF
Frieder Meyer-Bullerdiek 1-10
Effect of Internal Control Systems on Financial Performance of Distribution Companies in Kenya PDF
Robert Odek, Elmad Okoth 11-32
Liquidity Moderating the Effect of Production Resources, Investment Decisions and Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Performance PDF
Roristua Pandiangan, Etty Murwaningsari 33-42
Establishing the Relation Between Market-Based Performance Measure and Accounting Performance Measure PDF
Sami E. Alajlani 43-49
The Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures: Evidence from Botswana Stock Exchange PDF
Christian John Mbekomize, Lillian Wally-Dima, Alicia Nametsegang 50-62
Role of E-Commerce in Reducing Marketing Costs of Industrial Companies in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan PDF
Reem Oqab Hussein Al- Khasawneh 63-72
Capital Structure, Profitability and Firm’s Value: Evidence from Jordan PDF
Osama J. Al-Nsour, Akram “Moh’d Irfan” Al-Muhtadi 73-80
The Influence Mechanism of Corporate Governance on Performance of the Company PDF
Raja Adri Satriawan Surya, Arumega Zarefar, Vera Oktari 81-90
Determinant Factors Affecting the Accounting Method Choices and Reported Profits of Big Industrial Companies in Indonesia PDF
Susfa Yetti, Afrizal . 91-100
The Effect of Partnership and Community Development Program on Financial Performance and Firm Risk: Evidence from Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises PDF
Jasman Jasman, Sekar Mayangsari 101-110
Obstacles in SME Financing: The Case of Masko PDF
Cem Berk, Recep Gultekin 111-118
Adequacy of Accounting Information Disclosures of Nigerian Quoted Firms Under IFRS Adoption PDF
Chukwuani Victoria Nnenna 119-128
Is there a Reciprocity between Social and Financial Efficiency? A Case of Vietnam Microfinance Institutions PDF
Quynh Anh Mai Nguyen 129-142
The Effect of Bank Specific Factors on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. PDF
Caroline Wangu Muriuki, Fredrick Kalui, Nyang,aya,R.O. Akuno 143-154


Vol 10, No 19 (2019)


Vol 10, No 18 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Impact of Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms on the Unsystematic Risks at Jordanian Commercial Banks Listed on the Amman Stock Exchange PDF
Eljaser Alelfartas 1-11
The Effects of Family Ownership, Earnings Management and Ethnic Diversity For Firm Value PDF
Siti Masulah 12-17
Dividend Announcement and Abnormal Return :An Applied Study on Banking Shareholding Firms in Amman Bourse PDF
Mousa Saeed Matar 18-22
Impact of Corporate Governance on Effective Corporate Tax Rates Among Listed Firms in Kenya PDF
Peter Rawlings Osebe, Joseph Kiprono Kirui, Isaac Kiprotich Naibei 23-33
Cost of Capital, Firm Size and Financial Distress PDF
Mark Waita Gichaiya, Stephen Muchina, Stephen Macharia 34-47
Economic Growth and Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism: An Empirical Assessment of Nigeria PDF
Nnamdi Chinwendu, Nwaeze 48-57
Realities Versus Rhetorics: Focus Shift in Investment Decisions on the Capital Market PDF
The Impact of Conversion from Traditional to Electronic Dealing on Trade Volume and Market Value of Stocks:An Applied Study on Amman Bourse PDF
Matar khaleel Mousa Saeed, mousa Abdelhadi Salah Noafal 71-73
Analysis of Factors Cause to Non-Optimal Management of Follow-up Audit Findings: Case Study on Finance Education and Training Agency, Ministry of Finance PDF
Nina Andriana 74-82
Training Cost and Financial Performance Nexus: Sector Analysis of Quoted Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria PDF
Oluka Nyime OBULOR, John Ohaka 83-92
Measurement and Assessment of Business Income and Performance in the Era of Creative Accounting Practice PDF
Omada, Vitus Ikechukwu 93-99
Plan to Budget and Cash Management in Uasin Gishu County Government, Kenya PDF
William Shisamba, Muganda Munir, Alala Ondiek 100-107
Moderating Effect of Financial Strength on the Relationship Between Board Characteristics and Environmental Sustainability Disclosures PDF
Paul Gichuki King’ori, Isaac Kiprotich Naibei, Hellen Wothaya Sang, Andrew Kibet Kipkosgei 108-119
Does Monitoring Influence Financial Accountability? Answers from National Public Secondary Schools in Kenya PDF
Omondi Margaret Atieno, Tobias Olweny, Julius Miroga 120-127
Stock Market Price and the Performance of the Residential Property Market in Kenya PDF
Charles Njoroge, Willy Muturi, Oluoch Oluoch 128-133
Job Satisfaction Amongst Accountants: The Case of Accounting Service Firms in Hanoi PDF
Duc Tai Do, Dang Huy Nguyen, Thi Huong Nguyen, Hong Phong Vu 134-139
EFFECT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND PROFITABILITY ON TAX AVOIDANCE (Empirical Study of Sharia Banking Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012-2016) PDF
Hasian Purba 140-151
Impact of public debt on growth in Belt & Road countries –Pre and Post Analysis of Financial Crisis 2007-2008 PDF
Waqas Ali, Hameed Khan, Umair Khan 152-160
Influence of Microfinance Institution Technical Systems on the Performance of Dairy Farmers in Kakamega County, Kenya PDF
Sangoro Oscar, Gongera George, Martin Onsiro Ronald, Phelista Njeru Wangui 161-172


Vol 10, No 17 (2019)


Vol 10, No 16 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Mergers and Acquisitions from an Accounting Approach: A Review of the Empirical Literature PDF
Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Logotheti Maria-Rafailia 1-16
Chinese Tertiary Accounting Student’s Perceptions of Certified Public Accountants and Their Career Job Choice PDF
Jerry Collins Boateng 17-34
Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuation on the Financial Performance Evaluation of Multinational Companies in Nigeria PDF
Osho, Augustine E., Efuntade, Alani Olusegun 35-43
Analysis of Good Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Cost of Equity Capital in Listing CGPI and BEI 2013-2017 PDF
Angela Dirman 44-53
Factors Affecting Equity Return during Corporate Declaration PDF
Nasima Khatun, Dipa Rani Saha 54-59
Reducing Financial and Administrative Corruption Through the Ingredients of the Internal Control System PDF
Murtadha Mohammed Al Hosseini, Layth Ali Al-Tamimi, Ezzaddin Hasan Kadhim 60-66
Money Market Instruments and Financial Deepening in the Nigeria Emerging Economy PDF
Florence Modupe Fapohunda, Sunday Oseiweh Ogbeide, Olajumoke Rebecca Ogunniyi 67-75
Analysis of Microfinance Institution Outreach on the Realization of Economic Pillar of Vision 2030: A Case of Kakamega County PDF
Sangoro Oscar, Gongera George, Ronald Onsiro Ronald 76-84
Development and Future Trends of Financial Accounting in Indonesia PDF
Afrizal . 85-90
Stock Exchange Frequent Topics @NYSE PDF
Dewi Anggraini Faisol, Janfry Sihite 91-97
The Role of Forensic Accounting in Detecting Economic Crimes PDF
Saman Udi Polycarp 98-107
Corporate Board Attributes and Firm Performance of Publicly Traded Manufacturing Companies in Bangladesh PDF
Md. Maniruzzaman, Syed Zabid Hossain 108-114
Audit Committee and Earnings Management of Listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria PDF
Ibrahim Mallam Fali, Alkasim Aminu, Udoh Ekufre Macauley, Onipe Adabenege Yahaya 115-125
Several Factors Influence the Selection of the Companies Accounting Methods PDF
Afrizal ., Susfa Yetti 126-133
Will Management Emotion Affect the Maturity Structure of Corporate Debt? PDF
Guo-tong Wu 134-140
Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Sustainability and Outreach of Microfinance Institutions in Northern Ghana PDF
Issahaku Salifu, Muntari Mahama, Mohammed Dawuni 141-155
The Impact of Money Supply on Inflation Rate in Ghana PDF
Sampson Vivian Esumanba, Nantogmah Danaa, Nyaku Efia Akyaa Konadu 156-170
Plan to Budget and Cash Management in Uasin Gishu County Government, Kenya PDF
William Shisamba, Muganda Munir, Alala Ondiek 171-179


Vol 10, No 15 (2019)


Vol 10, No 14 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Curbing Fraudulent Practices through Accountability in Non-Profit Making Organizations PDF
JOLOKO, Bisola Grace, AUDU, Solomon Ibrahim 1-9
The Impact of Audit Committee on Financial Performance of Insurance Firms in Nigeria PDF
Araoye F. Ebun 10-19
Bank Credit to the Real Sector: A Panacea for Revamping a Recessed Economy. Evidence from Nigeria PDF
Ojiegbe, Josephine N. 20-29
Board Attributes and Financial Performance of Listed Firms in Uganda PDF
Godfrey Akileng, Eric Nzibonera, Diana Kobumanzi 30-44
The Role of Corporate Diversification, Capital Structure Determinant, And Structure of Ownership on Earning Management with Information Asymmetry as Moderating Variable PDF
Irma Paramita Sofia, Etty Murwaningsari 45-51
Effect of Forensic Accounting on the Detection of Fraud Risk Indicators in Public Enterprises in Ondo State, Nigeria PDF
Oluwatuyi, Akinwumi Samuel 52-66
Private Sector Investments and Unemployment in Nigeria (1986-2016) PDF
Ndugbu M. O., Osuka B. O., Duruechi Anthony H. 67-77
Tax Evasion in Cameroon: Causes and Remedies PDF
Samuel Tanjeh Mukah, Michael Forzeh Fossung 78-89
The Relationship Between Profitability and Stock Prices: Evidence from the Saudi Banking Sector PDF
Asuil Alaagam 90-100
The Effect Analysis of Banking Corporate Bond Issuance Towards the Stock Market Reaction PDF
Adithia Anggraeni, Sri Hartoyo, Hendro Sasongko 101-110
Corporate Governance as a Strategic Management Tool PDF
Olatunji, Toyin Emmanuel, Adeleke, Mary Toyin 111-124
Assessment of Legislation on Budget implementation in Kisii County Government, Kenya PDF
Joseph Wesonga Awire, Simon Nyakwara 125-136
Relevance of Good Corporate Governance and Financial Leverage on Firm Value PDF
Putri Dwi Wahyuni 137-143
Debt Policy: Affecting Factors and Their Impact on Company Values PDF
Rofika ., Vera Oktari 144-156

Vol 10, No 13 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Analysis of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Education Level of the MSMEs Actors in Improving MSMEs Performance in Bengkalis Regency PDF
Desmiyawati ., Amries Rusli Tanjung, Nur Azlina, Yesi Mutia Basri, Sri Indrastuty S. 1-9
An Empirical Investigation of Capital Structure in US Corporate Spinoffs PDF
Tahsina Haque Simu 10-15
Does Financial Statement Information Still Matter? PDF
OTUYA, Sunday, OFEIMUN, Godwin, AKPORIEN, Fidelis 16-22
A Research on the Quality of Public Transportation Services by Bus in Vietnam PDF
Thi Hong Le Hoang, Van Lam Hoang, Thi Bich Hanh Chu, Manh Dung Tran, Vu Hoang Nguyen, Thi Hai Anh Vu, Thi Bach Tuyet Vuong, Thi Huyen Do 23-31
Impact of Basel Iii Regulations on Banks: Evidence from Afriland First Bank in Cameroon PDF
Virtual Banking and Financial Inclusion PDF
Tatjana Boshkov 39-43
The Effect of Budgeting Participation on Budgetary Slack with Religious Ethics as a Moderating Variable PDF
Luh Gde Merta Widya Santhi, Herkulanus Bambang Suprasto, Ni Made Dwi Ratnadi 44-50
Study the Opinion from the Financial Examination Agency on Regional Government Financial Statements that Obtain Required Opinion with Exceptions (Study in Bengkulu City) PDF
Lawe Anasta 51-57


Vol 10, No 12 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Capital Allocation in Unit Trust and the Growth of Capital Market in Kenya PDF
Robert Kipkorir Cheruiyot, Florence S Memba, Tabitha M Nasieku 1-9
Political Connection, CEO Gender, Internal Audit, Corporate Complexity and Audit Fee in Go Public Companies in Indonesia PDF
Alexandros Ngala Solo Wea 10-18
Short-Term Return Impact of Share Repurchase Announcements PDF
Ahmet Tasdemir, Erkan Alsu 19-27
Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Price Index: Evidence from Vietnam Stock Market PDF
Thi Minh Huong Le, Jian Zhihong, Zhican Zhu 28-38
Comparison of Two Optimization Models in Assessing LQ-45 Index Optimal Portfolio Performance PDF
Putu Ayu Anggya Agustina, Maria Mediatrix Ratna Sari 39-43
Risk Management at Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank in Vietnam PDF
Xuan Hung Nguyen, Manh Dung Tran, Van Tung Vu, Thinh Nguyen, Binh Ngo Pham 44-51
Impairment of Assets Under Perspectives of International and Vietnamese Accounting PDF
Thi Thu Trang Nguyen, Thi Thuy Trang Vu, Dang Hai Ha Pham, Vuong Thuy Anh Nguyen, Manh Dung Tran 52-59
Carbon Emission Disclosure in the Proper Rating Company’s Annual Financial Statements in Indonesia Stock Exchange PDF
Nurlis, Nurlis 60-66
Elements Influencing Dividends of Banks in the MENA Region PDF
Fadi A. Ghosn 67-77
Testing Z-Score Model on Lebanese Listed Banks PDF
Fadi A. Ghosn 78-85
Implications of Equity Capital Financing on Corporate Financial Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria PDF
Marvis Ndu Okolo, Peter Ifeanyi Okwu, Chinonso. J . Ugwuoke, Micheal. E. Kornom-Gbaraba 86-93
Evaluating the Performance of Saudi Commercial Banks Using CAMELS Methodology PDF
Mohammad Nadem Dabaghie, Khaled Subhi Rajha 94-102
Effect of Tax Policy on Unemployment in Nigeria PDF
Alphonsus Sunday Anichebe 103-111
The Influence of Accounting Information Quality on Trade Credit with Inventory Liquidation Cost as Moderating Variable PDF
Nanda Fito Mela, Adhitya Agri Putra 112-118
The Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Toward Stock Return and Ethics as Moderating Variables PDF
Verliani Dasmaran, Yvonne Augustine Sudibyo 119-126
Implementation of UTAUT and D&M Models for Success Assessment of Cashless System PDF
Made Denny Oktariyana, Dodik Ariyanto, Ni Made Dwi Ratnadi 127-137


Vol 10, No 11 (2019)

Vol 9, No.12 to No.20 (2019) Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 9, No 20 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
The Participation and Transparency in Regional Budgeting of South Timor Tengah District in 2017 PDF
Marthinus P. David, Ajis S. Adang Djaha, Petrus de Rozari 1-9
An Analysis of the Writing Problems of Ghanaian ESL Students: A Focus on Textual Dimension PDF
Tabiri Francis 10-17
Multicultural Education for Cultivating Nationalism and Preventing Radicalism of Santri in Pesantren PDF
Haris Supratno, Dedy Rahman Prehanto, Resdianto Permata Raharjo 18-24
Physical Motion of Mass Spring System Using MATLAB PDF
Mahabad Abdulla 25-31
The Influence of Police Training Programmes on Police Officers Participation in Gender Based Violence Prevention in Uganda PDF
Sseggiriinya Fredrick, Ezati Betty, Wafula Wycliff Scot 32-43
Social Factors Influencing Substance and Drug Abuse in Universities in Machakos County, Kenya PDF
Patricia Makau, Elizabeth Muema, Milcah W.Mutuku 44-53
The Influences of Organizational Culture and Work Discipline to the Employee Performance (Case Study in PT.Sinarwijaya Ekapratista) PDF
Surtiningsih ., Ryani Dhyan Parashakti 54-66
Nietzsche’s Idea of the ‘Will to Power’ and its Implications for Globalization and African Cultural Values PDF
Bruno Yammeluan Ikuli, Anthony C. Ojimba 67-77


Vol 9, No 19 (2019)

Vol 9, No 18 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
A Study of the Management of Learners’ Absenteeism in Schools Organizations in Nigeria PDF
Ada Mary Juliana, Arop, Festus Obun, Okute Agnes Lawrence 1-7
An Overview of New Labour Law in Rwanda PDF
Francis Mwangi Waweru 8-18
A Portrayal of the Sexual and Reproductive Perceptions of Women with Disabilities Using An Overarching Critical Feminist Disability Lens PDF
Barbra Mapuranga, Maxwell C.C. Musingafi 19-22
Historical and Cultural Background in Street Naming System: An Anthropolinguistic Study PDF
Prihadi ., Ari Listiyorini 23-34
Appraisal of Competency Improvement Needs of English Language Educators in Teaching Reading and Writing Skills with Multimedia Aids PDF
CHIKELU Jennifer Ujunwa, MOGBOH Vero, OKOYE Alexander Chukwuemeka 35-39
The Use of “Islam Wasathiyyah” at Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya to Create a World Peace PDF
MAHSUN . 40-46
Constraints That Prevent Tour Firms from Serving Physically Impaired Tourists in Kenya PDF
Kipchirchir Ronoh, Anthony Pepela, Samuel Mwakubo 47-53
Impact of Abandoned Structures on Residents in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria PDF
Sustainability of Existing Cultures, Entertainment and Identity; for National Unity in A Small World PDF
Edokpa Fadal Mary, Omosun Marvins Kennedy, Osimen Goddy Uwa 69-74
Taming a Lion: Barriers to Monitoring Campaign Finances of Political Parties Prior to the 2015 Elections in Nigeria PDF
Moses T. Aluaigba 75-85
Enhancing A Holistic Wellness Among Female Students at a University in Eswatini Through Relevant Intervention Strategies for Support PDF
Thandi F. Maziya, Racheal Mafumbate 86-95
Perceptions of Teachers on Wellness of Learners Living with Physical Disabilities in Upper Primary Schools in the Hhohho Region of Eswatini PDF
Lomhlangano G. Mabuza, Racheal Mafumbate 96-102
Regulation of The Utilization of Oil and Gas in the Sea Border Region Based on International Law PDF
Richard Marsilio Waas, Farida Patittingi, Muhammad Ashri, Marcel Hendrapati 103-110
Poverty Alleviation Programmes for Women in Lagos State, Nigeria: An Examination of the Implementation Strategies PDF
POPOOLA O. Olufemi, OSADUME A. Bukola 111-119

Vol 9, No 17 (2019)


Vol 9, No 16 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Senior High School (SHS) Social Studies Teachers’ Formative Assessment Conceptions and Beliefs: Inferences from Ghana PDF
Mohammed Adam, Samuel Ofori Bekoe, Samuel Poatob 1-12
The Farmers’ Understanding of Rice Plant Culture on Local Variety (An Ethnographic Study for Farmers in Rice Fields Anjir Serapat) PDF
Saiffullah Darlan, Ishomuddin ., Rahayu Hartini, Rinikso Kartono 13-16
Students’ Attention to Lectures: Examining the Influence of Self-Esteem and Locus of Control PDF
Okoye, Chukwuemeka A.F., Ezeodina, Favour O. 17-22
The Structure and Psychometric Properties of Wellness for A Sample of Teachers in Egypt PDF
Mokhtar Ahmad Al–Kayal, Mohammad Ismail Sayed Hemeda, Mohammad Ali Haeba, Walid Hassan Ashour El Khateeb 23-32
Emerging Trends and Persistence of Inter-Ethnic Conflicts in Kenya PDF
Rev. Julius Guantai Mwamba, Dickson Nkonge Kagema, Benjamin Mugambi Kanga 33-42
Efficacy of the Presbyterian Church East Africa’s Peace Building Strategies in Enhancing Inter-Ethnic Harmony in Kenya PDF
Rev. Julius Guantai Mwamba, Dickson Nkonge Kagema, Benjamin Mugambi Kanga 43-53

Vol 9, No 15 (2019)

Vol 9, No 14 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Cameroonian ESL Teachers’ Linguistic Perceptions and the Phonological Aspects of Their English PDF
Julius M. Angwah 1-7
A Corpus-based Appraisal of Doubts and Certitudes in Cameroon English Newspaper Writing: Attitudes and Prospects PDF
Julius M. Angwah 8-16
Media Discourses and Communal Stances on Climate Change in Cameroon PDF
Julius M. Angwah 17-22
A Stylistic Reading of the Satirical Import in Selected Punch Newspaper Political Cartoons PDF
OKATA Gift Ngozi 23-31
The Role of the Cameroon Diaspora in the Socio-Economic Development of Cameroon PDF
Kennedy Fonju NKONGHO 32-43
Forensic Technology and Crime Management in Nigeria: A Study of Rivers State PDF
Anyanabia Aaron, Eric Adishi, Lucas Nduka Oluka 44-55
Gender-based Violence Against Women: Matters Arising From a Socio-cultural Milieu PDF
Evans N. Nwaomah, D.Min 56-64
Local Function of Java Community Culture in Conflict Settlement and Social Violence Between Pencak Silat Colleges in Madiun PDF
FX. Sudjatmoko, Hery Hermawan, Bambang Martin Baru 65-72
Village Development Strategy Through Development Social Capital Potential PDF
Bambang Sulistiono, Bambang Martin Baru, Sangrila Puspita Dewi 73-78
Evaluation of the Jurisdiction of the Penal Court of the Province PDF
Mohammad Najjarsadeghi 79-89
The Relationship Between Male Income and Couples Quarrels in Marital Satisfaction PDF
Zahra Karbasian 90-95
The Effects of Managers on Organizational Behaviors and Functions PDF
Parisa Ehsan Kashani 96-104
Civil-Military Relations in Ghana: 1993 -2017 PDF
Abel Nartey 105-116
Nigerian State and the Challenges of Insurgency and Internally Displaced Persons, 2010-2017 PDF
Obiora, Charles Arinze, Onwunyi, Ugochukwu Mmaduabuchi, Udegbunam Victor Emeka, Ostar Christopher 117-125
Job Incentives And Career Knowledge As Predictors Of Workers Job Performance Among Employees Of Transmission Company Of Nigeria (TCN) PDF
Zaccheaus Olonade, Micheal Boyede 126-135
Impact Assessment of Exclusive Breastfeeding Media Campaign Among Mothers in Selected Metropolitan Cities in South East Nigeria PDF
Samuel O. Chukwu-Okoronkwo, Uzoma C. Okugo, Innocent P. Ihechu, Nnenna E. Okoronkwo 136-144
Understanding Why Motorcycle Riders Do Not Comply with Traffic Control Signals in the WA Municipality in Ghana PDF
Paul Kitson Baffour Asamoah, Nicholas Kombonaah, Eric Appiah Atiemo 145-159


Vol 9, No 13 (2019)

Vol 9, No 12 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
“The Wall is Still Tumbling Down”: Revisiting Dialectics of Dysfunctional Society in New Nigerian Poetry PDF
Isaac M. Udoh, Michael Ikenna Olughu 1-9
Perceived Level of Emotional Intelligence and Sport Performance of College Varsity Athletes in Open-Skill and Closed-Skill Sports PDF
Nikko Lee L. Dandan, Christian Paul P. de la Cruz, Teresita W. Ballesteros 10-17
Social Justice Innatural Resources Explosion in Vietnam Currently Looked at the Aspect of Benefits PDF
Le Van Doan, Ho Cong Duc, Cao Thi Sinh 18-22
“The Spirit in Prison”: An Exegetical and Theological Study of 1 Peter 3:19 PDF
Ikechi Chidi Ekpendu 23-28
The Influence of Leadership and Psychological Empowerment on Performance : An Empirical Study on the Indonesian Seafarers PDF
Rini Nurahaju, Seger Handoyo, Andreas Budihardjo 29-36
New Testament Underpinning of Premarital Counselling: A Reverberation Therapy for First Child Entry PDF
Ikechi Chidi Ekpendu 37-44
The Relationship Between Dependent Personality Disorder and Emotional Difficulties with Distress in Young Sa’adat Abad Couples in Tehran PDF
Seyedeh Tayebe Zamani 45-53
Investigating the Impact of Dissuasive Factors of the Fuel and Oil Products Smuggling in the Customs of Iran PDF
Reza Ghorbani, Mohammad Reza Alvandi 54-62
The Investigation of Effective Indices on Conservatism in Companies Acquired in Tehran Stock Exchange PDF
Philippe Cutler, Ahmad Rasta, Bahman Ebrahimi, Parshormman ., Hossein Paydar Ardakani 63-77
The Concept of Blood Money and Retribution in Islam PDF
Mohamad Reza Momeni 78-83
Prediction of Hope Based on Spirituality Components with Healthy Intermediaries in Students PDF
Farideh mohammadi, Nasrin Hojjatzadeh 84-96
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Holy Quran and Nahj al-Balaghah, and the first volume of the interpretation of Zamakhshari’s PDF
Forogh Ahmadi, Jahanshah Ahmadi, Reza Delshad 97-103
Examine the Relationship Between Locus of Control and Happiness Male Physical Education and Non Physical Education Teachers in Yazd Province PDF
Mohammad Rajabi, Iraj Totoonchi, Hasan Fahimdavin, Amir Moghaddam 104-106
Semiotics in Tengger Mask Puppet Show on Bethara Kala’s Tale PDF
Resdianto Permata Raharjo, Setya Yuwana Sudikan, Budinuryanta Yohanes 107-112
Sociological Analysis of Police Training Practices in Ghana: Theoretical and Conceptual Schools of Thought PDF
Ronald Osei Mensah 113-122
Realize Village Government Governance Through Social Capital Potential PDF
Bambang Martin Baru, Sripeni Rusbiyanti, Harianto . 123-129
Rural Economic Empowerment Based on One Village One Product (OVOP) PDF
Endang Murti, Harianto ., Sutawa . 130-135
A Linguistic Analysis of the Language of Sex Workers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria PDF
Isaac Tamunobelema, Viincent Obobolo 136-143
Effectiveness of Instructional Electronic Games in Acquisition of Geometry Concepts Among Kindergarten Children PDF
Reham Almohtadi, Intisar Turki Aldarabah, Mustafa Jwaifell 144-150
Influence of Guidance and Counseling on Choice of Business Subjects Among Secondary School Students in Gombe State PDF
Adamu Ibrahim, Jibril, A. Haruna, Adukwu, Achem Emmanuel 151-155
Environmental Agencies and The Readiness to Combat Environmental Hazards Through Health Campaigns: A Focus On Plastic Pollution PDF
Allen Nnanwuba Adum, Ogochukwu Ekwenchi, Chioma Agbasimelo, Oritsetemisan Ojabo 156-169