Vol.79 and Vol.80 (2018) Food Science and Quality Management

Vol 79 (2018)


Vol 80 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Genetic Improvement Strategies for Increasing Rice Yield: A Review Article PDF
Abayneh Kacharo Kampe 1-8
Moringa stenopetala Seed Cake Powder as Biosorbent for Wastewater Treatment and Its Adsorption Isotherm and Thermodynamic Study PDF
Sisay Tadesse, Ermias Haile 9-15
Analysis of Milk Value Chain: In Case of Burie Town West Gojjam Zone of Amhara National Regional Stat, Ethiopia PDF
Chernet Worku 16-25
Technical Efficiency of Sorghum Production: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Konso District, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Kusse Haile 26-44
Chemical Control of Faba Bean Chocolate Spot (Botrytis fabae) in Bale Highland, Ethiopia PDF
Yekedem Bimrew 45-53
A Review on Ginger Bacterial Wilt Disease and Its Breeding Approaches PDF
Abayneh Kacharo Kampe 54-61
Proximate and Functional Properties of Bambara Groundnut, African Arrowroot Lily and Soybean Flour Blends PDF
Thompson Folaju, Bibiana Igdbabul, Julius Amove 62-67
E. coli and Salmonella Contamination of Tomato Marketed and Consumed in Nairobi Metropolis PDF
J. H. Nguetti, J. K. Imungi, M. W. Okoth, S. E. Mitema, W. F. Mbacham, J. Wang’ombe 68-79
Free Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose and Total Fructan Contents of Some Commonly Consumed Vegetables in Maiduguri Metropolis, North East Nigeria PDF
Abubakar Gidado, Aliyu Daja, Zainab Kasim Mohammed, Mohammed Audu, Aisha Idris 80-88


Paper submission email: FSQM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-6088 ISSN (Online)2225-0557

Vol 8, No.9 and No.10 (2018) Developing Country Studies

Vol 8, No 9 (2018)


Vol 8, No 10 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Determinants of Rural Household’s Livelihood Strategies in Machakel Woreda, East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Nation Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Adey Belete 1-6
Government-Led Condominium Housing: Policies and Practices (The Case of Addis Ababa) PDF
Wubalem Seraw Gezie 7-13
Financial Structure and Economic Growth in Nigeria PDF
Matthew O. Gidigbi 14-28
Public Policy Making in Ghana: The Role of Politics and the Media PDF
Amankona David 29-35
Socio-economic Determinants of Housing Satisfaction Among Middle-Income Households in Owerri, Nigeria PDF
Chinwe Okpoechi 36-44
Workers’ Perception of Gender Issues and Women’s Place in the Banking Industry in Nigeria PDF
Adebimpe A. Adenugba, Olasupo, Micheal Olusoga 45-53
Research on Self-organization Evolution Mechanism of Chao Lake Environmental Protection Policy PDF
Yuting Xuan 54-61
“Apartheid-Induced” Corporate Social Responsibility in the Context of South Africa: A Review PDF
Frank Sampong, Kingsley Osei Boahene, Godson Kweitsu 62-71


Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565

Vol 10, No.25, No.26, No.27, No.28, No.29, No.30 (2018) European Journal of Business and Management

Vol 10, No 25 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF () PDF
Journal Editor
The Role of Foreign Direct Investment to Technology Transfer for Local Employees: Evidence from SNNPRS, Hawassa Town, Ethiopia PDF
Ammen Diakon Debebe 1-9
Effect of Macro-economic Variables on Economic Growth of Pakistan PDF
Shama Noreen 10-14
The Impact of Work Stress on Employee Performance: Based in Banking Sector of Faisalabad, Pakistan PDF
Muhammad Ehsan 15-26
Influence of Professional Expertise on Dividend Policy among Listed Firms in Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya PDF
Oduori Musina Benjamin, David Kosgei 27-32
Comparative Perusal on the Financial Performance and Market Share Growth of Islamic and Conventional Banking- Pakistan’s Perspective PDF
Sohaib Uz Zaman, A.R. Zaki 33-49
Higher Education Impact on Employer Preference PDF
Jafar Hussain 50-56
Effect of Age Diversity on Dividend Policy in Kenya PDF
Oduori Musina Benjamin, Joel Tenai 57-61
Food Retailing and Its Contribution Towards FDI, Economic Growth and Employment in Bangladesh PDF
Md Kamrul Islam 62-69
Import as a Function of Income in Nigeria from 1970-2016 PDF
Strategic Leadership and Organizational Performance in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation PDF
Onu, C.A., Akinlabi, B. H., Egbuta, O. 76-85
EFFECT OF MANAGERIAL OWNERSHIP AND PROFITABILITY ON FIRM VALUE (Empirical Study on Food and Beverage Industrial Sector Company 2012 to 2015) PDF
Panji Putranto, Elan Kurniawan 96-104

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839



Vol 10, No 26 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
An Analysis of Problem Situation of the Use of Electronic Payment Instrument in Indonesia PDF
Sri Darmadi Sudibyo, M. Syamsul Maarif, Anggraini Sukmawati, M. Joko Affandi 1-7
Comparative Study of Corporate Governance Guidelines in SAARC Countries PDF
Sumon Kumar Das, Shampa Das, Mampi Das 8-17
Professionalism and Competencies as Predictors of Public Relations Practitioners’ Self-Efficacy: A Conceptual Framework PDF
Ahmed Lawal Gusau, Zulhamri Abdullah, Nurul Ain Mohd Hasan, Ezhar Tamam 18-30
The Influence of Type a Behaviour and Locus of Control of Conflict Resolution Strategies Among SME Employees in Ondo State PDF
Ihinmoyan Timothy, Dennis Uba, Olatunji, O. D. 31-36
Demystifying Insurance Contracts in Kenya: An Explanatory Approach PDF
Khisa-Kodia G Janepher 37-46
Employees’ Views and Loyalty on HRM Activities: The Case of Sekyere Rural Bank-Ghana PDF
Qifa Huang, Atampokah Rosemond, Koomson Prince, Akolpoka Helena 47-61
The Thermodynamical Processes of the Model of Ideal Gas for the Description of the Activity of the Microeconomical Systems PDF
Mihai Petrov 62-78
Implementation of Small and Medium Industry Performance Measurement Model in Ciamis District PDF
Nugraha Kusuma Ningrat, Maman Hilman 79-83
Bookkeeping and Perception of Growth of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in the Cape Coast Metropolis PDF
Fuseini Issah Osman, Lawrence Ayine Adaane, Belinda Bonney 84-97
The Role of Technology License Agreements in the Transfer and Domestication of Foreign Technologies in Nigeria PDF
Umar F. Mohammed, Ephrain C. Okejiri 98-108
Organizational Change, Change Management, and Resistance to Change – An Exploratory Study PDF
David Olusegun ANINKAN 109-117
Management by Objectives (MBO) as an Instrument for Organizational Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria PDF
Felix Francis 118-125
Role of Leadership Behaviour in Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction PDF
David Kobla Semordzi 126-130
The Influence of Creativity-Relevant Skill on Creativity —— A Moderated Mediation Model PDF
Jia Ke 131-139
The Practice of Sustainability Entrepreneurial Approach in Kenya’s Flower Industry PDF
Flaura Kidere, Elly Tumsifu 140-149

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 10, No 27 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Basel III, And Banking Risk; Do Basel III Factors Could Predict the Risk of Middle-Eastern Countries? PDF
Ahmed N. K. Alfarra, Hui Xiaofeng 1-9
Demographic Factors Role in Forming Counter-productive Work Behavior of Education Personnel (Study at Private Universities in Padang City) PDF
Ice Kamela, Zeshasina Rosha 10-18
Influence of Business Networking Services on Performance of Start-Up Firms Sponsored by University Incubators in Kenya PDF
Zipporah Karimi Muiruri, Patrick Karanja Ngugi, Romanus Odhiambo 19-27
Consumer Awareness and Purchase Attitude Towards Green Products in Bangladesh PDF
Shayala Yesmin, Sharmin Akter 28-35
Factors Affecting Consumers’ Perception of Electronic Payment in Saudi Arabia PDF
Alhanoof Fahad Alyabes, Othman Alsalloum 36-45
The Effect of Support Policies on Employment Growth through SMEs Support – Case of Republic of Kosovo PDF
Kosovare Ukshini, Izet Zeqiri 46-52
Effect of Loyalty from Consumer Decisions Choosing Exterior Wall Paint PDF
Prita Prasetya 53-62
Influence of Performance Management and Compensation Practices on Employee Retention in Research Institutes in Kenya PDF
Evelyn I. Oroni, Esther W. Waiganjo, Gichuhi A. Waititu 63-69
Organizational Cynicism and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: An Empirical Study PDF
Adel R. M. Rayan, Nadia A. M. Aly, Amany M. Abdelgalel 70-79
The Impact of Training and Development on Individual & Organizational Performance in Banking Sector PDF
Sarah Anjum, Tahir Ali 80-84
The Influence of Customer Orientation, Adaptive Selling, Service Orientation and Sales Aptitude to the Salesperson Performance at Pt. Andalas Berlian Motors Padang PDF
Gita Windi Lestari, Syafrizal . 85-90
Finger Millet Output Commercialization Among Smallholder Farmers: Role of Agricultural Innovations in Kenya PDF
Rebecca Jerop, George Owuor, Patience Mshenga, Paul Kimurto 91-100
The Influence of Service Quality and Customer Relationship Management on Customer Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalty in Islamic Banking in Pekanbaru City PDF
Deny Danar Rahayu 101-111
The Initial Public Offering Decision: A Survey of Kenya Corporate Finance Officers PDF
Lisiolo Lishenga 112-119
The Effect of Audit Quality on Accuracy of Stock Price Prediction through Earnings Quality, Evidence from Indonesia PDF
Sihar Tambun, Adler Haymans Manurung, Etty Murwaningsari, Sekar Mayangsari 120-131
Theorisations of Informal Economy towards A 4-Point Informal Non-Oil Export Construct Model In Nigeria PDF
Vincent Okwudili Iweama, Abdullahi Hassan Gorondutse, A.D, Nkamnebe 132-145

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 10, No 28 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Use of Job Satisfaction Initiatives in Enhancing Performance of Non-Teaching Employees in Selected Public Universities in Western Kenya PDF
Dennis Olike, Josphat Kwasira 1-10
The Influence of Project Planning and Implementation on the Performance of Agricultural Projects by Community Based Organizations in Bungoma County, Kenya PDF
Nalianya Remmy Simiyu, Lucy Ngugi, David Minja 11-16
Celebrity Advertising, Brand Awareness and Brand Recognition: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach PDF
UGWUANYI, Chidera Christian, OKEKE, Chioma Vivian, EMEZUE, Leonard Nnabugwu 17-24
Impact of Average Payments Period on the Return on Assets of Quoted Insurance Companies in Nigeria PDF
Elias I. Agbo, S.N.P Nwankwo 25-34
Influence of Human Resource Factors on Implementation of Strategic Plans Among Mission Hospitals in Kenya: A Case of Mission Hospitals in Nyeri County PDF
Gladys Wanjiku, Grace Wangari Kiiru, Denis Muchangi 35-40
The Analysis of the Influence of Organizational Commitment and Learning Perception Towards Employees Performance (A Case Study of PT XYZ’S Employees That Participate in the Training at Padang Learning Unit) PDF
Ahmad Fadli, Rahmi Fahmy 41-48
Managing by Objectives (MBO) and Government Agencies: A Critical Review PDF
Muhammad Ashfaq 49-53
The Role of Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) in Crop Value Chain Development in Ethiopia PDF
Bizualem Assefa Gashaw 54-61
‘Reality Shock’ of Management Education in India: Issues and Challenges PDF
Akhilesh Chandra Pandey 62-67
The Moderating Role of Trust in Supervisor in the Relationship Between Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance of Federal Public Service Organizations in Ethiopia PDF
Assefa Tsegay Tensay 68-80
Predictors of Customers Satisfaction Towards After Sales Service: A Study on Ethio Telecom Tana Cell Phone Handsets in Areka Town PDF
Getachew MOLA 81-88
Econometric Forecasting of Money Mobilization Through Public Issues in Indian Primary Capital Market using Box-Jenkins ARIMA Model PDF
Siddhartha Sankar Saha 89-101
Rural Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development:A Way Out to Increasing Landlessness and Sole Dependence on Farming in the Rural Economy PDF
Abebe kebie 102-105

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 10, No 29 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Traditional Livelihoods in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria PDF
Enuoh, Rebecca. O., Pepple, Grace J. 1-8
Country of Origin and Host Country Effect on the Competitive Advantage of Developing Country Multinational Companies Ascendancy to Business Superiority PDF
Henry Waruhiu 9-18
Electronic Business in Saudi Organization PDF
Husam AlFahl, Ahmad Abuseeni 19-29
Financial Inclusion: An Economic Growth Engine for Bangladesh PDF
Rajib Chakraborty 30-36
The Effect of Knowledge Management and Motivation on Organizational Performance: A Case of Techiman Municipal Assembly, Ghana PDF
Augustine Adu Frimpong, Katara A. Williams, Babatunde Ademola Akinbobola, Emmanuel Addai Kyeremeh, Noah Kankam Kwarteng 37-50
Development and Implementation of Problem Based Learning Models in Entrepreneurship Subjects PDF
Leola Dewiyani, M. Kosasih 51-55
Organizational Trust and Employee Performance of Selected Bottling Companies in South-South, Nigeria PDF
Ikon, M.A, Ohue Paul Itua 56-67
Mediating Influence of Information Technology Infrastructure in the Relationship Between Supply Chain Process Integration Capabilities and Supply Chain Performance of Public Universities in Kenya PDF
Judith Nelima Wasike Milimo, Evans Vidija Sagwa, Maurice Matendechere Sakwa 68-76
The Analysis of the Impact of the Capital Market Performance on Economic Growth in Nigeria: 1986 – 2017 PDF
Salam Shuaib Mohammed, Olabode Agunbiade 77-85
The Management Thinking Under the Phenomenon of Plagiarism in Chinese Net Literature PDF
Xiaomei Gong, Fang Yu 86-93
The Real Estate Sector in Jordan Reality and Prospects PDF
Mohammad Al-Qadi, Shatha Abdul-Khaliq 94-99
Strategy of Decreasing Loan on Electricity Bills in Order to Achieve Performance (A Case Study at PT PLN (Persero) Medan Kota Rayon) PDF
Firman Nanda, A. Rahim Matondang, Khaira Amalia 100-105
Time Series Analysis of Stock Returns for Two Pharmaceutical Companies Listed in Chittagong Stock Exchange PDF
Md Rokonuzzaman, Mohammad Akram Hossen 106-115
Relevance of Accounting Theory in Forecasting Techniques and Default Prediction in an Organization in Nigeria PDF
Osho, Augustine E., Idowu, Abiodun Samuel 116-129
The Influence of Economics and Finance on Accounting Theory in Academic Accounting Research in Nigeria PDF
Osho, Augustine E., Falade Aderemi B. 130-141
Becoming an Entrepreneur after Retirement: Entrepreneurial Intention of Technically and Vocationally Trained Military Personnel in Sri Lanka PDF
Busige Nishantha 142-151

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 10, No 30 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Trade-off or Pecking Order Theory in Indonesia PDF
Arief Yulianto, Rini Setyo Witiastuti, Anindya Ardiansari 1-3
The Impact of Soft Leadership Practices on the Organizational Climate for Creativity at Jordan Customs Department (JCD) PDF
Saleh Ibrahim Sulaiman Al-A’wasa 4-13
Determinants Influencing Tax Audit Services: The Case of Vietnam PDF
Quang Hung Nguyen, Van Hue Dam, Manh Dung Tran, Thu Trang Phung 14-21
Assessment of Principals’ Leadership Styles on Student Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya PDF
Ann Wanja Njami, Hannah Bula 22-28
Foreign Direct Investment and Balance of Payments in Kenya PDF
John Yabs 29-32
Strategy Improvement Work Discipline of Kartika Dewi Widiastuti Gas Station (14.203.1158) PDF
Indriyani Puspasari, Harmein Nasution, Iskandarini . 33-36
Market Orientation, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Public Utility Companies PDF
Jewel Dela Novixoxo, Wisdom Wise Kwabla Pomegbe, Courage Simon Kofi Dogbe 37-46
Analysis of Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales on Civil Servants’ Motivation in the Department of Tourism, Kenya PDF
Petronila Were, Simon Nyakwara 47-56
Analysis of Human Resource Accounting Method on Civil Servants’ Motivation in the Department of Tourism, Kenya PDF
Petronila Were, Simon Nyakwara 57-67
Analysis of Management by Objective on Civil Servants’ Motivation in the Department of Tourism, Kenya PDF
Petronila Were, Simon Nyakwara 68-77
Influence of Performance Appraisal Techniques on Civil Servants’ Motivation in the Department of Tourism, Kenya PDF
Petronila Were, Simon Nyakwara 78-99
Evaluation of 360 Degree Performance Appraisal on Civil Servants’ Motivation in the Department of Tourism, Kenya PDF
Petronila Were, Simon Nyakwara 100-107
Impact of the Level of Work Force Diversity on Employee’s Perception of Equity in Qatar PDF
Md Jamirul Haque, Xuhui Wang, Wenjing Li, Tahseen Ahmed Bhutto 108-114
Effective Distribution of Drugs Through the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT): The Case of Selected Pharmaceuticals Companies in Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, Ghana PDF
Renas Ayebono Atanga 115-121
Strategic Marketing Practices and Growth of Selected Deposit Money Banks in Ogun State, Nigeria PDF
Onu, Christopher A 122-130
The Role of Dividend Policy and Investment Opportunity Set Mediating Free Cash Flow Effect on Firm Value PDF
Komang Adik Hari Raharja, Ni Luh Putu Wiagustini 131-142
Wealth Creation, Resource Imperatives and National Development PDF
EDEM U. U. EKANEM 143-148
The Contribution Effect of the Elements of Psychological Capital on Self-Employment PDF
Maklu Nanteer Yonla, Waswa Balunywa, Vincent Bagire, Ernest Abaho 149-165
Information System Resources and Organizational Performance: Case of Apparel Sector in Sri Lanka PDF
Aynul Sowmiya Badhurudheen 166-173
Motivational Packages and Its Effects on Employee’s Performance: A Case of Ghanaian Organizations. PDF
Bright Asiamah Korankye, Zuoping Xiao, Peter Adjei Darko 174-188
Culinary Tourism Based Model of Coastal Community Economic Development in Siak PDF
Jumiati Sasmita 189-196
Delinquency Management in Private Commercial Banks: The Case of Bangladesh PDF
Md. Ataur Rahman, Md. Sadrul Islam Sarker 197-204
ICT Infrastructure and Adoption of E-government for Improved Service Delivery in Kajiado County, Kenya PDF
Jennifer Wangari Wairiuko, Raphael Nyonje, Elisha Opiyo Omulo 205-221
Empirical analysis of the relationship between Supply Chain Management and business performance: Case of companies in the cotton sector in Mali. PDF
Kone Abdrahamane, Li Quan Xi, Bah Boubacar alpha, Traore Salia sinaly 222-240


Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 10, No.8 and No.9 (2018) Civil and Environmental Research

Vol 10, No 8 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Axially Loaded Solid Concrete Masonry Prisms Built by Different Methods of Construction PDF
Nart M. Naghoj 1-6
Influence of Bacillus coagulans on the Compressive Strength and Durability of Concrete PDF
Oriola, Folagbade Olusoga Peter, Sani, John Engbonye, Wilson, Uwemedimo Nyong, Oche, Zion Orinya 7-16
Comparative Study of RCC Flat Slab and RCC Beam-and-Slab Floor Systems PDF
Sampson Agudze, David Kwame Amoah, Boris K. Sasraku-Neequaye 17-27
Assessment of Automobiles and Pedestrians Control Techniques Within Markets in Kaduna State, Nigeria PDF
Taiwo A. Arowolo, Jibrin Sule, Jennifer Yashi, Kolawole Oluwaseyi, Adeyemi M. Oluwatosin, Dauda P. Itomi-ushi, Oladipo T. Oluwatosin 28-38
Bridge Collapse in Nigeria: A Case Study of Tatabu Bridge in Mokwa Local Government Area of Niger State PDF
Jibrin Sule, Ibrahim A. Inuwa, Surajo Lawan Abdullahi, Danladi S. Matawal 39-51
Water Quality Assessment of Eleyele Dam, Ibadan,South-Western, Nigeria PDF
Ojelabi, S.A, Agbede, O.A, Wahab, B.A, Aiyelokun, O.A, Ojelabi, O.A 52-59

Paper submission email: CER@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5790 ISSN (Online)2225-0514


Vol 10, No 9 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Impact of Agricultural Waste on Sustainable Environment and Health of Rural Women PDF
Cajethan Uche Ugwuoke, Nnenna Monwuba, F. M. Onu, A. G Shimave, E. N. Okonkwo, C. C. Opurum 1-9
Community Participation on Watershed Management Programme. The Case of Gemechis District, Oromia, Ethiopia PDF
Dejene Teressa 10-17
Determination of Compression Index and Coefficient of Permeability of the Soils PDF
Yimam Mohammed Yimer 18-22
Overview of Existing Wastewater Management System in Case of Debre Markos Town, Ethiopia PDF
Temesgen Mekuriaw Manderso 23-35
Assessment of the Impact of Solid Waste Disposal on the Portability of Surface Water and Groundwater Using Water Quality Index (WQI) in Kpassa, Nkwanta North District of Ghana PDF
Emmanuel K. Magna, Augustine Donkor, Michael Dabi, Emmanuel Ansah, Eliot Kumassah, Prince Owusu 36-42
A Case for Acceleration Rather Than Extension of Time on Construction Projects in Uganda PDF
Kenneth Ssemwogerere 43-47
Effect the Depth of Shearhead on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Flat Plate Slabs PDF
Maroua Mohammed Majeed, Aamer Najim Abbas 48-60


Paper submission email: CER@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-5790 ISSN (Online)2225-0514

Vol.66 and Vol.67 (2018) Advances in Life Science and Technology

Vol 66 (2018)

Table of Contents


Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of African Giant Land Snail (Archachatina Marginata) Fed Different Vegetable Based Diets PDF
Orsar, T. J., John Danjuma, B. T. Tyowua 1-7
Effect of Environmental Gradient on Species Composition and Structure of Gemeshat Forest, North Wollo, Ethiopia PDF
Andualem A 8-15
Bioactive Terpenoids from the Roots of Cyphostemmaniveum PDF
Belay Gemechu 16-20
Evaluation of Forage Type Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.Walp.) Accessions for Dry Matter Yield in Lowlands of Southern Ethiopia PDF
Tessema Tesfaye Atumo 21-26
Role of Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria PDF
Minase Milka 27-37
Effects of Aqueous Extract of Blighia sapida Leaves on Ethanol- Induced Gastric Ulcer in Male Wistar Rats. PDF
O.T Adedosu, J.A Badmus, G.E Adeleke, E.O Olagoke, O.O Babalola 38-68
Effect of Aqueous-Methanol Leaves Extract of Cassia occidentalis on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxic Rat PDF
A. J. Alhassan, I. U. Muhammad, A. Mohammed, A. Nasir, A. I. Yaradua, Y. Umar, M. D. Ezema, Y. Abdulmumin 69-73
Study the effect of the adding of Ash of Palm Fronds on the Mechanical Properties for High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). PDF
Nadhim A. Abdullah, Ahmed J. Mohammed, Ibrahim K. Ibrahim, Faise J. Mohammed 74-81
Analysis of Energyauditing in Nigerian Power Systems PDF
Ganiyu Adedayo Ajenikoko, Adebayo Wasiu Eboda, John Oludayo Adeniran, Ridwan Abiola Oladepo, Abiodun Oyeniyi 82-90
Development of a Simplex Optimization Technique for Biogas Generation of Electrical Energy PDF
Araoye Timothy Oluwaseun, C.A. Mgbachi, Ganiyu Adedayo Ajenikoko 91-100

Paper submission email: ALST@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-7181 ISSN (Online)2225-062X


Vol 67 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Studies on Genetic Variability, Correlation and Path Coefficient for Yield and Its Component Traits in Wheat “(Triticum aestivum L.em.Thell.)” PDF
Anurag Kumar 1-6
The Effect of Moringa Leaf Juice on Sorghum Yield Production, in Case of Sirinka , North Wollo,Ethiopia PDF
Andualem Ayalew 7-11
Effect of Temperature on Morphological, Structural and Optical Properties of Cadmium Selenide (CdSe) Thin Films Deposited by Chemical Bath Deposition Method PDF
Tadesse Debele 12-16
Soil Macrofaunal Diversity and Biomass Across Different Land Use Systems in Wondo Genet, Ethiopia PDF
Getachew Birhanu 17-23
Floristic Composition and Vegetation Structure of Gemehat Remnant Forests, Habru Woreda, North Eastern, Ethiopia PDF
Andualem Ayalew 24-35
Epidemiology of Horse Git Parasitism in Gondar Town and Wegera District PDF
Fanuel Bizuayehu 36-43
The Study of Carbon Nano-particles (CNPs) & Film Thickness & Temperature Effect on the Electrical Properties of Poly (3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) PDF
Nadhim .A. Abdullah, Waleed Ali Hussein, Hussein falaih Hussein 44-53
Assessment of Antimicrobial by Nanocomposite of Bacterial Cellulose Loaded with Nanoparticles Sodium Alginate and Chitosan PDF
Ashwak Jasim, Heba Mansoor, Amal Kamel, Bushra Qasim 54-60
Evaluation of Antifungal Activity of Plant Extracts of (Thymus vulgaris) and (Cinnamomum) against fungal PDF
Ahmed Sadoon Hassain, Hasan Kadhim Ali, Hasanain Najm Abbood 61-64


Paper submission email: ALST@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-7181 ISSN (Online)2225-062X

Vol 69 (2018) Arts and Design Studies

Vol 69 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Designing Alternative Approaches for Teaching of Some Difficult to Learn Topics in the SHS Visual Art Curriculum PDF
George Opoku Mensah, Akosua Tachie-Menson 1-14
The Instructional Processes for the Teaching of Some Difficult Topics in the Ghanaian SHS Visual Art Curriculum PDF
George Opoku Mensah, Akosua Tachie-Menson 15-27
A Robot is a Smart Tool: Investigating Younger Users’ Preferences for the Multimodal Interaction of Domestic Service Robot PDF
Yiqi Xiao 28-34
Evaluating the Educational Curriculum in Architecture Department According to ABET Criteria PDF
Nawfal Joseph, Adil Zamil Manshad Al-Saidi, Khalid Abdul Wahab 35-40
The Aesthetic Function of Arabic Calligraphy in Designing Dynamic Brand Identities PDF
Yazan Ibrahim Alamarat, Awad Allah Elshimy, Wael A. Sabour, Mahmoud Mourad Abd Ellatif 41-43
Development of the Tsai Design Thinking Scale PDF
Kuan-Chen Tsai 44-54
Hartono ., Agus Cahyono, Eny Kusumastuti 55-65

Paper submission email: ADS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-610X ISSN (Online)2225-0603

Short Guide on How to Start Writing Your Academic Essays


Academic essay writing entails fashioning of coherent ideas into an argument. Essays are meant to offer a single idea at a time since they are linear in nature. It is also important to tailor your essay in a way that attends to the readers logic successfully. As we are all aware that homework in college is far much demanding than homework in high school, writing academic essays might look like pushing a hill. And to get you started, we have structured a short guide on how to start writing your own academic essays.

So, started below is a step by step guide on how to start writing your own academic essays;

Decide on the topic of discussion.

Making a good choice of the topic is very key when it comes to writing an effective academic essay. This is since the entire body and work will revolve around that topic. You might be assigned the topic to write about or given a chance to choose a topic of your choice. Decide whether you are going to write a specific or general analysis of the topic at hand. You can further narrow your focus to the main idea. Ensure if you are choosing your own topic, choose a topic that interests you and will make you produce top notch content.

Research on the topic

One is required to conduct thorough research about the topic of interest. You are required to gather all the data and information from both external and internal sources. Ensure you have collected all the data and is well sorted into categories. This might require more work if you actually choose a topic of your own since you have to begin from scratch.

Develop a good thesis.

This is always a short statement like one sentence that defines the entire main idea behind the essay. It not only helps the readers define the scope of an essay but also keeps the essay topic focused on the argument. Let the thesis define your outline. A thesis statement is made of two parts, where are the first part will state a topic and the second will state the essay

Create an outline.

This is meant to the organization and structuring an essay in a proper manner. It is meant to summarize and organize content logically. The outline is made up of the body, introduction and conclusion. At this point, you are required to put your ideas on paper. You should be able to see the logic between these ideas. The outline serves as the foundation for writing any successful essay.

  • Introduction

An introduction entails an introduction of the reader to the main points of the essay.  It is meant to identify a topic of discussion, evoke and motivate an audience to go on reading an entire script. It should be able to grab the reader’s attention. You can begin with a summary of the topic at hand, a quote or a statistic depending with whichever you choose as long as it goes hand in hand with thesis statement which usually appears at the end of the introduction.

  • Body

The body is the flesh of the essay. In the body paragraphs, ensure the main points are presented in a logical manner. Provide support details for the points discussion. The body of an essay is what argues, describes and explains the topic at hand.  All body paragraphs representing your ideas should be of the same structure. Every single main idea should also be presented in a separate paragraph. The structure of your paragraph should begin with the main idea and further followed by supporting sentences and lastly the evidence to support your ideas and link them together.

  • Conclusion

In conclusion is where an individual summarizes all the major points stated in the paragraphs and further present a concluding statement and lastly a call to action is made. The conclusion is what closes the topic under discussion. The conclusion is always made up of five or three sentences that are very strong. The main thing to do is to review your ideas and reinforce them to make a conclusion.

Draft a rough copy

Making a rough draft will enable you to write a clear essay. You are not required to rush things in this case. Actually, this will determine how you understand the connections between ideas and probably make you see how they should flow.

  • Proofread the rough copy.

Read through the entire draft

and correct the mistakes that might be in the draft. You can also remove the parts that. Ugh be unnecessary.

  • Write your essay.

Once all the above points and steps have been followed to the later, you are now ready to write your essay.

To conclude, after finishing with your conclusion, pay attention to the small details. Ensure that you started with your strongest point and ended with a strong point as well. Also ensure that your paragraphs make sense and follow a certain chronological order of events.  The bottom line is that writing academic essays might be very demanding and you might need thesis assistance  to help you handle your thesis workload as you work on other assignments to beat the datelines.


Why Should You Attend at a Personal Trainer Conference?

Wanting to turn your passion into a job is not a bad thing, and it can be a great option. You will have an income while doing something you like, which means you are going to have a pleasant job.

If you are into fitness, you can do that through a personal trainer conference. More than that, you are not only going to cultivate your talents, but help other people stay healthy as well. So, what makes attending personal trainer conferences so important? Here are four reasons.

  1. Educational Opportunities

Although you probably think that you have enough experience, you always have something to learn from everything. Considering there are many other people attending the conference, you may not only learn something from the conference itself, but from these people too.

Because the business venture is small, you may feel pretty isolated, with no exposure to other points of view. Consequently, you can miss certain trends or ideas that can have a good influence on your future results. So, if you attend a conference, it can show you new and unknown ways to conduct a business and help you discover how to be more productive.

  1. It Can Ensure You a Stable Career

Basically, personal trainer conferences can give you a unique insight into the practices of being a personal trainer. If you are dedicated to it, this course can improve your skills and trainer qualities, so you will be a successful personal trainer and maintain the position.

You will get the training that you need, and it will be easier for you to gain a position if you have what it takes.

  1. You Can Help Others Stay Healthy

Personal training is not only about making money to sustain your life – it’s about helping other people have a healthy body and mind too. After all, that’s why the occupation exists. People seek your help, and offering it is your responsibility. Their smiles after helping them achieve their goal is a reward in itself, and if people are pleased by your services, they may recommend you to others as well. As a result, you will become even more successful.

  1. You Will Meet Other Passionate People

You won’t be the only one attending the conference – there will be other people interested in personal training. The conference is a great way to meet other people and make friends in the field you’re interested, and share the passion with likeminded individuals.

Also, meeting other people will keep you more motivated to strive for success in the field, because seeing it so appreciated will give you a boost. So, you will work even more on your skills and become a unique personal trainer.

Final Thoughts

Attending a personal trainer conference is a great opportunity to educate yourself, improve your skills and meet other people who share the same passion. All of these will contribute to your future career as a personal trainer, and you could be successful in helping people stay healthy.

So, what are you waiting for? There are PT Courses in London, and it can be a great way to start your journey as a personal trainer.

What are the academic preparation requirements to get into Ivy league schools?


Education is a necessary key in life for any human who has high goals to achieve during the lifetime for a fulfilled professional and personal life. Continuous self-improvement and amazing career opportunities which will ensure a happy life with numerous benefits can only be achieved by studying. Choosing a top college to continue your studies after high-school has a great importance when it comes to the high quality of the studies which you are going to receive from professionals who have a large baggage of knowledge, ready to share with you all the information and the experiences they have. First of all, you need to be aware of the fact that the top colleges have the most prepared professors which means that you will receive a high-quality education from people who are the best when it comes to the subject they teach. Secondly, having a degree from one of the Ivy league schools will open for you numerous doors in life which can take you to a fast ascension to the top.  

The benefits of having college studies

After high-school when they come out of the obligatory studying system, many teenagers are not aware of the fact that college studies are a must for a successful future. You need to be aware that when you are choosing whether to go to college or not, your future is going to be whether negatively or positively influenced by your decision. Having a higher education has numerous benefits which will ensure a brighter future for your future career such as greater job security, better job opportunities,  better living situation, and increased salary potential and it will also influence your personal life in a way in which you will have a larger social network with high-quality people who can help you develop continuously, a positive influence on your kids and future generations, and you will have the necessary knowledge and skills to choose a good partner with whom you can successfully build your life together.


Ivy league schools are the top colleges that every future student is eager to be accepted to and get a high-quality education which will help them design a bright path for their future. However, being accepted by the admission officers of one of the Ivy league schools is a difficult task since you have to prove that you deserve and have all the necessary strong points to study there. So, in order to make sure that you are going to receive a positive answer for your study application, you need to prepare accordingly to satisfy all the requirements.

Do research

Before you start your preparations for applying to study to one of the top colleges, you need to do a rigorous research about them. First of all, doing research has a great importance in order to choose the most suitable college for you which you would enjoy and feel motivated to study at. Secondly, each college has its own special requirements for its students which means that you need to know whether you are suitable and have real chances to be accepted to the college you wish to study at.

Start preparing early in time

It is not an unknown fact that the Ivy league schools are desired by numerous teenagers because of their fame and the benefits that a degree from them brings with it. Which means that there are going to be many competitors for you to overcome to get the opportunity to study at one of the top colleges. Starting to prepare early in time before you apply for a scholarship is a must if you wish to be sure that you are going to be accepted.

Do extracurricular study

The education system before college is meant to educate the students with the most necessary and basic skills and knowledge which everyone should know. However, if you are planning to get higher education at one of the top colleges, you need to make sure you do not rely only on the knowledge and skills which you got from the public education system. When preparing to apply for one of the Ivy league schools you need to focus considerably ion self-improvement by studying at home, taking private lessons or to participate in workshops and training programs with professional speakers in order to build the relevant skills and gain the necessary knowledge which will make you a suitable student for one of the top colleges. Skills such as time management, leadership, teamwork, discipline, communication, and creativity are the most common skills required for a high-quality student to have. Also, when planning to start taking private lessons with a professor who can help you work on your weak points, make sure you do a background check of him or her to see all the personal details, professional affiliations, results of other students who have taken lessons with him or her, and even court records. Checking all the details about the professor will help you find the most suitable and prepared one to educate you.

Get good grades

As I have told you before, preparing to study at a top college means years of preparations. Which means that you also have to get good grades when you are still in the public education system so that the admission officers can see that you have been a hardworking and intelligent student who has been focusing on a bright academic preparation for a long time and has achieved already a large baggage of knowledge.

Do not be mediocre

In order to be accepted to one of the Ivy league schools, you need to be aware of the fact that the top colleges are extremely selective with the students they accept because they want to make sure they prepare brilliant students who will have a bright future. When preparing your essay for your application, keep in mind that the essay is the only way the admission officer is able to see your personality. Make sure you write a creative and authentic essay where you should draw attention to all your strengths which qualify you to be a student of their top college.