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Issue Title
Vol 3, No 13 (2012) Students’ Perception of the Quality of Learner Support Services in National Open University of Nigeria Abstract   PDF
John M. Patrick, John C. Iherjirika
Vol 3, No 14 (2012) Students’ nicknames: Their sources and effects on learning Abstract   PDF
Alfred Kuranchie
Vol 4, No 3 (2013) Students’ Performance in Introductory Technology at the Junior Secondary School Certificate Examinations in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria Abstract   PDF
Negedu Tom Onu, Daluba, Noah Ekeyi
Vol 4, No 12 (2013) Students and Teachers’ Views of Difficult Areas in Mathematics Syllabus: Basic Requirement for Science and Engineering Education Abstract   PDF
Adegun, I. K, Adegun, B. O.
Vol 4, No 19 (2013) Students’ Motivation and Instructors’ Technology Use in Higher Education: A Case Study in the Gulf Region Abstract   PDF
Maram Jaradat
Vol 5, No 1 (2014) Students Perceptions on Determinants of Dropouts from Colleges Abstract   PDF
Allexander Muzenda
Vol 5, No 10 (2014) Students’ Perceptions of an Online B.E.D. Program Abstract   PDF
Charmaine S. G. Bissessar
Vol 5, No 15 (2014) Students' Perceived Image of the University before entering and during study Abstract   PDF
Mohammed Al-Azzawi, Saleem Odeh Alzboon, Mammdoh Srror, Hilal Z. Al-Nabhani, Radha Mwadhia, Aesheh Tawalbeh
Vol 5, No 20 (2014) Students’ Attitudes towards Code-switching in the Bilingual Classroom of Accounting English Abstract   PDF
Jianjun Ma
Vol 5, No 23 (2014) Students’ Satisfaction with Service Quality in Higher Education Institutions: An Empirical Study in University of Gondar Abstract   PDF
Demeke Lakew Workie
Vol 5, No 23 (2014) Students' Perception of the Leadership Style of Lecturers in Vocational College Abstract   PDF
Hairuddin Harun, Nan Nurul Hidayah Megat Salleh
Vol 5, No 29 (2014) Students’ Motivations for Enrolling in Universities in Jordan In The Light of Some Variables Abstract   PDF
Zahria Ibrahim Abdul-Haq, Mohammad AbdelWahab H. Hamzeh
Vol 5, No 30 (2014) Students Teachers’ Viewpoints on the Implementation of Bridging Course for Immersion Program Abstract   PDF
Deni Sapta Nugraha
Vol 5, No 34 (2014) Students’ Learning Experiences When using a Dynamic Geometry Software Tool in a Geometry Lesson at Secondary School in Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Dejene Girma Denbel
Vol 5, No 34 (2014) Students’ Misconceptions of the Limit Concept in a First Calculus Course Abstract   PDF
Dejene Girma Denbel
Vol 5, No 36 (2014) Students’ perception of the impact of Guidance and Counseling programmes on the Satisfaction of Vocational needs in selected Kenyan secondary schools. Abstract   PDF
Godfrey K. Ng’eno, Amos Magut
Vol 6, No 1 (2015) Students’ Learning Experiences When using a Dynamic Geometry Software Tool in a Geometry Lesson at Secondary School in Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Dejene Girma Denbel
Vol 6, No 8 (2015) Students’ Perceptions of the Educational Environment in a New Dental School in Northern Nigeria Abstract   PDF
Paul Ikhodaro Idon, Ibrahim Kayode Suleiman, Hector Oladapo Olasoji
Vol 6, No 16 (2015) Students’ Indiscipline and Principal Attitude in Ondo State Secondary Schools Abstract   PDF
MOYE Gbemi Peter
Vol 6, No 18 (2015) Students Perceptions on Factors that affect their Academic Performance: The Case of Great Zimbabwe University (GZU) Abstract   PDF
Barbra Mapuranga, Maxwell C.C. Musingafi, Shupikai Zebron
Vol 6, No 18 (2015) Students’ Response to Curriculum Review of Undergraduate Religion/Education Programme Abstract   PDF
Vol 6, No 19 (2015) Students towards One-to-Five Peer Learning: A New Approach for Enhancing Education Quality in Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Efrem Gulfo Oukula Obsa
Vol 6, No 22 (2015) Students’ Indiscipline: Types, Causes and Possible Solutions: The Case of Secondary Schools in Cameroon Abstract   PDF
Ponfua Yhayeh Ngwokabuenui
Vol 6, No 28 (2015) Students’ Perception on the Prospect of Economics Education Study Program Abstract   PDF
Mica Siar Meiriza
Vol 7, No 12 (2016) Students’ Critical Thinking Ability: Description Based on Academic Level and Gender Abstract   PDF
Hj. Zetriuslita, Rezi Ariawan, Hayatun Nufus
5451 - 5475 of 7426 Items << < 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 > >> 

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