Vol.54, Vol.55 and Vol.56 (2019) Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics

Vol 54 (2019)


Vol 55 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
A Need Analysis of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Course for Adoption of Communicative Language Teaching (A Case of First Year Engineering Students of Quest Nawabshah) PDF
Ruqia Bano Mastoi 1-9
Revisiting Rosenblatt’s Transactional Approach Through Shaun Tan’s The Red Tree PDF
Anisha Koshy 10-15
Inferiority and Compensation in Palacio’s Wonder PDF
Nien-Hsin Hsieh, Ya-huei Wang 16-21
College Students’ Use of Reporting Verbs and Verb Complements in Academic Papers PDF
Loretta Gray 22-25
Exploiting Context-bound and Context-sensitive Aspects of Editorial Cartoons: Developing Linguistic and Critical Thinking Abilities in English Language Classrooms PDF
Vijay Singh Thakur, Khalid Almashikhi 26-34
Anxiety in Learning Arabic Language for the Students: A Study of Selected Two Language Centers in Dhaka, Bangladesh PDF
Mahmudul Hasan, Syed Mahbubul Alam Al-Hasani 35-38
Evaluating the National Literacy Acceleration Programme on the Teaching of Language and Literacy in Lower Primary Schools of Upper West Region of Ghana PDF
Blaise Dery Man, Titus Nuobepuor, Eugene Naah Kogri, David Angbataayele Kpogwiiri 39-55
Microstructural Analysis of Football Texts PDF
Sade Olagunju 56-67
The Use of Bilingual Dictionaries by Foreign Language Learners PDF
Doa’a Al-Momani 68-71
Laurence Sterne and the Roots of Postmodern Metafiction PDF
Nino Jincharadze 72-75
Status of the Engineering Students’ English in Bangladesh: A Case Study PDF
Md. Iftekhar Arafath, Mohammad Rukanuddin 76-82

Paper submission email: JLLL@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8435


Vol 56 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
A Quantitative Approach Analysis on Subject-Verb Agreement Problem Among English as Second Language Learners: A Case Study of Pakistani Students PDF
Rafia Alyas 1-6
Conjectural History in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Novels: A Pale View of Hills, When We Were Orphans, and The Buried Giant PDF
El Habib EL HADARI 7-14
Bim- A Female Beyond the Average Indian Womanhood in Anita Desai’s Clear Light of Day PDF
Arif Moin Uddin Khan 15-18
The Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Different Cultural and Historical Contexts PDF
Ziad Abushalha 19-23
From Ethnocentrism to Intercultural Communication: The Hundred-Foot Journey PDF
Mu-Hsin Lin, Ya-huei Wang 24-31
The Impact of the Implementation of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 on Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Public Universities PDF
Abdurrahman M. Alfahadi 32-38
A Study on Rongmei Syllable Structure PDF
Debajit Deb 39-43
Nature as a Vehicle to Express Thoughts in the English Poetry of the Romantic Period (1757-1822) PDF
Mohamed Jabraddar Mahil Abd Allah 44-52


Paper submission email: JLLL@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8435

Vol.60, Vol.61, Vol.62 (2019) Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing

Vol 60 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Review on Malaria and Antimalarial Activity of Vernonia Amygdalina in Ethiopia: A Review Article PDF
Temesgen Bihonegn 1-15
Assessment of Completeness of Prescription and Rational Drug Use Practice at Felege Hiwot Referral Hospital, North West Ethiopia PDF
Biset Asrade 16-25
Determinants of Overweight Among Government Employees in Gibe District, Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia: A Case Control Study PDF
Adinew Nega 26-36
Benefits of Antenatal Care Utilization: The Knowledge of Pregnant Women, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015 PDF
Eyasu Tamru Bekru 37-45
Bio-prospecting of Medicinal Bio-resources from the Kenyan Biodiversity: Reflections on Governance as the Missing Link – A Review Article PDF
Micheni Ndii Kiraithe, Muthee John K., Mathiu Peter M., Muthama Nzioka J. 46-56
Leadership Practiece Among Nurses in Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore PDF
Firdous Akbar, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Hussain, Syed Amir Gilani 57-77
The Effect of A Structured Training Program on Intensive Care Nurses Performance PDF
Ishraga Mohamed, Elham Elhanafy 78-85
Predictors of Optimum Uptake of Intermittent Presumptive Treatment of Malaria During Pregnancy Among Women at Navakholo Sub-County, Kakamega County – Kenya PDF
Joseph Ndovoyo, John Arudo, Mary Kipmerewo, Victor Mukaka, Sharon Kosgey 86-96
Effect of Feet Reflexology on Autism Symptoms and Constipation in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder PDF
Azza Abdalla Ghoneim, Shimaa AbdElhady Badawy, Seham Farouk Ismael Mahedy 97-105
Effect of Life Style Modification’s Nursing Program on Post-operative Outcomes of Patients with Selected Benign Perianal Diseases PDF
Hassnaa Eid Shaban Mosa, Hanady Shaaban Ibrahim Shehata 106-115
Awareness and Beliefs on Preconception Health Care Among Women Attending Maternal & Child Health Services at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret, Kenya PDF ()
Mable Khakasa Wanyonyi, Roselyne Asiko Abwalaba 116-125
Effects of Delegated Water Provisioning on Quality of Drinking Water in Low Income Areas of Kisumu County, Kenya PDF
Mosota Ben, Damaris Ochanda, Akosua Sarpong Boakye-Ansah 126-130
Self- Care Knowledge and Practice for Patients with Permanent Stoma and their Effect on Their Quality of Life and Self Care Efficacy PDF
Hanem F. Mohamed, Seham A. Abd El-Hay, Sabah M. Sharshor 131-138
Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns in Enteric Fever among patients in Garissa County, a Semi-Arid Region of North Eastern Kenya PDF
Khatra Shariff Said, Zipporah Ng’ang’a, Samuel Kariuki 139-147
Factors associated with low male partners’ involvement in maternal and child health services in Suba sub county, Western Kenya PDF
Noel Otieno Odhiambo, Harrison Atieli, Louisa Ndunyu 148-158

Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419



Vol 61 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Simulation of Local Stability Analysis of An Epidemic Model with Constant Removal Rate of the Infective Between 2017-2019 PDF
Tadesse Lamessa Edae 1-17
Abortion in Ghana: Legal or Illegal? An Observation at the Abura Dunkwa District Hospital PDF
Bill K. Anaba, Song Wei Qi, Bao Ke Yong, Michael G. Danso 18-24
Assessment of Knowledge of Saudi Mothers Regarding Causes of Obesity Among Children, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia PDF
Budur Aharthi, Maha El-Araby 25-30
Effect of Implementing Total Parenteral Nutrition Nursing Guidelines on Adult Critically Ill Patients’ Outcomes PDF
Asmaa Aly Mahgoub, Naglaa Gamal Eldien AbdElhafez, Enace Mohamed Abdelal 31-43
Problems and Functional Disabilities Among Patients with Cervical Disc and Relationship with Low Back Pain PDF
Seham A. Abd El-Hay, Fatma Abbass Salem, Hoda Esmat Mahmoud Khalil 44-58
Structured Health Literacy Intervention for Mothers Regarding Stem Cells Therapy PDF
Ohoud Youssef El-Sheikh, Rasha A. Mohamed, Mohamed Zoromba, Ahmed Noaman 59-67
Impact of Implementing Nursing Guidelines on Knowledge and Habits of Patients Receiving Radioactive Iodine PDF
Shimaa Hussien Mohamed, Mona Gamal Mohamed, Fatma Abbas Salem 68-77
Relevance and Challenges of Traditional Birth Attendants’ Practices in the Contemporary Midwifery Education and Practice: Evidence from Kwesimintsim District in Ghana PDF
Hannah Yawson 78-89
Determine the Association Between Nurses Self-Concept and Clinical Performance Among Nursing Students PDF
Shumaila Ashraf, Muhammad Hussain, Muhammad Afzal, Syed Amir Gilani 90-94
Effect of Prophylactic Physical Activities on Reducing Lymphedema among Women Post Mastectomy PDF
Jehan Sayyed Ali, Lobna Mohamed Gamal, Tawheda Mohamed Khalifa El-saidy 95-113
The impact of awareness program on the knowledge and practice of women about pelvic organ prolapse PDF
Amany Arafat Goda, Amel Shaaban Abd Elmonem 114-122

Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419



Vol 62 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Relationship of Nursing Students Stress and Their Personal Response to Stress in Learning Environment PDF
Saima Noureen, Muhammad Hussain, Muhammad Afzal, Syed Amir Gilani 1-12
The Relationship Between Nurse Attitude and Students Self-Efficacy in Nursing Students Perceptive PDF
Iqra Aqeel, Muhammad Hussain, Muhammad Afzal, Syed Amir Gilani 13-22
Relationship Between Clinical Learning and Classroom Learning with the Perspective of Confidence Level on Patient Safety Among Baccalaureate Nursing Students PDF
Tayyba Nazar, Muhammad Hussain, Muhammad Afzal, Syed Amir Gilani 23-29
Self -Compassion and Self-Efficacy Among Academic Nursing Staff: Relationship Approach PDF
Warda Elshahat Hamed, Josephin Atef Abd El Magid Lawend, Azza Ibrahim Abdelraof 30-40
Nursing Students Challenges at Educational and Clinical Environment PDF
Niaz Fatima, M. Hussain, M. Afzal, M. Amir Gilani 41-48
Safety Profile and Patient Satisfaction in an Egyptian Cardiac Critical Care Unit PDF
Noha Mohamed Rashed, Zeinab Mohamed Aysha, Mohamed Amin Fakher 49-58
Association Between the Use of Active Learning Strategies and Classroom Engagement Among Nursing Students PDF
Anam Mohi-ud-Din, Muhammad Hussain, Muhammad Afzal, Syed Amir Gillani 59-65
Impact of Professional Stress and Career Development on Organizational Commitment Among Nurses PDF
Mehvish Kiran, Muhammad Hussain, Mohammad Afzal, Syed Amir Gillani 66-74
The Relationship Between Academic Success and Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Empowerment, Resilience, Spiritual Well-Being in Nursing Students PDF
Rukhsana Taj, Muhammad Hussain, Muhammad Afzal, Syed Amir Gilani 75-81
Initials Impact of Nursing Manager Perception of Empowerment and Years of Experience on Resistance to Change in Practice PDF
Nadia Kiran, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Hussain, Syed Amir Gilani 82-89
Nursing Perception on Patient Safety Culture: The Latest Methodological Approaches PDF
Elsa Vitale, Francesco Germini, Michele Massaro, Rosa Silvia Fortunato 90-100
The Association Between Conflict Management Style and Organizational Commitment: A Case of Private University PDF
Humaira Hanif, Muhammad Hussain 101-108
Impact of Professional Identity on Role Stress in Nursing Students in Pakistan PDF
Maha Ibrahim, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Hussain, Syed Amir Gillani 109-114
Correlation Between Learning Styles and Readiness for Self-Directed Learning Among Nursing Students PDF
Samina Khadim 115-122
Medicine in Shakespearean Plays: Compilation of Descriptions of Clinical Features and Pathophysiology PDF
Nasir Abdul Latif Sarwani, Durjoy Kumar Shome, Henry James, Manoj Chakravarty 123-151
Academic Achievement and Life Satisfaction Among Medical Students with Forced Medical Parental Choice PDF
Sadia Firdous, Rabia karim, Roofen Julious, Sheeba Saqib 152-169
Social-Cultural Factors and Complementary Feeding of Children 6-23 Months Among the Maasai in Narok South Kenya. PDF
Stellah Malaso Koini, Sophie Ochola, Irene A Ogada 170-177
The Role of Age, Gender and Socio-Economic Status in Self-esteem and Life Satisfaction of Nursing Students PDF
Ume Farwa, Muhammad Hussain, Muhammad Afzal, Syed Amir Gilani 178-186


Paper submission email: JHMN@iiste.org

ISSN 2422-8419

Vol 10, No.5-No.10 (2019) Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development

Vol 10, No 5 (2019)


Vol 10, No 6 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Adaptation to Climate Change: The Case of Uganda PDF
Margaret Magumba 1-5
Differential Item Functioning in English Language Test Using Item Response Theory for Ethnic Groups PDF
Ogbogo Stella, Opara, Ijeoma Margaret 6-22
Energy Consumption, Manufacturing Output and Economic Growth in Pakistan: An ARDL Bound Testing Approach PDF
Mirza Nouman Ali Talib, Hongzhong Fan 23-28
Delisting and Market Performance of Nigerian Stock Exchange: (1998 – 2018) PDF
Iliemena, Rachael O., Goodluck, Happiness Chibuzor 29-38
Factors Influencing the Competitiveness of Cocoa Export of Ghana and Its Implication on Ghana’s Economy PDF
Bekoe Bernard Boamah, A. Asamoah Assiamah, Jiang Cailou, Liu Shuangqin, Esther Adu-Gyamfi 39-46
Agricultural Production and Economic Growth in Nigeria: A VAR Approach PDF
Ojonye, S.M., Nuga, K.A., Omotola, A.A., Philips, S.A., Esho, O. 47-54
Financial Stability in Kenya. Does Inclusive Finance Matter? PDF
Antony R Atellu, Peter W Muriu, Odhiambo Sule 55-79
Statistical Analysis of Impact of Non-Oil Tax Revenue on the Nigeria Economy PDF
Olagunju Kehinde J, Omotola Adeniyi A, Nuga Kehinde A, Phillips Samuel Ademola 80-90
Breaking New Frontiers in Nigeria Commercial Agricultural Sector and the Exigency for Active Involvement of Local Governments PDF
Nnadozie, A.K.O, Nwangwu, A.O., Okereke, S.N, Egudu, J.I 91-96
Personal Remittance, A Reagent of Macroeconomic Stability in the Perspective of Pakistan (2005-2017) PDF
Mahpara Naeem, Sadaf Mustafa, Imran ul Haque 97-103
Analysis of the Effect of Uganda’s 2011 Government Spending Shock on Key Macroeconomic Variables PDF
Margaret Magumba 104-107
Analysis of Factors Affecting Use of Pre-Emergence Wheat Herbicides in Kenya PDF
William Bett Kiprotich, Samuel Otieno John 108-116
The Moderating Effect of Competitive Business Strategy on Corporate Environmental Performance and Corporate Carbon Emission Disclosure Towards Corporate Financial Performance PDF
Yohanes Mardinata Rusli, Yvonne Augustine, Etty Murwaningsari, Ririn Breliastiti 117-126
Impact of Oppressors on Truthfulness: A Case Study on University of Karachi – Students (Under-Graduate & Graduate) PDF
Syed Shahid Zaheer Zaidi, Muhammad Azhar Ali, Syed Shoeb Ahmed, Farhat Hussain, Syed Yasir Zaheer, Muhammad Kamran Khan 127-132
Local Government Under Army Rule: A Comparative Analysis of Zia ul Haq and Pervez Musharraf Local Government System PDF
Syed Shahid Zaheer Zaidi 133-139
Major Obstacles to Economic Engines: Myths & Realities in Pakistan PDF
Saima Akhtar, Syed Shoeb Ahmed, Seema Khalid 140-146
Aid-growth Nexus in Bangladesh: An Evidence from the ARDL Bound Testing Approach PDF
Kazi Mezbah Uddin Ahamad, Noushin Farjana Huda Chowdhury, Moniruzzaman Muzib 147-153
Challenges of the Bitcoin in the Arabic Countries PDF
Nsreen Shetewy, Jamal Aitlaadam, Li Jun Jiang 154-159
The Black Tea Industry in East Africa: History, Culture, Trends, and Opportunities PDF
Sahim Abdalla Juma 160-170

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855


Vol 10, No 7 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Analyzing Prevalent Internal Challenges to China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) through Public Opinion PDF
Muhammad Faisal Sultan 1-9
Crafting Sustainable Competitive Advantages Through Usage of Core Competences for Restaurant Chains in Vietnam PDF
Son Tung Ha, Manh Dung Tran 10-16
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on ERM Implementation with Organizational Culture as a Moderating Variable PDF
Farhan Ady Pratama, Yvonne Augustine 17-25
Determinants of Women Access and the Extent of Access to Land Among Small-Scale Farmers in Machakos County, Kenya: A Double-Hurdle Approach PDF
Veronica N. Kariuki, Oscar I. Ayuya, John M. Nduko 26-38
Exploring the Nexus Between Foreign Aid and Human Capital Development in Nigeria PDF
Johnbosco Ozigbo, Dennis Ewubare 39-51
Assessing the Impact of NAADS Programme on Agricultural Economic Performance in Mbarara District – Uganda PDF
Determinants of Environmental Performance with the Carbon Management Strategy as an Intervening Variable PDF
Lince ., Yvonne Augustine 60-71
Factors Influencing the Extent of Push-Pull Technology Expansion Among Smallholder Maize Farmers in Homa Bay, Kenya PDF
Robert Ouko Gwada, Hillary Kiplangat Bett, Kenneth Waluse Sibiko 72-84
The Institutional and Socio-Economic Constraints to Smallholder Tobacco Production and Marketing in Mount Darwin District of Zimbabwe: The Value Chain Approach PDF
Joseph Muroiwa, Abbyssinia Mushunje, Tawedzegwa Musitini 85-101
Determinants of Productivity and Efficiency of Resettled Farmers in Benishangul Gumuz Region, Ethiopia: A Comparative Analysis of Stochastic Frontier and Data Envelopment Approaches PDF
Shumet Asefa Kibret 102-109
Business Education Students’ Perception of the Influence of Electronic Learning on Skill Acquisition in Edo State PDF
Henrrietta Abhameso OLUMESE 110-114

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855



Vol 10, No 8 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Farmer Behavior on Facing Production Risk of Organic Rice Farming in Indonesia PDF
Ignatius Suprih Sudrajat 1-8
Socio Economic Determinants of Poverty Status Among Ginger Farmers in Southern Kaduna, Nigeria PDF
C.C. Ezeh, D.F. Omokore, O.H. Ezeh 9-14
A Study of Impact of Housing Quality on the Low-income Households in Uyo, Nigeria PDF
Okey Nwanekezie, Stanislaus Okeahialam 15-19
Import-Led Growth Hypothesis: A Case Study of Pakistan PDF
Nooreen Mujahid, Azeema Begam, Musarrat Shamshir, Aniqa Zeb 20-28
Competitive Advantage and Corporate Governance in Indonesia with Enterprise Risk Management as Mediating PDF
Samuel ., Yvonne Augustine 29-37
Defection and Party Crisis in Nigeria PDF
Ugonma Joy Kalu Ugbor, Ugbor, I. Kalu, Joy Nkiru Agbo 38-44
Economic Growth- Female Labour Supply Nexus: A Dynamic U-Shaped Perspective for Pakistan PDF
Nooreen Mujahid, Nargis ., Muhammad Noman, Musarrat Shamshir 45-50
The Impacts of Oil Price and Exchange Rate on Food Prices in Nigeria PDF
Umar Bala, Muhammad Mustapha Abdullahi 51-56
Effect of Rainfall Variations on Economic Growth in Africa PDF
Olubunmi Olanrewaju 57-63
Policy Model of Sustainable Public Transport Accessibility in Sukabumi City of Indonesia PDF
I Made Arka Hermawan, Santun R.P Sitorus, Machfud ., Umar Mansyur, I.F Poernomosidhi Poerwo 64-71
Publicity Attached to Reputational Incentives: Anti-corruption Models in the Public Administration PDF
Angbonon Eugene Kamalan 72-78
Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Trivariate Framework of South Africa PDF
Walter Trevor Shiba, Yongchang Wu, Wenshan Wei 79-91
Structural Transformation and Capital Formation in Nigeria: An ARDL Analysis PDF
Olumuyiwa Olamade 92-101
Market Access and Extent of Commercialisation Among the Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Zimbabwe PDF
Tawedzegwa Musitini, Abyssinia Mushunje, Joseph Muroiwa 102-110
Analysis of the Impact of Digital Technologies on Chinese Economic Growth PDF
Alida Magakam Tchamekwen, Zhao Xicang 111-118
Underdeveloping the Disadvantaged: The Dilemma of Globalization on Women in a Developing Country PDF
Patricia A. Taiwo 119-129
Social Entrepreneur in Environmentally Friendly Unutilized Land: A Sustainable Effort to Develop Village Economy PDF
Nur Endah Retno Wuryandari, Mahdalena Lubis, Ryani Dhyan Parashakti 130-136
Role of Dictatorship in the Good Governance of Pakistan PDF
Mustafa Hyder, Syed Shahid Zaheer Zaidi 137-142
The Impact of Voluntary Risk Management Disclosure, The Composition of the Board of Independent Commissioners Toward Firm Value on Indonesian Property ,Real Estate and Building Construction Companies PDF
Almubarokah Tri Robayany, Yvonne Augustine 143-155
Importance of Practical Courses for a Professional Degree: A Case of Library & Information Science (LIS) PDF
Farhat Hussain, Munira Nasreen Ansari 156-166

Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855



Vol 10, No 9 (2019)



Vol 10, No 10 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Long Run Leadership Production and Selection Model for Democracies in Africa PDF
Adewole Musiliu Adeolu 1-14
Tariff Impact on Industrialization in Tanzania: Evidence from Edible Oil Sub-Sector PDF
Charles Peter Mgeni, Klaus Müller, Stefan Sieber 15-30
Bank Consolidation and Performance of the Nigerian Economy PDF
David Ogonoye IFEGHA, Johnson Ezema NCHEGE, Ebikabowei Biedomo ADUKU 31-39
Business Education Students’ Opinion on the Benefits and Challenges of E-Assessment in Universities in Edo State PDF
Henrrietta Abhameso OLUMESE 40-44
Factors Influencing Efficiency and Productivity of Contracted and Non-Contracted Tobacco Farmers in Zimbabwe: Case of Mount Darwin District PDF
Joseph Muroiwa, Abbyssinia Mushunje, Tawedzegwa Musitini 45-54
Effects of Billboards on Buying Behavior of Customer in Context of Textile Products PDF
Saima Akhtar 55-59
How Different Kinds of Innovation Affect Trade Performance of Enterprises in China? PDF
Ying Ma, Abdul Rauf 60-69
Dynamic Relationship Between Imports and Economic Growth in Pakistan PDF
Muhammad Yamman Khan, Saima Akhtar, Sakina Riaz 70-77
Management of Prosopis Juliflora Invasion in Baringo County, Kenya through Utilization PDF
Paul Tuwei, Ebby Chagala Odera, Jonah Kiprop, Josephine Wanjiku 78-82
Money Supply and Inflation in Vietnam: An Approach from Structural Equation Model PDF
Thu Tran Thi Hoai 83-89
Tax Revenue, Wage Employment and Economic Growth in Nigeria PDF
Johnson NCHEGE, Ebikabowei B. ADUKU, Ezinne Idika, Stephanie Chizoba NWOSU 90-96
Effect of Board Diversity on Financial Performance of Firms in Malaysia: A Moderating Role of Corporate Sustainability Practices PDF
Mohammad Shahansha Molla, Yusnidah Ibrahim, Zuaini Ishak 97-101
Data Structure Model on the Quality of Public Passenger Transport Services by Bus in Vietnam PDF
Thi Hong Le Hoang, Van Lam Hoang, Thi Bich Hanh Chu, Thi Thai An Nguyen, Thi Bach Tuyet Vuong, Thi Huyen Do, Vu Hoang Nguyen, Manh Dung Tran 102-106
Determinants of Vulnerability to Expected Poverty among French Bean Farmers in Kenya PDF
Noah Kibet, Gideon Obare, Job Lagat 107-118
The Effect of Self-Learning, Entrepreneurship Competence and Entrepreneurship Orientation on Micro Business Performance in the Special Province of Yogyakarta PDF
Yayuk Apriyani, Siswoyo Haryono, Zainal Mustafa EQ 119-133
Sorghum Landraces Production Practices in Nyanza, Coast and Eastern Regions, Kenya PDF
Muui, C. W, Muasya R. M., Nguluu, S., Kambura, A., Kathuli, P., Mweu, B., Odhiambo, D. O. 134-143
Research on Scientific Research Performance of Humanities and Social Sciences in China’s First-class Universities Based on SE-DEA PDF
Xueqian Zhang 144-148
Role of Education in Economic Development of Pakistan PDF
S Khurram Khan Alwi, Maroof Bin Rauf, Saira Saleem 149-154
Money, Output and Inflation in Bangladesh: A Test of Cointegration and Causality PDF
Md. Shahnewaz Khan 155-165
Determining Industrial Change Effectiveness in Developing Countries: Focus on Ghana PDF
Ernest Kwame Affum, Haisu Wang 166-189
The Influence of Sustainability Disclosure on Firm Value’s with Board Involvement as A Moderating Variable: Evidence from Indonesia PDF
Januarti Tiurmaida, Yvonne Augustine S. 190-198
The Impact of the Economic Partnership Agreement on East African Community Trade with European Union: A Gravity Model Approach PDF
Geoffrey Mwambe, Zawadi Ally, Don Prasad 199-209


Paper submission email: JESD@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855

Vol 9, No.3, No.4, No.5 (2019) Journal of Environment and Earth Science

Vol 9, No 3 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Soil Quality Analysis for Sustainability of Forest Ecosystem: The Case of Chilimo-Gaji Forest, West Shewa Zone, Ethiopia PDF
Siraj Mammo, Zhang Kebin, Achalu Chimidi, Hamza Ibrahim 1-9
Barriers and Community Land Trust’s Strategies in The Preservation of Affordable Housing PDF
Mina Elsie Louis Udom, Weje, Ikezam Innocent 10-15
Copper Removal by Acid-Conditioned Zeolite, Part I: Equilibrium, and Numerical Simulations PDF
Andrés Avelino Abin-Bazaine, Gilberto Sandino Aquino-De Los Ríos, Luis Miguel Rodríguez-Vázquez 16-38
Copper Removal by Acid-Conditioned Zeolite, Part Ii: Kinetics, and Thermodynamic Studies PDF
Andrés Avelino Abin-Bazaine, Gilberto Sandino Aquino-De Los Ríos, Luis Miguel Rodríguez-Vázquez 39-50
Domestic Wastewater Characterization and Potential for Treatment Using Close-to-Nature Methods PDF
Melvin-Guy Adonadaga, Jabab Enoch, Afedo Selorm Kwame 51-59
Influence of Climate Variability on the Prevalence of Dengue Fever in Mandera County, Kenya PDF
Ndiwa Joseph Kimtai, James K.A. Koske, Michael Koech 60-67
Assessment of Soil-Water Infiltration Dynamics of Waste Oil Polluted Terrestrial Habitat Under Macrophytic Remediation: A Window for Automobile Workshops PDF
Nsirim, Lucky Edwin-Wosu, Ani, Nkang 68-77
Assessment of the Effects of Flood on Agricultural Land Use in Doma Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria PDF
Anzaku M. Iliyasu, Alkali Mohammed, Buba Y. Alfred, L.M. Akpami, Sa’adu Sabitu Da’u 78-89
Grain Size Analysis of Sediments From Okpoama – Brass Beach in the Niger Delta PDF
Akpofure, Edirin, Akana, S. Tombra 90-102
The Geology, Stratigraphy and Structure of Ma’an Area, South PDF
Tarawneh, K. 103-117
Evaluation of Environmental Effect of Shiroro Hydropower Dam on the Downstream Communities of Shiroro Local Government Area, Niger State, Nigeria PDF
Anzaku M. Iliyasu, Buba Y. Alfred, Onoja F. Idoko, Alkali Mohammed, Sa’adu Sabitu Da’u 118-126
Effects of Rainfall Variability on Cassava Yield in Owerri North Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria PDF
Anzaku M. Iliyasu, Alkali Mohammed, Buba Y. Alfred, J.I Affi, Garba Umar 127-134
Effects of Rainfall and Temperature Variability on Yam Production in Lafia Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria PDF
Anzaku M. Iliyasu, Buba Y. Alfred, Alkali Mohammed, L.M. Akpami, Idris Abdulkareem 135-145
Eze Stanley, Emujakporue .O. Godwin, Williams Ofuyah, Nnorom .S. Lotanna 146-169
Geochemistry and rare-metal bearing potentials of pegmatites of Gbugbu, Lema and Bishewa areas of North Central Nigeria PDF
GARBA, A. Abdulrasaq, ADEKEYE, Jacob I.D., AKANDE, S.O., AJADI, Jimoh 170-186
Rain Fade Analysis at C, Ka and Ku Bands in Nigeria PDF
Modupe Sanyaolu, Oluropo Dairo, Lawrence Kolawole 187-195

Paper submission email: JEES@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3216 ISSN (Online)2225-0948


Vol 9, No 4 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis of Quantitative Traits in Some Wollega Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Landrace in Western Ethiopia PDF
Dawit Merga 1-8
Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater in Hawassa Textile Factory Treatment Ponds by Shoenoplectus Lacustris: Opportunity of Phytoremediation by Aquatic Macrophyte PDF
Iyasu Gudisa 9-14
Roles of Agroforesty on Climate Resilient Green Economy of Ethiopia: Review PDF
Alefu Chinasho 15-18
Choice of Smallholder Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies to Climatic Variability and Their Determinants in Crop Production: The Case of the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia PDF
Adam Bekele 19-28
Integrating Climate Change Issues in the Upper Basic Schools of the Gambia: A Test Case of the Upper Basic School Curriculum PDF
O.O. Oluwatobi, Francis Adesina, B.L.J. Jammeh 29-37
Characterization of Major Ion Chemistry and Hydro-Geochemical Processes in Mt. Elgon Trans-Boundary Aquifer and Their Impacts on Public Health PDF
Japhet Rugendo Kanoti, Daniel Olago, Norbert Opiyo, Christopher Nyamai, Edwin Dindi, Zachary Kuria 38-45
Assessment of Anomalous Propagation Conditions in Ondo City, South Western Nigeria for Microwave Applications PDF
O. L. Ojo, R. A. Adenodi 46-52
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Sinuosity and River Migration Analysis of the Lower Parts of River Niger in the Niger Delta PDF
Akana, S. Tombra, Akpofure, Edirin 53-62
The Optimization of Ergonomic / Human Factor Principles in Housing Design: A Literature Survey PDF
Kingsley Okechukwu Dimuna, Monoyeren Emmanuel Orits Omatosne 63-72
Challenges of Development Control in Kampala Capital City, Uganda PDF
John Berch Barugahare 73-79
Decentralized Urban Planning Challenges in a City of a Developing Country:The Case of Kampala Capital City, Uganda PDF
John Berchmans Barugahare 80-89
Impact of Abattoir Wastes on Groundwater Quality in the Fct, Abuja-Nigeria: A Case Study of Gwagwalada Satellite Town PDF
Ekpetere O. Kenneth, Ekeh O. Faith, Ofodum N. Modestus 90-104
Housing Conditions in the FCT, Abuja-Nigeria: A Case Study of Gwagwalada Satellite Town PDF
Ekpetere O. Kenneth, Ekeh O. Faith, Eziechi M. Nkechi 105-118

Paper submission email: JEES@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3216 ISSN (Online)2225-0948


Vol 9, No 5 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Integrated Site Suitability Analysis for Urban Development Using Remote Sensing and GIS Based Multicriteria Evaluation Technique in Wolaita Sodo Town and Surrounding Area, SNNPR, Ethiopia PDF
Mesfin Girma Mamo 1-13
Effects of Soil and Water Conservation on Selected Soil Physicochemical Properties and Its Implication on Soil Productivity in Ethiopia. A Review PDF
Leta Hailu 14-19
Carbon Stock of Indigenous Agroforestry Practices in Dellomenna District Southeast Ethiopia: Implication for Climate Change Mitigation PDF
Abiot Molla 20-25
Anisotropic Geomechanical Characterization of Sojuko Field, Shallow Offshore, Niger Delta PDF
Difference O. Ogagarue, Mary T. Olowokere 26-40
Effect of Precipitation Change on Dams Storage in Jordan PDF
Mjed ali alsaraireh 41-45
Levels of Household Food Insecurity in Rural Kenya: A Case Study of Kitui West, Lower Yatta and Matinyani Districts PDF
Robinson Ocharo, Wambui Makau, Ayub Gitau, Joseph Mugachia 46-52
The Push for City Status by Municipal Councils in Uganda: A Dilema for Urban Planning. The Case of Mbarara Municipal Council PDF
John Berch Barugahare 53-60
The Impacts of Water Abstraction in Tropical Rivers: A Case of South West Upper Tana Basin, Kenya. PDF
Philip K. Mwendwa, Johnson U. Kitheka, Moses Mwangi, Hesbon Otieno 61-70
Assessment of Water Supply and Management in an Urban Area of Southern Nigeria PDF
Ansa, Iniubong Etim, Uzoma, Evan Ifeoma 71-82
A Comparative Evaluation of Different Techniques of Supervised Classification in Landuse/Landcover Mapping of Awka South L.G.A, Anambra State, Nigeria. PDF
Joseph Ejikeme, Josephine Emengini, Elizabeth Ugwu, Daniel Umenweke 83-98


Paper submission email: JEES@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3216 ISSN (Online)2225-0948

Vol 9, No.5-No.10 (2019) Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare

Vol 9, No 5 (2019)


Vol 9, No 6 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Review on Cyanide Poisoning in Ruminants PDF
Ufaysa Gensa 1-12
Review on Factors Affecting Production and Marketing of Spices in Ethiopia PDF
Dagnaygebaw Goshme 13-17
Role of Probiotics in Animal Productivity and Health: A Review PDF
Daba Gudeta Guder 18-25
Review Work on Productive and Reproductive Performance of Crossbreed Dairy Cattle in Ethiopia PDF
Brhane Gebremariam 26-31
Identification of Reproductive Activity of Donggala Cattle at Post Puberty and Post Partum Periods PDF
Ismail Wumbu, B. Sundu, Rusdin Dien, Najamudin ., Miradjuddin . 32-35
The Effect of Some Plant Extracts Against Proteus spp and Klebsiella spp Bacteria and Comparing Them with Antibiotic PDF
Roqia Ahmed Abbas, Aseel Adnan Al-khazreje, Roaa Adnan Hussein 36-39

Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X



Vol 9, No 7 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Prevalence of Major Bovine Trematodes (Fasciola and Paramphistomum) in Cattle Slaughtered at Nekemte Municipal Abattoir, East Wollega, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Gudeta Turuna 1-5
Effects of Soil and Water Conservation Practices in Selected Soil Physicochemical Properties: The Case of Ezha District, Southern Ethiopia PDF
Abdrahman Shafi 6-14
Phenotypic Characterization of Local Chicken Ecotypes of Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Western Ethiopia PDF
Habtamu Alebachew 15-21
Planting Density and Time of Safflower Relay Intercropping in Tef (Eragrostis Tef) at Sebatamit Kebele in Bahir Dar Zuria District, Amhara Region PDF
Hosaena Tilahun 22-34
Outstanding Performance of Recently Released Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Variety (Yadanno) and Other Linseed Lines in South Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia PDF
Abebe Delesa Ararsa 35-41
Major Onion (Allium cepa L.) Production Challenges in Ethiopia: A Review PDF
Muluneh Bekele Etana 42-47
A Detailed Review on Common Causes of Postharvest Loss and Quality Deterioration of Fruits and Vegetables in Ethiopia PDF
Muluneh Bekele Etana 48-52
The Effect of Different Dosages of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Rice Growth and Leafroller Populations PDF
Tufail Ahmed Wagan 53-57
Prevalence of Cysticercosis Bovis in Eastern Shoa of Oromia, Ethiopia PDF
Abdela Edao 58-64
Review Article: Genetics and Breeding Overview for Coffee Wilt Disease Resistance PDF
Admikew Getaneh Yigletu 65-79

Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X


Vol 9, No 8 (2019)


Vol 9, No 9 (2019)



Vol 9, No 10 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
From Functional Potential of Soil Bacterial Communities Towards Petroleum Hydrocarbons Bioremediation PDF
Paul Iturbe-Espinoza, Matthijs Bonte, David Brown, Rob JM van Spanning 1-24
Adoption of Calliandra Calothyrsus for Improved Dairy Production in Embu County, Kenya PDF
Paul Tuwei, Ebby Chagala Odera, Jonah Kiprop, Josephine Wanjiku 25-31
The Nexus Between and Enhancement of Youth’s Involvement in Agriculture: The Case of Eastern Region, Ghana PDF
Bright Asiamah Korankye, Lady Nadia Frempong, Asare Isaac 32-41
Prevalence and Genetic Characterization of Rotavirus Infections Among Children Under Five Years in Mutaho Health District, Gitega Province and Bujumbura Municipality, Burundi PDF
Cassien Nduwimana, Eddy Okoth Odari, James Nyangao, Carlene Sang, Raphael W. Lihana 42-52
Molecular Characterization of HIV-1 And Drug Resistance Among HIV-1 Infected Patients Attending Kayanza District Hospital, Burundi PDF
Pascal BUTOYI, Eddy O. Odari, Alex Maiyo, Rency Lel, Raphael W. Lihana 53-61
Serological Study of Human Toxocariasis Using Elisa Technique in Six Hospitals, Adamawa State, Nigeria PDF
Terry Thomas, Qadeer Mohammed, Pukuma Micah 62-69
Seroprevalence Study on Human Toxocariasis (T. canis) with Relation to Religion Using ELISA Technique: A Case Study of Six Government Hospitals Adamawa State, Nigeria PDF
Terry Thomas, Qadeer Mohammed 70-73
Effects of Water Spray Timing After Pollination on Fruit Set, Yield, Physical and Chemical Properties of Two Date Palm Cultivars PDF
Alasasfa, Muawya 74-80
Yield and Morphological İnvestıgatıon of Different Tigger Melon (Cucumis Melo Dudaim) Genotypes Belongıng to Sirnak/Turkey Region PDF
Yelderem Akhoundnejad, Nevzat Sevgin 81-86
Assessment of Relationships Between Genotypic Variation and Growth and Yield of Spider Plant in Kenya PDF
Kenneth Mutoro, Charles Ndenga, James Musito 87-91
Effect of Supplementary Cyan Light to Deep Red and Royal Blue Range Wavelengths on the Seedling Period of Iceberg Lettuces PDF
T. Yaşar Katırcıoğlu, Murat Toksavul, Mehmet Tabak, Çağlar Terzi 92-104
Effects of Organic Weed Control Methods on Weed Density, Phenotypic Traits and Yield Attribute of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus) PDF
Osundare O.T, Badmus A.A, Olatubosun O.A 105-110
Assessment health care services among health care workers in holy Karbala governorate PDF
Ali Neamah Hasan Al-Aaragi, Mohammed Abdulridha Merzah, Ali Abd Al-Latif G. Mohammed 111-116


Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X

Vol.54-Vol.55 (2019) International Journal of African and Asian Studies

Vol 54 (2019)


Vol 55 (2019)

Vol 10, No.3-No.4 (2019) Innovative Systems Design and Engineering

Vol 10, No 3 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Sediment Estimation and Assessment of Hydraulic Structure of Hirna Small Scale Irrigation Scheme, West Hararghe Zone Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia PDF
Hailu Mosisa Chala 1-34
Impact of Renewable Technology on Palm Fruit Fibre: Strategy for Climate Change and Adaptation PDF
T.B. Onifade 35-49
Efficiency for Large Fleets: An Analysis of How Industrial Customers Use Electric and Hybrid Vehicles PDF
Adam-Alexander Manowicz, Jan Frenz, Michael Jurenka, Rico Meyer, Manuel Sessner, Paul Stobbe 50-58

Paper submission email: ISDE@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2871



Vol 10, No 4 (2019)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Innovation Systems, Internationalization of R&D, and Innovation Policy: Exploring MNEs’ Search for Competences PDF
Gideon Jojo Amos 1-7
Impact of Temperature Variation on the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Selected Rocks from South African Platinum Mines in an Unconfined Conditions PDF
G. O. Oniyide 8-15
Optimization Design and Development of Sensing Coil and Analog Signal Conditioning Electronics for Fluxgate Magnetometer Sensor PDF
U. A. Sadiq, O. W. Oluyombo 16-25
Result Computation for Tertiary Institution using Microsoft Excel (A Case Study of Bayelsa State College of Arts and Science, Elebele, Bayelsa State) PDF


Paper submission email: ISDE@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2871

Vol 9, No.3, No.4, No.5 (2019) Journal of Information and Knowledge Management

Vol 9, No 3 (2019)



Vol 9, No 4 (2019)



Vol 9, No 5 (2019)