Tips for Portfolio Review in College

Has art been your best hobby and interest since childhood but you don’t know how to get into your school of choice? Wondering how to make your application stand out among the thousands of applications sent in each year? Then working on a portfolio is the best chance you have to get into that school you desire so much.

In a writing portfolio, you need sufficient work to present. You can rely on support from websites like Edusson essay writing services. Likewise, you can look up for online reviews of edusson-like websites to find the best writers to help you prepare. Your portfolio needs to have work you have done; no cheating.

Tips to Adequately Prepare for Your Portfolio Review

A portfolio review is not one of the events you look forward to with a joyful face. It attracts a lot of fear and anxiety since you don’t know the kind of criticism you will get. Proper and thorough preparation is necessary to ensure that you are comfortable as your assessors come to assess your skills and critic your art. Here are some essential tips that can help you prepare for your review.

  • Produce more varieties for the event or application

The biggest mistake you can ever make in your entire career is walking into an exhibition without sufficient work to showcase. A portfolio review is like an exhibition, only that it marks the beginning of your career and not the success. You need to parade the diversity of your skills as an artist.

It is not mandatory that you have many exhibits. Instead, you should focus on producing high quality work. When preparing a paper for the review, you must ensure that it is properly researched.

  • Pick the best exhibit of art from your collection

If you have a wide variety of images, designs or articles to choose from, you should highlight some of your common and beautiful works to take with you. Pick your own authentic work to represent your level of skill and competence.

Random writing helps you have a wider variety of work to choose from once required to. Hiring competent writers and artists can help improve the quality of your collection.

  • Ensure that all your works are properly documented

Documentation is also another thing that determines whether or not you will be successful. Your work should have something unique that identifies with you. If you keep all your artwork properly, it shall be easy producing art portfolio examples when called upon.

  • Review your work keenly

If you are sending in your application attached with your collection, you ought to go through your selected work of art carefully. For a college-planned portfolio review, you must examine each piece carefully before deciding to include it in your showcase. This is one of the most important graphic design portfolio tips.

You need to show how excellent your skills are to supervisors and potential college recruiters as well. Remember, this is your once in a life-time chance to make a better artist by getting into the best college, or landing that dream job.

  • Carry along your sketchbook if you have one

If you rely on sketches before making the final drawings, you need to bring your sketchbook along too. It is like a representation of how you think as an artist, what inspires you. Some schools are attracted to potential students by going through their sketch work rather than their finished work.

Even in an art exhibition, sometimes sketches fetch better prices than the finished drawings. Moreover, it is a guarantee that your work is legit, thus you can’t be considered a scam or a con artist.

Final Thoughts

Portfolio review is nothing close to an assignment or a test, it is like a guaranteed opportunity for you to excel because you do it how you know best. For this reason, you really need to be when preparing one. It might be the only chance you get to get into your college of choice.

Remember to trust your skills and present nothing but the finest collection in your work. Your showcased work must be reliable and a perfect representation of your skills at the finest. It is through determination that you shall grasp tips on how to create an art portfolio.

Writing a good narrative essay that attracts readers

A narrative essay describes a series of connected objects, around one or more main ideas. It can be non-fictional and fictional. All persons and events revolve around the central point. It has the same format as a simple five-paragraph essay, but it also has characters, incidents, and dialogues.  

As explained by the Purdue Writing Lab, the three main components of a narrative essay task are:

  • Figures: Figures or characters are one of the critical part of a narrative essay. No matter essay is autobiographical in nature, or it is a piece of anecdote, myth, or legend.
  • Theme: the main idea(s) that the narrative essay will follow.
  • Conversations:  the interactions between figures are reflected in dialogue or conversations, which help to illustrate the worth and liveliness of the characters.

Selecting good topics goes a long way in writing a unique narrative essay. The best narrative essay ideas will mostly come from a past occurrence for example during a period in childhood. Selecting topics from personal experience or interesting stories shared by others will make the narrative essay writing journey much easier.

Narrative essay writing experts can always provide customized writing service and entice the reader to continue reading the essay to the end. Capturing interest can be done by appealing to their emotions and making the story personal. Using the first person has proven to be one of the most effective methods of capturing a reader’s interest.

Different fields use different citation styles

One obstacle that academic writers always meet is managing and citing the related references. There are many ways of citing existing research results in a research paper. The citation style sometimes depends on the academic discipline where the papers related. For example:

  • APA (American Psychological Association) is used by Education, Psychology, and Sciences
  • MLA (Modern Language Association) style is used by the Humanities
  • Chicago Style Essay (CSE) is generally used by Business, History, and the Fine Arts
  • IEEE Style:  widely used by engineering, computer science, and information technology.

Students and researchers should to consult with the graders / professors or the journal submission guidelines to determine what is required in your specific course.

Watch out for these common errors

  • Note format uses first name last name, bibliography uses last name, first name.
  • In your notes, do not reuse numbers. Each citation gets a new number.
  • Pay attention to indents
    • Notes use a first line indent;
    • A bibliography uses a hanging indent.
  • A bibliography goes in alphabetical order by author (or title if there is no author).
  • Notes are numbered and are listed in the order the sources are used.
  • Don’t put Works Cited at the top of your bibliography – that is MLA style.

Key issues need to remember before writing an engineering paper

Structure and function of the article: What to write

Engineering programs within different universities usually have plenty of writing guidelines and resources for their students to start with, such as TAMU and CMU.  In formulating the outline, it is quite important to know that most engineering articles have a general format. The writers should refer to the engineering course material or the journal submission guideline to find the format requirement. An engineering paper usually have the following parts:

  1. Abstract: backgrounds, significances, methods used and results / limits;
  2. Introduction: backgrounds, literature review, outlines of the paper, etc.
  3. Methods: the writer should be clearly explain the protocols / approaches he/she followed and concisely cite the related papers that also used the methods.
  4. Results and discussion: the writer may need to compare the results in this paper with the ones combined in other researches. The visualization / presentation of the results in graphs and tables are also quite important.
  5. Conclusions: though this section appear at the end of the engineering paper, the readers may first read the abstract / conclusion to save their time. Therefore, the writers should spend enough time on this section. Limits and future research directions can be included in this section and offer more insights to the readers.
  6. References: different journals / assignments may require different reference styles. The writers should use the correct reference style at the beginning to save their time. Tools such as LaTex can be used to management citations.

Remember the key elements in an engineering paper

Expertwriter, a professional engineering paper writing service provider, lists key elements that the writer should be quite clear before writing the paper.  The writer should ask herself / himself questions such as:

  • What is the significance of the topic?  This gives the readers / graders the reason to read the paper. The writer should check whether the topic is significant enough or not.
  • What is the purpose of the paper? The scope of the research cannot be too wide (which may require year-long research and a few hundred pages of writing), or too narrow (which makes the topic too easy to answer).
  • What do you already know about the topic?  Whether the writer of the paper is familiar with the topic will be reflected in the literature review / gap analysis section in the engineering paper.
  • What contributions do you intend to make?  This would be the most eye-catching part in an engineering paper. The contributions should be clearly explained in the abstract, at the introduction section, and the conclusion section.

Once you have noted down your ideas and created an outline, you should begin the process of research. Find sources that support your points, noting all the citation details. Identify important contributions in the field that are connected to your project. Try to summarize your initial ideas into bullets that will eventually become paragraphs. Organize your points into a logical sequence.

What is a good descriptive essay and what are the common challenges that students come across?

What is a descriptive essay?

As the name implies, a descriptive essay, is a type of essay, which describes something, such as objects, places, experiences, emotions and circumstances. Teachers usually expect students to use “sensory descriptors” that can enable readers to use their five senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight to understand the topic of the essay.  

Here is an example written by a student on a grocery store: “The grocery store in my little town rose right up from the sidewalk; standing in a street of family houses, it alone hadn’t any tree or flower bed. It was a plain frame building covered over with brick. Above the door, a little railed porch ran across on an upstairs level and four windows with shades were looking out”

The example provides vivid sensory and imagery information about the grocery store. The readers can imagine how it looks.

Structure of the essay is quite important

Students should note that a typical a descriptive essay task could be more than a paragraph. Writing resources provided by Purdue Universities indicate that a descriptive essay can be more than five paragraphs in order to fully describe the object, which can be either chosen by the students or assigned by the teachers. Students are usually expected to include at least an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Common challenges that students come across

Ewriters, a professional descriptive essay writing service provider, lists four common challenges that students may come across. First, lack of supporting information: unexperienced readers may do not have enough facts, ideas, and arguments to back the idea. Second, the writers may have limited understanding of the subject, which may lead the author write an off-topic essay. Third, writers may have inadequate time. Enough time is usually required to conduct exhaustive research. Fourth, students may have limited understanding of English. These students often find it difficult to convey their views in proper English.

How Financial Preparation Services Can Help Millennial Homebuyers On Student Loans Debt

Most of the millennials are putting off buying or owning a home because they have immense student loan debts. The student loan debts can take a toll on anybody, and this is number one. The statistics have shown that apart from the millennials putting on hold the dream of owning a home they also push aside the idea of starting a family. Around 31% of the millennial have delayed the idea of becoming homeowners until they clear their student loans. Even when the government is coming up with possible solutions on how to pay for the student loans, most of the millennials still have a problem keeping up. For this reason, most millennials opt to hire Financial Preparation Services to help them make a clear plan on how to pay for their student loans.

Services offered by the Financial Preparation Services

  • Financial analysis

The Financial Preparation Services offer financial analysis where they take a look at all the earnings. They come up with a working and clear plan on how to pay up the student loan and how to save. This reduces the burden of trying to figure out how to manage the basic salary from your work. They perform a loan evaluation and come up with a loan amount to be paid. They then make a comprehensive plan and try to implement it for their clients.

Moreover, they consult with the loan lenders and show them the working plan and how they plan for their client to pay for the loan. Sometimes the clients may be getting bonuses and not have an idea that this simple addition on their basic salary can help pay out the student loan on time. The services look for an additional way to clear students loans without taking a toll on the clients. This gives the clients an easy time, and they can save up towards their future.

  • Document preparation

Having the correct documents can help in clearing the student loans. This is what most clients don’t understand that the best-updated documents can contribute to their loans being forgiven. Additionally, the services ensure that all the documents are safe. They show how much the client makes and how they plan on paying for the student loan. The client can rest easy and focus their energy on something else and forget about their student loans.

Additionally, the client doesn’t have to drown in confusing paperwork and documents to fill as the Financial Preparation Services take a look at all the documents related to the student loan paying plan. This allows the client to think of how to improve their lives instead of focusing on paying student loans.

  • Yearly recertification

The Financial Preparation Services help keep their clients on track for loan forgiveness. They do this by ensuring that the clients meet their end of the bargain and keep up with the yearly payments. If the clients maintain great yearly payment record of their student loan, they stand a better chance of loan forgiveness. The Financial Preparation Services ensure that their clients keep a clear record of how they pay the student loan.

Additionally, they ensure that the loan is paid on time always. This helps keep a clear credit record, and they stand higher chances of getting a mortgage loan. This will help their clients improve their livelihood and ensure that they are on the track of finishing their student loans.


With Financial Preparation Services, the client can save up and get their lives started. They can come up with a plan to buy a home and settle since they can qualify for a mortgage.

Why do the majority of the IAS aspirants fail to qualify the IAS Prelims?

A task not well accomplished often indicates that the candidate did not focus well simply because he could not comprehend the importance of what he was going to do. The same applies to the IAS Prelims as well in most of the cases.

As all are aware, the Prelims exam is the qualifying exam. The CSAT Paper must be qualified, so that the GS Paper I for the Prelims is evaluated. The psyche of the IAS aspirants (for a huge majority, unfortunately) makes them treat the Prelims only as the qualifying exam.

What the candidates fail to understand is that if they do not qualify the Prelims, UPSC will not allow them to appear for Mains. No Prelims, No Mains. And as a result, No Interview! So, if you do not focus on qualifying the Prelims, it would be a good idea to forget joining IAS altogether! And, of course, you would not like that!

Clearing the IAS Prelims gets even more crucially important as a number of factors can be co-related with the same (apart from paving the road to the Mains Exam and hence, gradually to the Interview). A considerably huge number of the Civil Services aspirants rush to Best IAS Coaching in Delhi in order to prepare for the this exam.

It is not difficult to understand that the IAS aspirants coming to Delhi from across the entire nation are required to pay for a suitable accommodation i.e. IAS coaching with hostel facility, meals and bear many other expenses, apart from the fee they are required to pay at the IAS coaching institutions.

Thus, failure in the IAS Prelims, often amounts to almost shattered dreams for a number of the IAS aspirants as well as their family members. The reasons, why do the aspirants fail in the Prelims may vary from one candidate to another depending on a number of factors. However, the major causes behind the failure are as described below:

  • Poor time management skills while answering the question paper: Unlike the subjective Mains exam, you do not get any opportunity to prove your logically convincing skills by writing at length in the Prelims exam. Besides, the negative marking, more specifically so in the CSAT Paper which is the qualifying exam, requires you to answer the question paper correctly.  

It obviously requires that you manage your time properly while facing the exam. Poor time management is only going to result in more of the incorrect answers. As a result, there would be more of the negative marking as well. Besides, the poor time management may also result in panic during the exam. And it would only serve to increase the probability for marking the answers incorrectly and also the negative marking even further.

Thus, time management during the exam must not be ignored. You should read the question paper thoroughly at least once, paying sincere attention to all the questions. Only then, you should begin to answer.

Moreover, it is good not to be in a hurry while answering the questions. It would help you further to answer the paper with a relaxed mind, thus reducing the number of incorrect answers and hence, negative marking. Besides, answer those questions first, of which you are most confident of.

However, it should not be forgotten that you should not spend too much of time on reading the question paper or answering a few questions only. The entire time you are allowed by UPSC to answer the question paper should be balanced in a manner so that you score the maximum, reducing the probability for negative marking to the minimum. Also, there should be sufficient time left to consider the correct answers for the questions you do not feel very confident of. And it is a good idea to revise all your answers before the time for the exam is over.    

  • Lack of focus on what to read and what not to! Though Prelims is the qualifying exam, we have seen how important it is. Besides, more than sufficient study material is available for the Prelims. However, it makes only more of sense to focus on what to read and what not to! The study material should be selected very carefully, keeping in mind that it covers the syllabus prescribed by UPSC.

Thus, reading the relevant study material can equip you better to qualify the Prelims. Quite a number of suggestions, posts and articles can be found on the Internet. But knowing what not to read would save a lot of time. It is wiser to study the current affairs rather than reading the entire government documents or the yearbooks word by word. However, you should refer to these sources of information while studying as and when required. It would further help you focus on the preparation better.

  • Practice the Test Series: The point to be noted is that practicing the Test Series for Prelims offers a number of advantages that you simply cannot ignore. It helps add up to your confidence and equips you to face the Prelims exam in a better manner. Moreover, the practice of answering the Test Series frequently within a fixed time would also enable you to manage your time well during the examination.

Finally, what should be noted is that inability to clear the Prelims exam is not so much a result of the lack of the intention to prepare hard for the exam, but the need to recognize to do so! As already stated earlier, the majority of the candidates do not focus well on the preparation for the Prelims as they perceive it only as a qualifying exam.  

Again, it should NEVER be forgotten that though it is the Qualifying exam only, nobody would deny that it is the stepping stone towards further success for the Mains and hence, the Interview, ultimately leading you where you want to be, i.e., the most coveted of the UPSC cadres, the Indian Administrative Services.

If an IAS aspirant fails to understand this, and does not prepare for the Prelims exam sincerely, he is very likely to fail. So, the sooner you realize the importance of the Prelims exam and begin to take it seriously, the higher would be your chances to clear it and materialize your dreams of joining IAS!

4 In-Demand Jobs in the Healthcare Industry

When it comes to job growth, health care is one of the industries that are expected to grow like crazy over the next few years. The growth comes from the increase in population and a greater emphasis on wellness and health.  

With a growing industry, the need for professionals also increases. Whether you’re unsure of what career to pursue or are looking at what you should specialize in, there are a lot of opportunities out there. Here are some health care professions that you can get into. 

If any of these careers interest you, you can utilize tools such as those offered by Proactive Healthcare Recruiters to quickly find a job in your desired specialization. 

1. Registered Nurse

There is a huge demand for compassionate, competent, and qualified nurses in the health care field. Registered nurses, commonly known as RNs, coordinate and provide patient care, record their medical data, perform diagnostic tests, assess patient condition, operate and monitor medical equipment, and educate patients on proper follow-up care. RNs are needed in virtually every medical facility. These places include home health care services, schools, nursing homes, doctors’ offices, clinics, health-focused government agencies, and hospitals. 

To become a registered nurse, you usually need to get either a certificate from an accredited nursing program, an associate degree in nursing, or a bachelor’s degree in nursing. No matter which state you live in, you’ll need to get the proper license; although, the requirements vary by state. If you pursue nursing, you can expect to make a median salary of $68,450. 

2. Nurse Practitioner

A step up from an RN is becoming a nurse practitioner. This profession is midway between being a physician and a registered nurse. As a nurse practitioner, you’ll perform all of the standard nursing duties as well as have the ability to coordinate primary patient care, order tests, develop treatment plans for patients, and prescribe medications. 

To become a nurse practitioner, you have to obtain a master’s degree or higher in an advanced nursing program. You’ll also need to pass a national exam. Be sure to check the requirements and policies on nurse practitioners as they vary from state to state. You can expect to make a median salary of $107,460. 

3. Home Health Aide

Home health aides travel to patients’ homes to take care of their daily living and medical needs. These patients typically suffer from a chronic illness or are elderly who are not living in assisted living facilities. If you pursue a career as an aide, your duties will include checking vitals, helping with walking, dressing, using the bathroom, leaving the house, and dressing, and administering treatments or medications. This job, in particular, is growing quickly as older adults seek to stay in their own home as they age. 

To become a home health aide, you have to have a high school diploma or a certificate of equivalent value. Most home health agencies provide their employees with on-the-job training for their aides, though having a background in health care or medical terminology may be helpful in further advancing your career. You can expect to make a median salary of $22,170 in this career. 

4. Dental Hygienist

The position of a dental hygienist is often overlooked in the medical field. They’re the ones who are doing the hard work during your dental appointments. Dental hygienists clean your teeth, evaluate signs of dental disease, assist dentists with procedures, take x-rays, apply treatments, and educate patients on proper dental care.  

To become a dental hygienist, you need to have an associate degree from an accredited dental program. As with all the other medical professions listed, you do need to be licensed, so check your state’s requirements. The median salary for this career is $72,910. 

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to get into a field that is unlikely to face a downturn anytime soon, consider a career in health care. While it may be a scary journey, an opportunity in the health care industry might just be the right path for you. 

Place a “Do My Java Homework for Me” Now and Get Assistance from Professionals

The life of a student is hard, especially if you have selected programming at a college. Any student needs help at some point, especially when it comes to programming, moreover, if it is in Java. That’s why we are here, to help you out with any assignments. Just let know by dropping a “do my Java homework for me” request.

What do you get when you place a request with us? There are some advantages that we offer. Have a look at the Cool Platform to Hire an Expert for Homework Problems. Do you see how many experts are there waiting for the opportunity to provide you with any assignment help online? They can do all: tasks in programming, language, Java coding, and so on. Select a professional who has the highest rating or the best feedback or based on any other criteria you might have.

“Do My Java Assignment” Experts Are at Your Service Anytime

Not all students come from the same country or even the same continent. We are aware of time differences and that you might need urgent homework help or making a database table, or a tutorial when it is night-time here. That’s why our specialists work 24/7, they provide help not limited to any location. Now, placing a “do my Java assignment for me” order is not an issue even if you place it late at night.

Place “Do My Java Homework Assignment” by Us and Get More than You Expect

We are different than any of those companies out there that provide all kinds of help with your projects. It is common that they do your assignment, get their money and that’s it. However, this is not what our experts do.

If you place a “do my Java homework for me”, you can be sure that you get all possible assistance with your course. The thing is that some students know their subject perfectly, but they don’t know how to express their thoughts on paper. If you are one of those who loves to code but don’t like writing about it, or the topic is not your favorite, just let us know. With us, you get:

  • Your “do my Java assignment” will be done within or before the deadline. It will be 100% unique, proofread and comply with all the requirements that you provide.
  • We have hired tutors from all corners of the world. We have found the best specialists either from English speaking countries or ESL certified. They can not only do your homework, but they speak in a language you understand.
  • Our specialist will provide you with the needed consultation and explain all the moments that you need to understand your homework. You will not only get your homework but learn all that is needed for your class or exam.
  • What about editing? If you need it, just get in touch with us and get the editing of your paper for free, as many times as you might require.
  • Finally, we never share your data with any third parties. Whenever you need to place your “do my java assignment” order, nobody will know about it.

So, what about your “do my Java homework” request? Are you ready to place it? It is so easy to do it, just select a specialist that you would like to hire or drop us a line, and we select the best one for you.

3 Degrees You May Want to Consider Getting to Have a Career on Wall Street

When people hear or read about Wall Street, they usually think of men in business suits, walking around on the phone while clutching a briefcase in the other hand, seemingly in business talk. But Wall Street is so much more than the movie stereotypes.

Wall Street got its name from the early days of America. Dutch colonists built a wooden wall in lower Manhattan to protect themselves from forces of invasion. The walls have long gone, but the name has stuck ever since. Nowadays, Wall Street serves as the financial epicenter of New York. The New York Stock Exchange operates there, surrounded by a mass of big-name businesses and banks.

While some people might not be attracted to working in the finance and banking industry, a lot of people do have plans of working on Wall Street. Here are a few degrees you might want to consider if you want to work in these industries.


A Master’s degree in finance is one of the more straightforward ways to get a job on Wall Street. Because most positions on Wall Street have a lot to do with the management of money, getting a degree in finance is the best way to clinch the job you are looking for.

Because getting a job on Wall Street requires a well laid-out career plan, this often includes choosing the right courses and classes to take as early as college. Learning financial modeling for banking is important, and there are a lot of courses that can help with that. Interested candidates should also consider where they will be getting their degrees from. An Ivy League graduate will have a better chance of getting a job on Wall Street than those who did not get their finance degree from an Ivy League university.


A less opted-for career path that some people choose to take to get on Wall Street is getting a degree in law. Some aspirants for the Chief Compliance Officer positions choose to take a degree in corporate law to help them prepare for the CCO role. Because a Chief Compliance Officer’s primary role is to make sure the company doesn’t get into any legal trouble, getting a law degree is very beneficial to clinching this particular role.

Having a Juris Doctor degree and getting a job at a law firm that handles corporate law cases is helpful to providing aspiring Wall Street workers the experience that they need to get a job at their dream banking institution.

Business Administration

Perhaps the most popular option for a lot of aspiring Wall Street employees is getting a higher education in business administration. According to CNBC News, getting a Master’s degree in business administration is a surefire way of getting a higher position in stock brokerage, investment banking, and other Wall Street business-related positions.

But it’s not just about getting the right degree. Oftentimes, where an applicant gets their degree from really plays a huge role in clinching a higher position. Most people in high positions on Wall Street often come from the same Ivy League schools, and have strong networks and connections with the alumni of their universities.